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CHANGELOG.txt CHANGELOG.txt Views Send 6.x-1.0-rc1, 2013-10-24 ------------------------------ #2118889 by hansfn, kfackler: Confirm page missing with VBO 6.2-1.16. #2118877 by hansfn, kfackler: Missing pass-by-reference in views_send_form_alter #2056883 by hansfn, sdsheridan: No…
README.txt README.txt Views Send allow sending mass mailing using Views Bulk Operations - VBO ( The messages are queued in a spool table and delivered only on cron. You can control how many messages will be send per cron… Views Send administration page. Views Send cron rotuines.
views_send.css views_send.css form.views-send-preview label { float: left; clear: both; padding: 2px; } form.views-send-preview .views-send-preview-value { margin-left: 100px; overflow: auto; border: 1px solid #bbbbbb; padding: 2px; } #views-send-preview-to { … name = "Views Send" description = "Implements a new action to be used with VBO in order to send e-mails to a list created with Views" dependencies[] = views_bulk_operations package = Views core = 6.x
views_send.install views_send.install The install and update code for the Views Send module.
views_send.module views_send.module The Views Send module.

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