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function wsclient_service_action in Web service client 7

Action callback: invoke a web service.

1 string reference to 'wsclient_service_action'
WSClientServiceDescription::actions in ./
Returns info about the actions of the web service.


./, line 124
Web service client - Rules integration.


function wsclient_service_action($arguments, RulesPlugin $element) {
  if ($service = wsclient_service_load($arguments['service'])) {
    $args = array();
    foreach ($arguments as $name => $data) {
      if (strpos($name, 'param_') === 0) {

        // Remove the parameter name prefix 'param_'.
        $args[substr($name, 6)] = $data;
    try {
      $return = $service
        ->invoke($arguments['operation'], $args);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      throw new RulesEvaluationException($e
        ->getMessage(), array(), $element, RulesLog::ERROR);
    return array(
      'result' => $return,
  else {
    throw new WSClientException('The web service %name cannot be found.', array(
      '%name' => $arguments['service'],