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function wsclient_service_load in Web service client 7

Load a single web service description.

Return value

WSClientServiceDescription The web service description or FALSE.

7 calls to wsclient_service_load()
WSClientFeaturesController::export in ./
Generates the result for hook_features_export().
WSClientRESTTestCase::testServiceInvocation in wsclient_examples/wsclient_examples.test
Tests invoking the google translation service.
WSClientRestWSTestCase::testCRUD in wsclient_examples/wsclient_examples.test
Test the RestWS node service.
WSClientSOAPTestCase::testServiceInvocation in wsclient_examples/wsclient_examples.test
Tests invoking the service.
wsclient_service_action in ./
Action callback: invoke a web service.

... See full list

1 string reference to 'wsclient_service_load'
wsclient_service_form in wsclient_ui/
Provides a form to add, edit and clone web service descriptions.


./wsclient.module, line 90
Web service client - module file.


function wsclient_service_load($name) {
  $return = entity_load_multiple_by_name('wsclient_service', array(
  return reset($return);