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Functions in Views (for Drupal 7) 5

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
book_views_arguments modules/
book_views_default_views modules/
book_views_tables modules/ This include file implements views functionality on behalf of book.module
comment_views_default_views modules/
comment_views_tables modules/ This include file implements views functionality on behalf of comment.module
node_views_arguments modules/
node_views_default_views modules/
node_views_post_view modules/
node_views_tables modules/ This include file implements views functionality on behalf of node.module
profile_views_add_field modules/ Add profile fields to view table 1
profile_views_add_filter modules/ Add profile filters to view table 1
profile_views_add_sort modules/ Add profile fields to sort table 1
profile_views_arguments modules/
profile_views_default_views modules/
profile_views_get_fields modules/ Get all profile fields 1
profile_views_tables modules/ This include file implements views functionality on behalf of profile.module
search_views_handler_search_index modules/ 1
search_views_tables modules/
statistics_views_arguments modules/
statistics_views_default_views modules/
statistics_views_tables modules/ This include file implements views functionality on behalf of statistics.module
taxonomy_views_arguments modules/
taxonomy_views_default_views modules/
taxonomy_views_tables modules/ This include file implements views functionality on behalf of taxonomy.module
theme_view ./views.module Returns a themed view.
theme_views_display_filters ./views.module
theme_views_edit_view ./views_ui.module Display the form built by _views_view_form()
theme_views_filters ./views.module
theme_views_handle_field ./views.module Themeable function to handle displaying a specific field.
theme_views_imagebutton ./views_ui.module
theme_views_more ./views.module Format the 'more' link for a view. Personally I prefer [More] but I've been convinced to go with simply 'more'.
theme_views_nodate ./views.module
theme_views_rss_feed ./views_rss.module plugin that actually displays an RSS feed
theme_views_summary ./views.module Display a summary version of a view.
theme_views_view ./views.module Display a view.
theme_views_view_list ./views.module Display the nodes of a view as a list.
theme_views_view_list_popular_alltime modules/
theme_views_view_list_popular_recent modules/
theme_views_view_nodes ./views.module Display the nodes of a view as plain nodes.
theme_views_view_table ./views.module Display the nodes of a view as a table.
theme_views_view_teasers ./views.module Display the nodes of a view as teasers.
upload_views_tables modules/ This include file implements views functionality for the and upload module
user_views_arguments modules/
user_views_default_views modules/
user_views_query_substitutions modules/ Allow replacement of current userid so we can cache these queries
user_views_tables modules/ This include file implements views functionality on behalf of user.module
views_access ./views.module Determine if the specified user has access to a view. 2
views_block ./views.module Implementation of hook_block()
views_build_view ./views.module This builds the basic view. 3
views_create_view ./views.module Create a blank view.


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