16 calls to Sweaver::get_instance() in Sweaver 6
- sweaverThemeSettings::performStyleAction in tests/
sweaver.themesettings.test - Call submit methods.
- sweaver_drush_edit_style in drush/
sweaver.drush.inc - Edit a style.
- sweaver_frontend in ./
sweaver.module - Rock 'n' roll: the sweaver editor.
- sweaver_frontend_submit in ./
sweaver.module - Sweaver frontend submit.
- sweaver_get_plugin in ./
sweaver.module - Get all plugins or a plugin handler.
- sweaver_init in ./
sweaver.module - Implementation of hook_init().
- sweaver_object_load in ./
sweaver.module - Load one object or all objects.
- sweaver_plugin_config_plugins in ./
sweaver.admin.inc - Plugins form.
- sweaver_plugin_styles::sweaver_autosave in plugins/
sweaver_plugin_styles/ sweaver_plugin_styles.inc - Autosave post.
- sweaver_plugin_styles::sweaver_form in plugins/
sweaver_plugin_styles/ sweaver_plugin_styles.inc - Frontend form: add styles form.
- sweaver_plugin_themesettings::sweaver_form in plugins/
sweaver_plugin_themesettings/ sweaver_plugin_themesettings.inc - Frontend form.
- sweaver_plugin_themesettings::sweaver_form_submit in plugins/
sweaver_plugin_themesettings/ sweaver_plugin_themesettings.inc - Frontend form submit.
- sweaver_plugin_themesettings::sweaver_init in plugins/
sweaver_plugin_themesettings/ sweaver_plugin_themesettings.inc - Init function.
- sweaver_preprocess_page in ./
sweaver.module - Implementation of hook_preprocess_page().
- _sweaver_menu in ./
sweaver.registry.inc - Menu items.
- _sweaver_theme in ./
sweaver.registry.inc - Theming functions.