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function tft_get_content in Taxonomy File Tree 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 tft.module \tft_get_content()

Get the folder content and return it in an array form for the theme_table call


int $tid: The taxonomy term tid

Return value

array The folder content

1 call to tft_get_content()
tft_content_table in ./tft.module
Get the folder content in HTML table form


./tft.module, line 718
Module hooks.


function tft_get_content($tid, $gid = NULL) {
  $content = array();
  $elements = tft_folder_content($tid, FALSE, $gid);
  $setting = tft_get_file_setting();
  $node_type = node_type_load($setting['type']);
  $og_nid = tft_get_og_nid($tid);
  $db_table = 'field_data_' . $setting['field'];
  $db_table = db_escape_field($db_table);
  $db_field = db_escape_field($setting['field'] . '_fid');
  foreach ($elements as $element) {
    if ($element['type'] == 'term') {
      $name = db_query("SELECT name FROM {taxonomy_term_data} WHERE tid = :tid", array(
        ':tid' => $element['id'],
      $content[] = array(
        tft_l($name, $element['id'], 'folder'),
        tft_is_archive_folder($element['id']) ? '' : tft_operation_links('folder', $element['id'], NULL, $og_nid),
    else {
      if (db_table_exists($db_table)) {
        $result = db_query("SELECT f.filemime, f.filename, v.title, n.changed, n.uid FROM {node_revision} v\n                                LEFT JOIN {node} n ON n.vid = v.vid\n                                  LEFT JOIN {" . $db_table . "} c ON c.revision_id = v.vid\n                                    LEFT JOIN {file_managed} f ON c.{$db_field} = f.fid\n                            WHERE n.nid = :nid AND n.status = 1", array(
          ':nid' => $element['id'],
        if ($row = $result
          ->fetchAssoc()) {
          $node = node_load($element['id']);
          $content[] = array(
            tft_l($row['title'], $element['id'], $row['filemime']),
            date('d/m/Y H:i', $row['changed']),
            t('!type file', array(
              '!type' => strtoupper(end(explode('.', $row['filename']))),
            tft_operation_links('file', $element['id'], $node, $og_nid),
  return $content;

    // Get all child folders (terms)
    $result = db_query("SELECT {taxonomy_term_data}.name, {taxonomy_term_data}.tid FROM {taxonomy_term_data}
                          LEFT JOIN {taxonomy_term_hierarchy} ON {taxonomy_term_hierarchy}.tid = {taxonomy_term_data}.tid
                        WHERE {taxonomy_term_hierarchy}.parent = %d AND {taxonomy_term_data}.vid = %d
                        ORDER BY {taxonomy_term_data}.name = 'Archives' ASC, {taxonomy_term_data}.weight, {taxonomy_term_data}.name", array($tid, variable_get('tft_vocabulary_vid', 0)));

    while ($row = db_fetch_array($result)) {
      $content[] = array(
        tft_l($row['name'], $row['tid'], 'folder'),
        tft_is_archive_folder($row['tid']) ? '' : tft_operation_links('folder', $row['tid']),

    // Get all files. First deduce the db table and column
    $setting = tft_get_file_setting();

    $node_type = content_types($setting['type']);

    if (in_array('content_' . $setting['field'], $node_type['tables'])) {
      $db_table = 'content_' . $setting['field'];
    else {
      $db_table = 'content_type_' . $setting['type'];

    $db_table = db_escape_string($db_table);
    $db_field = db_escape_string($setting['field'] . '_fid');

    // Get the files
    if (db_table_exists($db_table)) {
      $result = db_query("SELECT DISTINCT({taxonomy_index}.nid), {files}.filemime, {files}.filename, {node_revisions}.title, {node}.changed, {node}.uid FROM {taxonomy_index}
                            LEFT JOIN {node_revisions} ON {node_revisions}.nid = {taxonomy_index}.nid AND {node_revisions}.vid = {taxonomy_index}.vid
                              LEFT JOIN {node} ON {node_revisions}.nid = {node}.nid AND {node_revisions}.vid = {node}.vid
                                LEFT JOIN {$db_table} AS tft_table ON tft_table.vid = {node}.vid
                                  LEFT JOIN {files} ON tft_table.$db_field = {files}.fid
                          WHERE {taxonomy_index}.tid = %d AND {node}.status = 1", array($tid));

      while ($row = db_fetch_array($result)) {
        $node = node_load($row['nid']);

        if (node_access('view', $node)) {
          $content[] = array(
            tft_l($row['title'], $row['nid'], $row['filemime']),
            date('d/m/Y H:i', $row['changed']),
            t('!type file', array('!type' => strtoupper(end(explode('.', $row['filename']))))),
            tft_operation_links('file', $row['nid'], $node),
    else {
      watchdog('tft', "The database table @table does not exist. Couldn't retreive the files.", array('@table' => $db_table), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
      return t("Configuration error. Couldn't load the data from the database. Contact your site administrator.");

    return $content;*/