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Functions in Views Send 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
theme_views_send_token_help ./views_send.module Theme the replacement tokens.
views_send_action_info ./views_send.module Implementation of hook_action_info()
views_send_clear_spool ./ Clear the expired items from spool. 1
views_send_cron ./views_send.module Implementation of hook_cron().
views_send_deliver ./ Sending the message take from spool. 1
views_send_form_alter ./views_send.module Implementation of hook_form_alter().
views_send_install ./views_send.install Implementation of hook_install().
views_send_mail ./views_send.module Implementation of hook_mail().
views_send_mail_action ./views_send.module Main action callback. 1
views_send_mail_action_form ./views_send.module Configuration form for views_send_mail action.
views_send_mail_action_submit ./views_send.module Action configuration submission callback.
views_send_mail_action_validate ./views_send.module Validation callback for views_send_mail action configuration form.
views_send_menu ./views_send.module Implementation of hook_menu().
views_send_perm ./views_send.module Implementation of hook_perm().
views_send_schema ./views_send.install Impementation of hook_schema(). 1
views_send_send_from_spool ./ Process the spool queue at cron run. 1
views_send_settings ./ Callback for admin/settings/views_send menu item. 1
views_send_theme ./views_send.module Implementation of hook_theme().
views_send_uninstall ./views_send.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
views_send_update_6001 ./views_send.install Remove unused variables.
views_send_update_6002 ./views_send.install Remove views_send_format variables.
views_send_update_6003 ./views_send.install Backend structure is altered for implementing
_views_send_absolute_mail_urls ./views_send.module Helper function for _views_send_html_to_text(). Replaces URLs with abolute URLs. 1
_views_send_allow_php ./views_send.module Find out if the current user is allowed to use the PHP filter. 2
_views_send_filter_form ./views_send.module This is a fork of filter_form() in order to allow adding the "Plain" option. 1
_views_send_format_address ./views_send.module Build a formatted e-mail address. 2
_views_send_get_fields_and_tokens ./views_send.module Generates and returns fields and tokens. 1
_views_send_get_from_views_result ./views_send.module Find the value for a given "field" in a Views result (row). 3
_views_send_headers ./views_send.module Build header array with priority and receipt confirmation settings. 2
_views_send_html_replace ./views_send.module Helper function for _views_send_html_to_text(). Inspired from Simplenews. 1
_views_send_html_to_text ./views_send.module HTML to text conversion for HTML and special characters. Converts some special HTMLcharacters in addition to drupal_html_to_text(). Inspired from Simplenews, 1
_views_send_normalize_context ./views_send.module Normalizing the context. If token_action.module is not enabled we'll have to normalize here. Otherwise use token_normalize_context(). 1
_views_send_prepare_mail ./views_send.module Perform all alteration and preparation before spooling. 1

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