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sweaver.themesettings.test in Sweaver 6

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  1. 7 tests/sweaver.themesettings.test

Advanced tests for sweaver editor + theme settings.

For some particular reason, when trying to enable theme setting all other tests start failing. So we will not test via posting values into the browser but by directly using the submit methods in the plugin classes.


These tests will fail (71 fails) when in your own Drupal installation the themesettings plugin is not enabled. I have no clue yet why this happens, however be assured, the tests are really doing their job :)


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 * @file
 * Advanced tests for sweaver editor + theme settings.
 * For some particular reason, when trying to enable theme setting all
 * other tests start failing. So we will not test via posting values into
 * the browser but by directly using the submit methods in the plugin classes.
 * These tests will fail (71 fails) when in your own Drupal installation the
 * themesettings plugin is not enabled. I have no clue yet why this happens,
 * however be assured, the tests are really doing their job :)
class sweaverThemeSettings extends DrupalWebTestCase {

   * Implementation of getInfo().
  function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Sweaver theme settings'),
      'description' => t('Tests for the theme settings.'),
      'group' => t('Sweaver'),

   * Implementation of setUp().
  function setUp() {
    parent::setUp('ctools', 'sweaver', 'jquery_ui');

   * Debug helper function. Writes values away to a text file in the files directory.
  function _debugHelper($value, $writetype = 'a+') {
    $debug = fopen($this->originalFileDirectory . '/simpletestdebug.txt', 'a+');
    fwrite($debug, print_r($value, TRUE) . "\n");

   * Scan the files directory.
  function sweaver_filesdir_scan() {
    $files = scandir(file_directory_path() . '/sweaver');

   * Enable sweaver plugins.
  function enableSweaverData() {
    $path = file_create_path('sweaver');
    if (!file_exists($path)) {
      $return = mkdir($path);
        ->assertTrue($return, 'File directory has been created.');
    variable_set('sweaver_styles_delete_tab', TRUE);
    variable_set('sweaver_plugin_status_sweaver_plugin_themesettings', TRUE);
    cache_clear_all('sweaver_plugins', 'cache');

   * Build form, form_state values and copy files when necessary.
   * @param $scenario
   *   The id of the scenario.
   * @param $size
   *   The size of the pixels.
   * @param $style_id
   *   The id of the style.
   * @param $upload
   *   Whether we need to upload or not.
   * @param $logo
   *   The logo to upload.
   * @param $favicon
   *   The favicon to upload.
   * @param $debug
   *   Whether to write debug info or not.
  function buildStyleConfiguration($scenario, $size = FALSE, $style_id = '', $upload = TRUE, $logo = NULL, $favicon = NULL, $save_type = 0, $debug = FALSE) {
    $form = array();
    $values = array();
    $sweaver_style = Sweaver::get_instance()
    $sweaver_ts = Sweaver::get_instance()
    $form['#current_theme'] = 'garland';
    $form['sweaver_plugin_themesettings']['form'] = $sweaver_ts
      ->sweaver_get_theme_settings_form('garland', array());
    $form['sweaver_plugin_themesettings']['form']['#sweaver_other_themesettings'] = array();
    $form['sweaver_plugin_styles']['form'] = $sweaver_style

    // Submit values.
    if ($size) {
      $edit = array(
        // Style editor.
        'css' => '{"#center ":{"font-size":' . $size . '}}',
        'css_rendered' => '<style type="text/css">#center { font-size: ' . $size . 'px; } </style>',
        'sweaver_plugin_custom_css' => '',
        'save_style' => 'Garland ' . $style_id,
        'save_type' => $save_type,
        // Theme settings.
        'toggle_name' => FALSE,
        'style_existing_id' => $save_type ? $style_id : 0,
        'var' => 'theme_garland_settings',
    else {
      $edit = array();

