function views_load_cache in Views (for Drupal 7) 5
Load the cache sub-module
21 calls to views_load_cache()
- views_block in ./
views.module - Implementation of hook_block()
- views_build_view in ./
views.module - This builds the basic view.
- views_get_all_urls in ./
views.module - Load all of the URLs we use; this is cached in a special manner in an attempt to make the menu system both flexible and yet not overly intensive.
- views_get_title in ./
views.module - Figure out what the title of a view should be.
- views_get_view in ./
views.module - This function loads a view by name or vid; if not found in db, it looks for a default view by that name.
- ./
views.module, line 619
function views_load_cache() {
$path = drupal_get_path('module', 'views');
require_once "./{$path}/";