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Functions in Views Send 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
theme_views_send_select_all ./views_send.module Returns the 'select all' div that gets inserted above the view results for non-table style plugins.
theme_views_send_token_help ./views_send.module Theme the replacement tokens.
views_send_batch_deliver ./views_send.module Preparing and sending a message (coming from a batch job). 1
views_send_batch_deliver_finished ./views_send.module Displays status after sending messages as a batch job. 1
views_send_clear_spool ./ Clear the expired items from spool. 1
views_send_config_form ./views_send.module Multistep form callback for the "configure" step. 2
views_send_config_form_validate ./views_send.module Validation callback for the "configure" step. 1
views_send_confirm_form ./views_send.module Multistep form callback for the "confirm" step. Allows the user to preview the whole message before sending it. 2
views_send_cron ./views_send.module Implements hook_cron().
views_send_deliver ./views_send.module Sending a prepared message. 2
views_send_form_alter ./views_send.module Implements hook_form_alter().
views_send_form_back_submit ./views_send.module Submit handler that handles back buttons. 1
views_send_form_submit ./views_send.module Submit handler for all steps of the Views Send multistep form. 3
views_send_mail ./views_send.module Implements hook_mail().
views_send_menu ./views_send.module Implements hook_menu().
views_send_permission ./views_send.module Implements hook_permission().
views_send_queue_mail ./views_send.module Assembles the email and queues it for sending. 1
views_send_rules_data_info ./ Implementation of hook_rules_data_info().
views_send_rules_event_info ./ Implementation of hook_rules_event_info().
views_send_schema ./views_send.install Implements hook_schema(). 1
views_send_send_from_spool ./ Process the spool queue at cron run. 1
views_send_settings ./ Callback for admin/settings/views_send menu item. 1
views_send_theme ./views_send.module Implements hook_theme().
views_send_tokens ./ Implementation hook_tokens(). 1
views_send_token_info ./ Implements hook_token_info().
views_send_uninstall ./views_send.install Implements hook_uninstall().
views_send_update_6001 ./views_send.install Remove unused variables.
views_send_update_6002 ./views_send.install Remove views_send_format variables.
views_send_update_6003 ./views_send.install Backend structure is altered for implementing
views_send_views_api ./views_send.module Implements hook_views_api().
views_send_views_data_alter views/ Implements hook_views_data_alter().
views_send_views_form_substitutions ./views_send.module Implements hook_views_form_substitutions().
_views_send_email_message_property_info ./views_send.module Returns property info for Views Send Email Message 2
_views_send_format_address ./views_send.module Build a formatted e-mail address. 2
_views_send_get_fields_and_tokens ./views_send.module Generates and returns fields and tokens. 1
_views_send_get_field_selector ./views_send.module Gets the selector field if it exists on the passed-in view. 2
_views_send_get_field_value_from_views_row ./views_send.module Gets the field value from a result row in a view - rendered value (default), plain text or array with mail addresses. 3
_views_send_headers ./views_send.module Build header array with priority and receipt confirmation settings. 2
_views_send_mime_header_encode ./views_send.module Returns a mime-encoded string for strings that contain UTF-8. 2
_views_send_prepare_mail ./views_send.module Prepare the mail message before sending or spooling. 2

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