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Functions in Webform 6.3

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
hook_webform_component_defaults_alter ./webform.api.php Alter the list of Webform component default values.
hook_webform_component_delete ./webform.api.php Respond to a Webform component being deleted.
hook_webform_component_info ./webform.api.php Define components to Webform.
hook_webform_component_info_alter ./webform.api.php Alter the list of available Webform components.
hook_webform_component_insert ./webform.api.php Respond to a Webform component being inserted into the database.
hook_webform_component_load ./webform.api.php Modify a loaded Webform component.
hook_webform_component_presave ./webform.api.php Modify a Webform component before it is saved to the database.
hook_webform_component_update ./webform.api.php Respond to a Webform component being updated in the database.
hook_webform_csv_data_alter ./webform.api.php Alter a Webform submission's data when exported.
hook_webform_csv_header_alter ./webform.api.php Alter a Webform submission's header when exported.
hook_webform_results_access ./webform.api.php Determine if a user has access to see the results of a webform.
hook_webform_select_options_info ./webform.api.php Define callbacks that can be used as select list options.
hook_webform_select_options_info_alter ./webform.api.php Alter the list of select list options provided by Webform and other modules.
hook_webform_submission_access ./webform.api.php Alter access to a Webform submission.
hook_webform_submission_actions ./webform.api.php Provide a list of actions that can be executed on a submission.
hook_webform_submission_delete ./webform.api.php Respond to a Webform submission being deleted.
hook_webform_submission_insert ./webform.api.php Respond to a Webform submission being inserted.
hook_webform_submission_load ./webform.api.php Respond to the loading of Webform submissions.
hook_webform_submission_presave ./webform.api.php Modify a Webform submission, prior to saving it in the database.
hook_webform_submission_render_alter ./webform.api.php Alter the display of a Webform submission.
hook_webform_submission_update ./webform.api.php Respond to a Webform submission being updated.
template_preprocess_webform_confirmation ./webform.module Prepare for theming of the webform submission confirmation.
template_preprocess_webform_form ./webform.module Prepare for theming of the webform form.
template_preprocess_webform_mail_message ./webform.module Prepare to theme the contents of e-mails sent by webform.
template_preprocess_webform_results_submissions includes/ Preprocess function for webform-results-submissions.tpl.php
template_preprocess_webform_submission includes/ Preprocess function for webform-submission.tpl.php.
template_preprocess_webform_submission_information includes/ Preprocess function for webform-submission-navigation.tpl.php.
template_preprocess_webform_submission_navigation includes/ Preprocess function for webform-submission-navigation.tpl.php.
theme_webform_admin_content includes/ Generate a list of all webforms avaliable on this site.
theme_webform_admin_settings includes/ Theme the output of the webform_admin_settings() form.
theme_webform_advanced_redirection_form includes/ Theme the redirection setting on the webform node form.
theme_webform_advanced_submit_limit_form includes/ Theme the submit limit fieldset on the webform node form.
theme_webform_advanced_total_submit_limit_form includes/ Theme the total submit limit fieldset on the webform node form.
theme_webform_components_form includes/ Theme the node components form. Use a table to organize the components.
theme_webform_components_page includes/ Theme the output of the main components page.
theme_webform_component_select includes/ Theme the contents of a Webform component select element.
theme_webform_date components/ Theme a webform date element.
theme_webform_display_date components/ Format the text output for this component.
theme_webform_display_email components/ Format the text output for this component.
theme_webform_display_file components/ Format the output of text data for this component
theme_webform_display_grid components/ Format the text output for this component.
theme_webform_display_hidden components/
theme_webform_display_number components/ Format the output of data for this component.
theme_webform_display_pagebreak components/ Format the text output data for this component.
theme_webform_display_select components/ Format the text output for this component.
theme_webform_display_textarea components/ Format the output of data for this component.
theme_webform_display_textfield components/ Format the output of data for this component.
theme_webform_display_time components/ Format the output of data for this component.
theme_webform_edit_file_extensions components/ Output the list of allowed extensions as checkboxes.
theme_webform_element ./webform.module Replacement for theme_form_element().


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