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Functions in Webform 6.2

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
template_preprocess_webform_confirmation ./webform.module Prepare for theming of the webform submission confirmation.
template_preprocess_webform_form ./webform.module Prepare for theming of the webform form.
template_preprocess_webform_mail_message ./webform.module Prepare to theme the contents of e-mails sent by webform.
theme_webform_admin_content ./webform.module Generate a list of all webforms avaliable on this site.
theme_webform_admin_settings ./webform.module
theme_webform_advanced_submit_limit_form ./webform.module Theme the submit limit fieldset on the webform node form.
theme_webform_components_form ./ Theme the node components form. Use a table to organize the components.
theme_webform_edit_file components/
theme_webform_grid components/
theme_webform_mail_components_form ./webform.module Theme the component options for sending e-mails.
theme_webform_mail_date components/ Format the output of emailed data for this component
theme_webform_mail_fields ./webform.module Prepare to theme the fields portion of the e-mails sent by webform.
theme_webform_mail_file components/ Format the output of emailed data for this component
theme_webform_mail_grid components/ Format the output of emailed data for this component.
theme_webform_mail_headers ./webform.module Theme the headers when sending an email from webform.
theme_webform_mail_pagebreak components/ Format the output of e-mailed data for this component.
theme_webform_mail_select components/ Format the output of emailed data for this component.
theme_webform_mail_settings_form ./webform.module Theme the Webform mail settings section of the node form.
theme_webform_mail_textfield components/ Format the output of emailed data for this component
theme_webform_mail_time components/ Format the output of emailed data for this component
theme_webform_results_per_page ./ Theme the list of links for selecting the number of results per page.
theme_webform_results_submissions ./ Theme the submissions tab of the webform results page.
theme_webform_results_submissions_header ./ Theme the header of the submissions table.
theme_webform_results_table ./ Theme the results table displaying all the submissions for a particular node.
theme_webform_results_table_header ./
theme_webform_time components/ Theme a webform time element.
theme_webform_token_help ./webform.module
theme_webform_view ./webform.module Output the Webform into the node content.
theme_webform_view_messages ./webform.module Display a message to a user if they are not allowed to fill out a form.
webform_access ./webform.module Implementation of hook_access().
webform_admin_content ./webform.module Menu callback for admin/content/webform. Displays all webforms on the site. 1
webform_admin_settings ./webform.module Menu callback for admin/webform/settings. 1
webform_client_form ./webform.module Client form generation function. If this is displaying an existing submission, pass in the $submission variable with the contents of the submission to be displayed. 1
webform_client_form_load ./webform.module Menu callback to load the appropriate node form. 1
webform_client_form_submit ./webform.module 1
webform_client_form_validate ./webform.module 1
webform_components_form ./ Overview form of all components for this webform. 1
webform_components_form_submit ./
webform_components_form_validate ./
webform_component_clone ./ Recursively insert components into the database. 1
webform_component_defaults ./ Populate a component with the defaults for that type. 2
webform_component_delete ./ 2
webform_component_delete_form ./ 1
webform_component_delete_form_submit ./
webform_component_edit_form ./ 1
webform_component_edit_form_submit ./
webform_component_edit_form_validate ./ Field name validation for the webform unique key. Must be alphanumeric.
webform_component_insert ./ Insert a new component into the database. 3
webform_component_update ./ Update an existing component with new values. 2
webform_content_extra_fields ./webform.module Implementation of hook_content_extra_fields().


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