    // Favicon.
    if (!is_null($favicon)) {
      if (!$upload) {
        $edit['default_favicon'] = 0;
        $edit['favicon_path'] = file_directory_path() . '/sweaver/favicon_garland_' . $style_id . '_draft.ico';
      else {
        $source = drupal_get_path('module', 'sweaver') . '/tests/' . $favicon;
        $parts = pathinfo($source);
        $dest = 'sweaver/temp_favicon.' . $parts['extension'];
        $return = file_copy($source, $dest, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE);
          ->assertTrue($return, 'Favicon file copied to ' . $dest . ' for style id ' . $style_id . ' in scenario ' . $scenario);
        $form['sweaver_plugin_themesettings']['form']['#favicon_path'] = $dest;
        $form['sweaver_plugin_themesettings']['form']['#favicon_path_extension'] = $parts['extension'];
        $edit['default_favicon'] = 0;
        $edit['favicon_path'] = $dest;

    // Logo.
    if (!is_null($logo)) {
      if (!$upload) {
        $edit['default_logo'] = 0;
        $edit['logo_path'] = file_directory_path() . '/sweaver/logo_garland_' . $style_id . '_draft.' . $logo;
      else {
        $source = drupal_get_path('module', 'sweaver') . '/tests/' . $logo;
        $parts = pathinfo($source);
        $dest = 'sweaver/temp_logo.' . $parts['extension'];
        $return = file_copy($source, $dest, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE);
          ->assertTrue($return, 'Favicon file copied to ' . $dest . ' for style id ' . $style_id . ' in scenario ' . $scenario);
        $form['sweaver_plugin_themesettings']['form']['#logo_path'] = $dest;
        $form['sweaver_plugin_themesettings']['form']['#logo_path_extension'] = $parts['extension'];
        $edit['default_logo'] = 0;
        $edit['logo_path'] = $dest;
    if ($debug) {
    $values['form'] = $form;
    $values['edit'] = $edit;
    return $values;

   * Call submit methods.
   * @param $op
   *   The name of the submit button on the Load/save tab.
   * @param $form_state
   *   A (small) version of the form_state.
   * @param $form
   *   The form array.
  function performStyleAction($op, $form_state, $form = array()) {
    $sweaver = Sweaver::get_instance();
    $sweaver_plugin = $sweaver

    // Additional form_state properties
    $form_state['clicked_button']['#value'] = t($op);

    // Call submit methods.
    foreach (array_keys($sweaver
      ->get_plugins_registry(TRUE)) as $plugin_name) {
      $sweaver_plugin = $sweaver
        ->sweaver_form_submit($form, $form_state);

   * Get css from table.
   * @param $style_id
   *   The number of the style.
   * @param $draft
   *   Whether to query the draft or live table.
  function getCSS($style_id, $draft = TRUE) {
    $table = $draft ? 'sweaver_style_draft' : 'sweaver_style';
    return db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM {" . $table . "} where style_id = %d AND theme = '%s'", $style_id, 'garland'));

   * Save a style.
   * @param $scenario
   *   The id of the scenario.
   * @param $configuration
   *   A collection of configuration options.
   * @param $style_id
   *   The id of the style.
   * @param $live
   *   Whether the live should exist or not.
   * @param $equal_check
   *   Whether to check on both files.
   * @param $equal
   *   Whether they have to be equal or not.
   * @param $debug
   *   Whether to write debug info or not.
  function sweaverSaveStyle($scenario, $configuration, $style_id, $live = FALSE, $check = FALSE, $equal = FALSE, $debug = FALSE) {
    $form_state['values'] = $configuration['edit'];
    $form = $configuration['form'];
      ->performStyleAction('Save and continue', $form_state, $form);
    $css = $this

    // Assert CSS is equal.
      ->assertEqual($configuration['edit']['css'], $css->css, t('CSS is equal for style id ' . $css->style_id . ' in scenario ' . $scenario));

    // Assert draft css is written, live not.
      ->assertCSSFiles($scenario, $style_id, TRUE, $live, $check, $equal);
    if ($debug) {

