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function wsclient_rest_formatters_as_options in Web service client 7

Returns a list of formatters, suitable for use as form options.

2 calls to wsclient_rest_formatters_as_options()
WSClientRESTEndpoint::formAlter in wsclient_rest/
Adds options to the Web Service config form specific to the REST service.
wsclient_rest_form_submit in wsclient_rest/wsclient_rest.module
Form submit callback for the form.


wsclient_rest/wsclient_rest.module, line 78
Web service client endpoint for invoking a RESTful service.


function wsclient_rest_formatters_as_options() {
  $options = array();

  // Get a list of all format definitions.
  $info = module_invoke_all('wsclient_rest_formatter_info');

  // Turn this list into the options array.
  foreach ($info as $formatter_class => $implementation) {
    $options[$implementation['format']][$formatter_class] = $implementation['label'];
  return $options;