You are here in Webform 6.2

Webform module file component.


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 * @file
 *   Webform module file component.

 * Create a default file component.
function _webform_defaults_file() {
  return array(
    'name' => '',
    'form_key' => NULL,
    'email' => 1,
    'mandatory' => 0,
    'pid' => 0,
    'weight' => 0,
    'extra' => array(
      'filtering' => array(
        'types' => array(
        'addextensions' => '',
        'size' => 800,
      'savelocation' => '',
      'width' => '',
      'description' => '',
      'attributes' => array(),

 * Create a set of form items to be displayed on the form for editing this component.
 * Use care naming the form items, as this correlates directly to the database schema.
 * The component "Name" and "Description" fields are added to every component type and
 * are not necessary to specify here (although they may be overridden if desired).
 * @return
 *   An array of form items to be displayed on the edit component page
function _webform_edit_file($currfield) {
  $edit_fields = array();
  $edit_fields['#theme'] = 'webform_edit_file';
  $edit_fields['extra']['filtering'] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#collapsible' => TRUE,
    '#collapsed' => FALSE,
    '#title' => t('Upload Filtering'),
    '#description' => t('Select the types of uploads you would like to allow.'),
    '#element_validate' => array(

  // Find the list of all currently valid extensions.
  $current_types = isset($currfield['extra']['filtering']['types']) ? $currfield['extra']['filtering']['types'] : array();
  $types = array(
  $edit_fields['extra']['filtering']['types']['webimages'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkboxes',
    '#title' => t('Web Images'),
    '#options' => drupal_map_assoc($types),
    '#default_value' => array_intersect($current_types, $types),
  $types = array(
  $edit_fields['extra']['filtering']['types']['desktopimages'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkboxes',
    '#title' => t('Desktop Images'),
    '#options' => drupal_map_assoc($types),
    '#default_value' => array_intersect($current_types, $types),
  $types = array(
  $edit_fields['extra']['filtering']['types']['documents'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkboxes',
    '#title' => t('Documents'),
    '#options' => drupal_map_assoc($types),
    '#default_value' => array_intersect($current_types, $types),
  $types = array(
  $edit_fields['extra']['filtering']['types']['media'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkboxes',
    '#title' => t('Media'),
    '#options' => drupal_map_assoc($types),
    '#default_value' => array_intersect($current_types, $types),
  $types = array(
  $edit_fields['extra']['filtering']['types']['archives'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkboxes',
    '#title' => t('Archives'),
    '#options' => drupal_map_assoc($types),
    '#default_value' => array_intersect($current_types, $types),
  $edit_fields['extra']['filtering']['addextensions'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('Additional Extensions'),
    '#default_value' => $currfield['extra']['filtering']['addextensions'],
    '#description' => t('Enter a list of additional file extensions for this upload field, seperated by commas.<br /> Entered extensions will be appended to checked items above.'),
    '#size' => 60,
    '#weight' => 3,
    '#default_value' => $currfield['extra']['filtering']['addextensions'],
  $edit_fields['extra']['filtering']['size'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('Max Upload Size'),
    '#default_value' => $currfield['extra']['filtering']['size'],
    '#description' => t('Enter the max file size a user may upload (in KB).'),
    '#size' => 10,
    '#weight' => 3,
    '#default_value' => $currfield['extra']['filtering']['size'],
  $edit_fields['extra']['savelocation'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('Upload Directory'),
    '#default_value' => $currfield['extra']['savelocation'],
    '#description' => '<div style="display: block">' . t('Webform uploads are always saved in the site files directory. You may optionally specify a subfolder to store your files.') . '</div>',
    '#weight' => 3,
    '#element_validate' => array(
    '#after_build' => array(
  $edit_fields['extra']['width'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('Width'),
    '#default_value' => $currfield['extra']['width'],
    '#description' => t('Width of the file field.') . ' ' . t('Leaving blank will use the default size.'),
    '#size' => 5,
    '#maxlength' => 10,
    '#weight' => 4,
  return $edit_fields;
function _webform_edit_file_check_directory($form_element) {
  $base_dir = file_directory_path() . '/webform';
  $base_success = file_check_directory($base_dir, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY);
  $destination_dir = $base_dir . '/' . $form_element['#value'];
  $destination_success = file_check_directory($destination_dir, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY);
  if (!$base_success || !$destination_success) {
    form_set_error('savelocation', t('The save directory %directory could not be created. Check that the webform files directory is writtable.', array(
      '%directory' => $destination_dir,
  return $form_element;

