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Functions in Web service client 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
hook_default_wsclient_service ./wsclient.api.php Define default web service descriptions.
hook_default_wsclient_service_alter ./wsclient.api.php Alter default web service descriptions.
hook_wsclient_endpoint_types ./wsclient.api.php Define a remote endpoint type.
hook_wsclient_endpoint_types_alter ./wsclient.api.php Alter remote endpoint type definitions.
hook_wsclient_invoke_arguments_alter ./wsclient.api.php Alter arguments before they are sent to the endpoint.
hook_wsclient_invoke_response_alter ./wsclient.api.php Alter the response back from the endpoint.
hook_wsclient_rest_formatter_info wsclient_rest/wsclient_rest.api.php Provide the formatter for handling requests and parsing responses.
hook_wsclient_rest_request_alter wsclient_rest/wsclient_rest.api.php Alter the HTTP request.
hook_wsclient_service_delete ./wsclient.api.php Respond to a web service description deletion.
hook_wsclient_service_insert ./wsclient.api.php Respond to creation of a new web service description.
hook_wsclient_service_load ./wsclient.api.php Act on web service descriptions being loaded from the database.
hook_wsclient_service_presave ./wsclient.api.php Act on a web service description being inserted or updated.
hook_wsclient_service_update ./wsclient.api.php Respond to updates to a web service description.
theme_wsclient_ui_global_header_parameter_form wsclient_ui/ Themes the global header parameters form for editing the used parameters.
theme_wsclient_ui_global_parameter_form wsclient_ui/ Themes the global parameters form for editing the used parameters.
theme_wsclient_ui_header_form wsclient_ui/ Themes the operation form for editing the used headers.
theme_wsclient_ui_parameter_form wsclient_ui/ Themes the operation form for editing the used parameters.
theme_wsclient_ui_property_form wsclient_ui/ Themes the data type form for editing the properties.
wsclient_access ./wsclient.module
wsclient_data_type_info ./wsclient.module Returns all data types of all services indexed by their global name. 1
wsclient_enable ./wsclient.install @file Web service client - installation file.
wsclient_entity_access ./wsclient.module Access callback for operations on wsclient entities. 1
wsclient_entity_info ./wsclient.module Implements hook_entity_info().
wsclient_examples_default_wsclient_service wsclient_examples/wsclient_examples.module Implements hook_default_wsclient_service().
wsclient_get_types ./wsclient.module Gets all defined remote endpoint types. 3
wsclient_global_type_name ./ Map a service specific type name to the global type name. 1
wsclient_map_type ./wsclient.module Maps the type name from the name used by the remote info to the rules name. 4
wsclient_menu ./wsclient.module Implements hook_menu().
wsclient_permission ./wsclient.module Implements hook_permission().
wsclient_rest_formatters_as_options wsclient_rest/wsclient_rest.module Returns a list of formatters, suitable for use as form options. 2
wsclient_rest_form_submit wsclient_rest/wsclient_rest.module Form submit callback for the form. 1
wsclient_rest_has_custom_formatter wsclient_rest/wsclient_rest.module Determines whether custom formatter is defined in settings: "custom" means that it implements the HttpClientFormatter interface but has no corresponding implementation in info hook. 1
wsclient_rest_has_old_formatter wsclient_rest/wsclient_rest.module Determines whether the formatter is defined old-style. Provided for backward compatibility. 2
wsclient_rest_main_form_submit wsclient_rest/wsclient_rest.module Form submit callback for the main form. 1
wsclient_rest_operation_form_submit wsclient_rest/wsclient_rest.module Form submit callback for the operation form. 1
wsclient_rest_update_7100 wsclient_rest/wsclient_rest.install Add default formatters (send_formatter and receive_formatter) if they are not set for each existing service.
wsclient_rest_wsclient_endpoint_types wsclient_rest/wsclient_rest.module Implements hook_wsclient_endpoint_types().
wsclient_rest_wsclient_rest_formatter_info wsclient_rest/wsclient_rest.module Implements hook_wsclient_rest_formatter_info().
wsclient_rules_action_info ./ Implements hook_rules_action_info().
wsclient_rules_data_info ./ Implements hook_rules_data_info().
wsclient_schema ./wsclient.install Implements hook_schema().
wsclient_service_action ./ Action callback: invoke a web service. 1
wsclient_service_form wsclient_ui/ Provides a form to add, edit and clone web service descriptions.
wsclient_service_form_submit wsclient_ui/ Submit callback of the web service description form. 1
wsclient_service_load ./wsclient.module Load a single web service description. 7 1
wsclient_soap_form_wsclient_service_form_alter wsclient_soap/wsclient_soap.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
wsclient_soap_parse_operations wsclient_soap/wsclient_soap.module Convert metadata about operations provided by a SOAPClient into a wsclient compatible operations array. 1
wsclient_soap_parse_types wsclient_soap/wsclient_soap.module Convert metadata about data types provided by a SOAPClient into a wsclient compatible data type array. 1
wsclient_soap_requirements wsclient_soap/wsclient_soap.install Implements hook_requirements().
wsclient_soap_type_mapper wsclient_soap/wsclient_soap.module Maps data type names from SOAPClient to wsclient/rules internals. 2


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