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function tft_file_node_validate in Taxonomy File Tree 7

Validate the node form. Check the taxonomy term.

1 string reference to 'tft_file_node_validate'
tft_form_alter in ./tft.module
Implementation of hook_form_alter()


./tft.module, line 413
Module hooks.


function tft_file_node_validate($form, $form_state) {

  // If the user can only add terms to an OG term

  /*if (!user_access(TFT_ADD_TERMS)) {
      if (!tft_term_access(reset($form_state['values']['taxonomy'][variable_get('tft_vocabulary_vid', 0)]))) {
        form_set_error('taxonomy][' . variable_get('tft_vocabulary_vid', 0), t("You must select a parent folder that is part of a group you're a member of."));