 * Change the submitted values of the component so that all filtering extensions
 * are saved as a single array.
function _webform_edit_file_filtering_validate($form_element, &$form_state) {

  // Predefined types.
  $extensions = array();
  foreach (element_children($form_element['types']) as $category) {
    foreach (array_keys($form_element['types'][$category]['#value']) as $extension) {
      if ($form_element['types'][$category][$extension]['#value']) {
        $extensions[] = $extension;

  // Additional types.
  $additional_extensions = explode(',', $form_element['addextensions']['#value']);
  foreach ($additional_extensions as $extension) {
    $clean_extension = drupal_strtolower(trim($extension));
    if (!empty($clean_extension) && !in_array($clean_extension, $extensions)) {
      $extensions[] = $clean_extension;
  form_set_value($form_element['types'], $extensions, $form_state);
function theme_webform_edit_file($form) {

  // Add a little javascript to check all the items in one type.
  $javascript = '
    <script type="text/javascript">
      function check_category_boxes () {
        var checkValue = !document.getElementById("edit-extra-filtering-types-"+arguments[0]+"-"+arguments[1]).checked;
        for(var i=1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
          document.getElementById("edit-extra-filtering-types-"+arguments[0]+"-"+arguments[i]).checked = checkValue;

  // Format the components into a table.
  $per_row = 5;
  $rows = array();
  foreach (element_children($form['extra']['filtering']['types']) as $key => $filtergroup) {
    $row = array();
    $first_row = count($rows);
    if ($form['extra']['filtering']['types'][$filtergroup]['#type'] == 'checkboxes') {

      // Add the title.
      $row[] = $form['extra']['filtering']['types'][$filtergroup]['#title'];
      $row[] = '&nbsp;';

      // Convert the checkboxes into individual form-items.
      $checkboxes = expand_checkboxes($form['extra']['filtering']['types'][$filtergroup]);

      // Render the checkboxes in two rows.
      $checkcount = 0;
      $jsboxes = '';
      foreach (element_children($checkboxes) as $key) {
        $checkbox = $checkboxes[$key];
        if ($checkbox['#type'] == 'checkbox') {
          $jsboxes .= "'" . $checkbox['#return_value'] . "',";
          if ($checkcount <= $per_row) {
            $row[] = array(
              'data' => drupal_render($checkbox),
          elseif ($checkcount == $per_row + 1) {
            $rows[] = array(
              'data' => $row,
              'style' => 'border-bottom: none;',
            $row = array(
                'data' => '&nbsp;',
                'data' => '&nbsp;',
            $row[] = array(
              'data' => drupal_render($checkbox),
          else {
            $row[] = array(
              'data' => drupal_render($checkbox),

      // Pretty up the table a little bit.
      $current_cell = $checkcount % $per_row;
      if ($current_cell > 0) {
        $colspan = $per_row - $current_cell + 1;
        $row[$current_cell + 1]['colspan'] = $colspan;

      // Add the javascript links.
      $jsboxes = drupal_substr($jsboxes, 0, drupal_strlen($jsboxes) - 1);
      $rows[] = array(
        'data' => $row,
      $select_link = ' <a href="javascript:check_category_boxes(\'' . $filtergroup . '\',' . $jsboxes . ')">(select)</a>';
      $rows[$first_row]['data'][1] = array(
        'data' => $select_link,
        'width' => 40,
    elseif ($filtergroup != 'size') {

      // Add other fields to the table (ie. additional extensions).
      $row[] = $form['extra']['filtering']['types'][$filtergroup]['#title'];
      $row[] = array(
        'data' => drupal_render($form['extra']['filtering']['types'][$filtergroup]),
        'colspan' => $per_row + 1,
      $rows[] = array(
        'data' => $row,
  $header = array(
      'data' => t('Category'),
      'colspan' => '2',
      'data' => t('Types'),
      'colspan' => $per_row,

  // Create the table inside the form.
  $form['extra']['filtering']['types']['table'] = array(
    '#value' => theme('table', $header, $rows),
  $output = drupal_render($form);

