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function views_get_title in Views (for Drupal 7) 5

Figure out what the title of a view should be.

8 calls to views_get_title()
theme_views_rss_feed in ./views_rss.module
plugin that actually displays an RSS feed
theme_views_view in ./views.module
Display a view.
views_block in ./views.module
Implementation of hook_block()
views_rss_views_feed_argument in ./views_rss.module
feed argument hook that will convert us to RSS or display an icon. the 4th argument isn't part of the hook, but we use it to differentiate when called as a hook or when called manually from views_rss_views_post_view
views_set_breadcrumb in ./views.module

... See full list


./views.module, line 732


function views_get_title($view, $context = 'menu', $args = NULL) {
  if ($context == 'menu-parent' && $view->menu_parent_title) {
    return $view->menu_parent_title;
  if (($context == 'menu' || $context == 'menu-parent' || $context == 'admin') && $view->menu_title) {
    return $view->menu_title;
  if ($context == 'block-info') {
    return $view->description ? $view->description : $view->name;
  if ($args === NULL) {
    $args = $view->args;

  // Grab the title from the highest argument we got. If there is no such
  // title, track back until we find a title.
  if (is_array($args)) {
    $rargs = array_reverse(array_keys($args));
    foreach ($rargs as $arg_id) {
      if ($title = $view->argument[$arg_id]['title']) {
  if (!$title && ($context == 'menu' || $context == 'menu-parent' || $context == 'page' || $context == 'admin')) {
    $title = $view->page_title;
  if (!$title && ($context == 'block' || $context == 'admin')) {
    $title = $view->block_title;
  if (!$view->argument) {
    return $title;
  $arginfo = _views_get_arguments();
  foreach ($view->argument as $i => $arg) {
    if (!isset($args[$i])) {
    $argtype = $arg['type'];
    if ($arg['wildcard'] == $args[$i] && $arg['wildcard_substitution'] != '') {
      $title = str_replace("%" . ($i + 1), $arg['wildcard_substitution'], $title);
    else {
      if (function_exists($arginfo[$argtype]['handler'])) {

        // call the handler
        $rep = $arginfo[$argtype]['handler']('title', $args[$i], $argtype);
        $title = str_replace("%" . ($i + 1), $rep, $title);
  return $title;