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function _views_send_html_to_text in Views Send 6

HTML to text conversion for HTML and special characters. Converts some special HTMLcharacters in addition to drupal_html_to_text(). Inspired from Simplenews,


$text: String: Source text with HTML and special characters.

Return value

String: Target text with HTML and special characters replaced.

1 call to _views_send_html_to_text()
_views_send_prepare_mail in ./views_send.module
Perform all alteration and preparation before spooling.


./views_send.module, line 804
The Views Send module.


function _views_send_html_to_text($text) {
  $pattern = '@<a[^>]+?href="([^"]*)"[^>]*?>(.+?)</a>@is';
  $text = preg_replace_callback($pattern, '_views_send_absolute_mail_urls', $text);

  // Replace some special characters before performing the drupal standard conversion.
  $preg = _views_send_html_replace();
  $text = preg_replace(array_keys($preg), array_values($preg), $text);

  // Perform standard drupal html to text conversion.
  return drupal_html_to_text($text);