  // Prefix the upload location field with the default path for webform.
  $output = str_replace('Upload Directory: </label>', 'Upload Directory: </label>' . file_directory_path() . '/webform/', $output);
  return $output;

 * Build a form item array containing all the properties of this component.
 * @param $component
 *   An array of information describing the component, directly correlating to
 *   the webform_component database schema.
 * @return
 *   An array of a form item to be displayed on the client-side webform.
function _webform_render_file($component) {
  $form_item[$component['form_key']] = array(
    '#type' => $component['type'],
    '#title' => $component['name'],
    //'#required'      => $component['mandatory'], // Drupal core bug with required file uploads.
    '#weight' => $component['weight'],
    '#description' => _webform_filter_descriptions($component['extra']['description']),
    '#attributes' => $component['extra']['attributes'],
    '#tree' => FALSE,
    // file_check_upload assumes a flat $_FILES structure.
    '#prefix' => '<div class="webform-component-' . $component['type'] . '" id="webform-component-' . $component['form_key'] . '">',
    '#suffix' => '</div>',
    '#element_validate' => array(
    '#webform_component' => $component,
  $form_item['#weight'] = $component['weight'];
  $form_item['new'] = array(
    '#type' => 'hidden',
    '#weight' => $component['weight'],
    '#value' => $component['form_key'],
    '#tree' => TRUE,

  // Change the 'width' option to the correct 'size' option.
  if ($component['extra']['width'] > 0) {
    $form_item[$component['form_key']]['#size'] = $component['extra']['width'];
  return $form_item;
function _webform_required_file($form_element, $form_state) {
  $component = $form_element['#webform_component'];
  $form_key = $component['form_key'];
  if (empty($_FILES['files']['name'][$form_key]) && $component['mandatory']) {
    form_set_error($form_key, t('%field field is required.', array(
      '%field' => $component['name'],
function _webform_validate_file($form_element, &$form_state) {
  $component = $form_element['#webform_component'];
  $form_key = $component['form_key'];
  if (empty($_FILES['files']['name'][$form_key])) {

  // Build a human readable list of extensions:
  $extensions = $component['extra']['filtering']['types'];
  $extension_list = '';
  if (count($extensions) > 1) {
    for ($n = 0; $n < count($extensions) - 1; $n++) {
      $extension_list .= $extensions[$n] . ', ';
    $extension_list .= 'or ' . $extensions[count($extensions) - 1];
  else {
    $extension_list = $extensions[0];
  if (in_array('jpg', $extensions)) {
    $extensions[] = 'jpeg';
  $dot = strrpos($_FILES['files']['name'][$form_key], '.');
  $extension = drupal_strtolower(substr($_FILES['files']['name'][$form_key], $dot + 1));
  if (!in_array($extension, $extensions)) {
    form_set_error($form_key, t("Files with the '%ext' extension are not allowed, please upload a file with a %exts extension.", array(
      '%ext' => $extension,
      '%exts' => $extension_list,

  // Now let's check the file size (limit is set in KB).
  if ($_FILES['files']['size'][$form_key] > $component['extra']['filtering']['size'] * 1024) {
    form_set_error($form_key, t("The file '%filename' is too large (%filesize KB). Please upload a file %maxsize KB or smaller.", array(
      '%filename' => $_FILES['files']['name'][$form_key],
      '%filesize' => (int) ($_FILES['files']['size'][$form_key] / 1024),
      '%maxsize' => $component['extra']['filtering']['size'],

 * Perform additional server-side processing on the submitted data, such as
 * managing an uploaded file.
 * @param $data
 *   The POST data associated with the component.
 * @param $component
 *   An array of information describing the component, directly correlating to
 *   the webform_component database schema.
 * @return
 *   Nothing.
function _webform_submit_file(&$data, $component) {
  $upload_dir = file_directory_path() . '/webform/' . $component['extra']['savelocation'];
  if (!empty($_FILES['files']['name'][$data['new']])) {
    if (file_check_directory($upload_dir, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY)) {
      $file_saved = file_save_upload($data['new'], array(), $upload_dir);
      if (!$file_saved) {
        drupal_set_message(t('The uploaded file %filename was unable to be saved. The destination directory may not be writable.', array(
          '%filename' => $file_saved['filename'],
        )), 'error');
      else {
        @chmod($file_saved->filepath, 0664);
        file_set_status($file_saved, FILE_STATUS_PERMANENT);
        if (isset($data['existing']['filepath'])) {
        $data = serialize((array) $file_saved);
    else {
      drupal_set_message(t('The uploaded file was unable to be saved. The destination directory does not exist.'), 'error');
  else {
    $data = serialize(array());

