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Functions in Taxonomy File Tree 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
tft ./ Menu callback function the file explorer 1 8
tft_add_content_links ./tft.module Render the add file and add folder links. 1
tft_add_term_form ./ Add a term form. 1
tft_add_term_form_submit ./ Submission callback. 3
tft_add_term_form_validate ./ Validation callback.
tft_ajax_get_folder ./ Menu function callback for getting the forlder content via AJAX. Returns a JSON object with a 'data' key for the HTML table and a 'parent' key for the parent taxonomy term tid. A 'ops_links' key stores the folder menu. 1
tft_archive_file_form ./ Archive a term form 1
tft_archive_file_form_submit ./ Submission callback
tft_archive_folder_batch ./tft.module Defines a batch for adding an archive folder to all groups that do not have one. 1
tft_archive_folder_batch_process ./tft.module Processes the batch logic. 1
tft_archive_term_form ./ Archive a term form 1
tft_archive_term_form_submit ./ Submission callback
tft_block_info ./tft.module
tft_block_view ./tft.module
tft_check_term_is_deletable ./ Check if the term has no files or child terms 1
tft_check_vocabulary_setting ./tft.module Check that a valid vocabulary vid is set in the settings. Else, redirect to either the settings page (if the user has access) or the home page. 7
tft_content_table ./tft.module Get the folder content in HTML table form 2
tft_default_rules_configuration ./ Implements hook_default_rules_configuration().
tft_delete_term_form ./ Delete a term form 1
tft_delete_term_form_submit ./ Submission callback
tft_edit_term_form ./ Edit a term form. 1
tft_edit_term_form_submit ./ Submission callback
tft_edit_term_form_validate ./ Validation callback
tft_file_node_validate ./tft.module Validate the node form. Check the taxonomy term. 1
tft_folder_content ./tft.module Loads the given folder content. 4
tft_folder_list ./tft.module
tft_folder_tree ./tft.module Construct the folder tree. 2
tft_form_alter ./tft.module Implementation of hook_form_alter()
tft_get_archive_tid ./tft.module Finds the archive folder for the current OG term. 6
tft_get_content ./tft.module Get the folder content and return it in an array form for the theme_table call 1
tft_get_depth ./tft.module Get the depth of the term 5
tft_get_file_setting ./tft.module Get the settings for the node type used as the 'file'. 5
tft_get_folder_operation_links ./tft.module Return an <ul> with links for the current folder. Links include: 2
tft_get_forbidden_terms ./tft.module Get an array with all the terms to which the user has no access.
tft_get_og_nid ./tft.module Check if the current term is part of a OG term and return the OG nid. If no nid is found, return FALSE. 10
tft_get_og_tid ./tft.module Get the term tid associated with the OG. 7
tft_get_parent_tid ./tft.module Get the parent tid based on a tid. 2
tft_install ./tft.install Implements hook_install().
tft_is_archive_folder ./tft.module Checks if the term is an "Archive" term. These cannot be edited or deleted. 5
tft_is_file_archived ./tft.module Checks if the file is already archived.
tft_is_term_archived ./tft.module Checks if the term is already archived. 2
tft_l ./tft.module Format a folder or file link. 1
tft_li ./tft.module Format an <li> tag for the file explorer. 1
tft_log_archive ./tft.module 2
tft_manage_folders_form ./ Reorganise terms under the given term tid. 1
tft_manage_folders_form_submit ./ Form submission callback.
tft_menu ./tft.module Implementation of hook_menu().
tft_menu_access ./tft.module Custom access callback to check for multiple permissions. 1 1
tft_node_prepare ./tft.module Implementation of hook_node_prepare()
tft_og ./ Menu callback function the OG file explorer 1


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