function theme_aet_insert_field in Advanced Entity Tokens 7
The AET Insert Theming function.
To manipulate this field use hook_aet_insert_field_pre_render or override this function (just don't forget to call it when your done manipulating the variables array).
2 theme calls to theme_aet_insert_field()
- aet_insert_field_ajax in aet_insert/ - The callback for the AET Insert ajax field.
- aet_insert_form_alter in aet_insert/
aet_insert.module - implementation of hook_form_alter
- aet_insert/
aet_insert.theme, line 14 - This file contains all the theming functions required for AET Insert.
function theme_aet_insert_field($vars) {
$element = $vars['element'];
$output = '<div ';
$output .= 'id="' . $element['#id'] . '" ';
if (!empty($element['#attributes']['class'])) {
$element['#attributes']['class'] = implode(' ', $element['#attributes']['class']);
$output .= drupal_attributes($element['#attributes']);
$output .= '>';
$output .= !empty($element['#prefix']) ? $element['#prefix'] : '';
$output .= render($element['#children']);
$output .= !empty($element['#suffix']) ? $element['#sufix'] : '';
$output .= '</div>';
return $output;