 * Format the output of emailed data for this component
 * @param mixed $data
 *   A string or array of the submitted data.
 * @param array $component
 *   An array of information describing the component, directly correlating to
 *   the webform_component database schema.
 * @return
 *   Textual output to be included in the email.
function theme_webform_mail_file($data, $component) {
  $file = is_string($data) ? unserialize($data) : $data;
  $output = $component['name'] . ': ' . (!empty($file['filepath']) ? webform_file_url($file['filepath']) : '') . "\n";
  return $output;

 * Display the result of a file submission. The output of this function will be
 * displayed under the "results" tab then "submissions".
 * @param $data
 *   An array of information containing the submission result, directly
 *   correlating to the webform_submitted_data database schema.
 * @param $component
 *   An array of information describing the component, directly correlating to
 *   the webform_component database schema.
 * @param $enabled
 *   If enabled, the value may be changed. Otherwise it will set to readonly.
 * @return
 *   Textual output formatted for human reading.
function _webform_submission_display_file($data, $component, $enabled = FALSE) {
  $filedata = unserialize($data['value'][0]);
  $form_item = _webform_render_file($component);
  if (!$enabled) {
    $form_item['#type'] = 'textfield';
    $form_item['#tree'] = TRUE;
    $form_item['#attributes']['readonly'] = 'readonly';
    $form_item['#default_value'] = empty($filedata['filepath']) ? $filedata['error'] : $filedata['filepath'];
  if (!empty($filedata['filename'])) {
    $form_item['#suffix'] = ' <a href="' . webform_file_url($filedata['filepath']) . '">Download ' . webform_file_name($filedata['filepath']) . '</a>' . $form_item['#suffix'];
    if ($enabled) {
      $form_item['#description'] = t('Uploading a new file will replace the current file.');
      $form_item['existing'] = array(
        '#type' => 'value',
        '#value' => $filedata,
  return $form_item;

 * Delete operation for file components or submissions.
 * @param $data
 *   An array of information containing the submission result, directly
 *   correlating to the webform_submitted_data database schema.
 * @param $component
 *   An array of information describing the component, directly correlating to
 *   the webform_component database schema.
function _webform_delete_file($data, $component) {

  // Delete an individual submission file.
  $filedata = unserialize($data['value']['0']);
  if (isset($filedata['filepath']) && is_file($filedata['filepath'])) {
    db_query("DELETE FROM {files} WHERE filepath = '%s'", $filedata['filepath']);

 * Module specific instance of hook_help().
function _webform_help_file($section) {
  switch ($section) {
    case 'admin/settings/webform#file_description':
      return t('Allow users to submit files of the configured types.');

 * Module specific instance of hook_theme().
function _webform_theme_file() {
  return array(
    'webform_edit_file' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'form' => NULL,
    'webform_mail_file' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'data' => NULL,
        'component' => NULL,

 * Calculate and returns statistics about results for this component from all
 * submission to this webform. The output of this function will be displayed
 * under the "results" tab then "analysis".
 * @param $component
 *   An array of information describing the component, directly correlating to
 *   the webform_component database schema
 * @param $sids
 *   An optional array of submission IDs (sid). If supplied, the analysis will be limited
 *   to these sids.
 * @return
 *   An array of data rows, each containing a statistic for this component's
 *   submissions.
function _webform_analysis_rows_file($component, $sids = array()) {
  $placeholders = count($sids) ? array_fill(0, count($sids), "'%s'") : array();
  $sidfilter = count($sids) ? " AND sid in (" . implode(",", $placeholders) . ")" : "";
  $query = 'SELECT data ' . ' FROM {webform_submitted_data} ' . ' WHERE nid = %d ' . ' AND cid = %d' . $sidfilter;
  $nonblanks = 0;
  $sizetotal = 0;
  $submissions = 0;
  $result = db_query($query, array_merge(array(
  ), $sids));
  while ($data = db_fetch_array($result)) {
    $filedata = unserialize($data['data']);
    if (isset($filedata['filesize'])) {
      $sizetotal += $filedata['filesize'];
  $rows[0] = array(
    t('Left Blank'),
    $submissions - $nonblanks,
  $rows[1] = array(
    t('User uploaded file'),
  $rows[2] = array(
    t('Average uploaded file size'),
    $sizetotal != 0 ? (int) ($sizetotal / $nonblanks / 1024) . ' KB' : '0',
  return $rows;

