8 calls to views_get_title() in Views (for Drupal 7) 5
- theme_views_rss_feed in ./
views_rss.module - plugin that actually displays an RSS feed
- theme_views_view in ./
views.module - Display a view.
- views_block in ./
views.module - Implementation of hook_block()
- views_rss_views_feed_argument in ./
views_rss.module - feed argument hook that will convert us to RSS or display an icon. the 4th argument isn't part of the hook, but we use it to differentiate when called as a hook or when called manually from views_rss_views_post_view
- views_set_breadcrumb in ./
views.module - views_ui_admin_page in ./
views_ui.module - views_view_block in ./
views.module - This views a view by block. Can be used as a callback or programmatically.
- _views_create_menu_item in ./
views.module - Helper function to add a menu item for a view.