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Functions in Taxonomy File Tree 8

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
tft_entity_presave ./tft.module Implements entity_presave().
tft_file_access ./tft.module Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_access().
tft_form_alter ./tft.module Implements hook_form_alter().
tft_preprocess_field ./tft.module Implements hook_theme_preprocess_field().
tft_preprocess_media ./tft.module Implements hook_preprocess_media().
tft_taxonomy_term_access ./tft.module Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_access().
tft_taxonomy_term_create_access ./tft.module Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_create_access().
tft_theme ./tft.module Implements hook_theme().
tft_update_8001 ./tft.install Creates the opigno_moxtra_recording_link field in the tft_file.
tft_update_8002 ./tft.install Creates the tft_members field in the tft_file.
tft_update_8003 ./tft.install Update tft_file field settings.
tft_update_8004 ./tft.install Update tft_file field settings. Hide field label.
_mimetype_mapping ./tft.module Help function to return file extension. 1
_tft_folder_content ./tft.module Returns folder content. 2
_tft_folder_tree ./tft.module Returns TFT folder tree. 2
_tft_get_depth ./tft.module Get the depth of the term. 2
_tft_get_group_gid ./tft.module Check if the current term is part of a Group and return the Group id. 6
_tft_get_group_tid ./tft.module Get the term tid associated with the Group. 1
_tft_get_parent_tid ./tft.module Get the parent tid based on a tid. 2
_tft_li ./tft.module Format an <li> tag for the file explorer. 1
_tft_output_children ./tft.module Return the sub-tree as an unordered list. 1
_tft_output_tree ./tft.module Output the tree as an HTML unordered list. 1
_tft_term_access ./tft.module Check if the user has access to the term. 7

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