 * Return the result of this component's submission for display in a table. The
 * output of this function will be displayed under the "results" tab then "table".
 * @param $data
 *   An array of information containing the submission result, directly
 *   correlating to the webform_submitted_data database schema
 * @return
 *   Textual output formatted for human reading.
function _webform_table_data_file($data) {
  $output = '';
  $filedata = unserialize($data['value']['0']);
  if (!empty($filedata['filename'])) {
    $output = '<a href="' . webform_file_url($filedata['filepath']) . '">' . webform_file_name($filedata['filepath']) . '</a>';
    $output .= ' (' . (int) ($filedata['filesize'] / 1024) . ' KB)';
  elseif (!empty($filedata['error'])) {
    $output = $filedata['error'];
  return $output;

 * Return the header information for this component to be displayed in a comma
 * seperated value file. The output of this function will be displayed under the
 * "results" tab then "download".
 * @param $component
 *   An array of information describing the component, directly correlating to
 *   the webform_component database schema.
 * @return
 *   An array of data to be displayed in the first three rows of a CSV file, not
 *   including either prefixed or trailing commas.
function _webform_csv_headers_file($component) {
  $header = array();

  // Two columns in header.
  $header[0] = array(
  $header[1] = array(
  $header[2] = array(
    t('Filesize (KB)'),
  return $header;

 * Return the result of a file submission. The output of this function will be
 * displayed under the "results" tab then "submissions".
 * @param $data
 *   An array of information containing the submission result, directly
 *   correlating to the webform_submitted_data database schema.
 * @return
 *   Textual output formatted for CSV, not including either prefixed or trailing
 *   commas.
function _webform_csv_data_file($data) {
  $filedata = unserialize($data['value']['0']);
  return empty($filedata['filename']) ? array(
  ) : array(
    (int) ($filedata['filesize'] / 1024),

 * Helper function to create proper URLs for uploaded file.
function webform_file_url($filepath) {
  if (!empty($filepath)) {
    $info = pathinfo($filepath);
    $file_url = file_create_url($info['dirname'] . '/' . rawurlencode($info['basename']));
  return isset($file_url) ? $file_url : '';

 * Helper function to create proper file names for uploaded file.
function webform_file_name($filepath) {
  if (!empty($filepath)) {
    $info = pathinfo($filepath);
    $file_name = $info['basename'];
  return isset($file_name) ? $file_name : '';


Namesort descending Description
theme_webform_mail_file Format the output of emailed data for this component
webform_file_name Helper function to create proper file names for uploaded file.
webform_file_url Helper function to create proper URLs for uploaded file.
_webform_analysis_rows_file Calculate and returns statistics about results for this component from all submission to this webform. The output of this function will be displayed under the "results" tab then "analysis".
_webform_csv_data_file Return the result of a file submission. The output of this function will be displayed under the "results" tab then "submissions".
_webform_csv_headers_file Return the header information for this component to be displayed in a comma seperated value file. The output of this function will be displayed under the "results" tab then "download".
_webform_defaults_file Create a default file component.
_webform_delete_file Delete operation for file components or submissions.
_webform_edit_file Create a set of form items to be displayed on the form for editing this component. Use care naming the form items, as this correlates directly to the database schema. The component "Name" and "Description" fields are added to every…
_webform_edit_file_filtering_validate Change the submitted values of the component so that all filtering extensions are saved as a single array.
_webform_help_file Module specific instance of hook_help().
_webform_render_file Build a form item array containing all the properties of this component.
_webform_submission_display_file Display the result of a file submission. The output of this function will be displayed under the "results" tab then "submissions".
_webform_submit_file Perform additional server-side processing on the submitted data, such as managing an uploaded file.
_webform_table_data_file Return the result of this component's submission for display in a table. The output of this function will be displayed under the "results" tab then "table".
_webform_theme_file Module specific instance of hook_theme().