   * Publish a style.
   * @param $scenario
   *   The id of the scenario.
   * @param $configuration
   *   A collection of configuration options.
   * @param $style_id
   *   The id of the style.
  function sweaverPublishStyle($scenario, $configuration, $style_id) {
    $form_state['values'] = $configuration['edit'];
    $form_state['values']['publish_id'] = $style_id;
      ->performStyleAction('Publish style', $form_state, $configuration['form']);
    $css = $this
      ->getCSS($style_id, FALSE);

    // Assert CSS is equal.
      ->assertEqual($configuration['edit']['css'], $css->css, t('CSS is equal for style id ' . $css->style_id . ' in scenario ' . $scenario));

    // Assert draft css is written, live too and css filesize are equal.
      ->assertCSSFiles($scenario, $style_id, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);

   * Delete a style.
   * @param $scenario
   *   The id of the scenario.
   * @param $configuration
   *   A collection of configuration options.
   * @param $style_id
   *   The id of the style to delete.
  function sweaverDeleteStyle($scenario, $configuration, $style_id) {
    $form_state['values']['delete_style'] = $style_id;
    $form_state['values']['var'] = 'theme_garland_settings';
      ->performStyleAction('Delete style', $form_state, $configuration['form']);

    // Assert no entries are found in database.
    $css_draft = $this
      ->getCSS($style_id, FALSE);
    $css_live = $this
      ->getCSS($style_id, FALSE);
      ->assertFalse($css_draft, t('No draft css record found for style id ' . $style_id . ' in scenario ' . $scenario));
      ->assertFalse($css_live, t('No live css file found for style id ' . $style_id . ' in scenario ' . $scenario));

    // Assert draft & live are gone.
      ->assertCSSFiles($scenario, $style_id, FALSE, FALSE);

   * Asserts for css files.
   * @param $scenario
   *   The id of the scenario.
   * @param $style_id
   *   The id of the style.
   * @param $live
   *   Whether the draft should exist or not.
   * @param $live
   *   Whether the live should exist or not.
   * @param $equal_check
   *   Whether to check on both files.
   * @param $equal
   *   Whether they have to be equal or not.
  function assertCSSFiles($scenario, $style_id, $draft, $live, $equal_check = FALSE, $equal = FALSE) {
    $draft_filename = file_directory_path() . '/sweaver/sweaver_garland_' . $style_id . '_draft.css';
    $live_filename = file_directory_path() . '/sweaver/sweaver_garland_' . $style_id . '_live.css';
    if ($draft) {
        ->assertTrue(file_exists($draft_filename), t('Draft css file exists for style id ' . $style_id . ' in scenario ' . $scenario));
    else {
        ->assertFalse(file_exists($draft_filename), t('Draft css file does not exist for style id ' . $style_id . ' in scenario ' . $scenario));
    if ($live) {
        ->assertTrue(file_exists($live_filename), t('Live css file exists for style id ' . $style_id . ' in scenario ' . $scenario));
    else {
        ->assertFalse(file_exists($live_filename), t('Live css file does not exist for style id ' . $style_id . ' in scenario ' . $scenario));
    if ($equal_check) {
      $draft_file_size = filesize($draft_filename);
      $live_file_size = filesize($live_filename);
        ->assertNotEqual($draft_file_size, 0, t('Draft CSS filesize is not 0 for style _id ' . $style_id . ' in scenario ' . $scenario . ' (' . $draft_file_size . ')'));
        ->assertNotEqual($live_file_size, 0, t('Live CSS filesize is not 0 for style _id ' . $style_id . ' in scenario ' . $scenario . ' (' . $live_file_size . ')'));
      if ($equal) {
          ->assertEqual($draft_file_size, $live_file_size, t('CSS files are equal for style id ' . $style_id . ' in scenario ' . $scenario . ' (' . $draft_file_size . ')'));
      else {
          ->assertNotEqual($draft_file_size, $live_file_size, t('CSS files are not equal for style id ' . $style_id . ' in scenario ' . $scenario . '(d: ' . $draft_file_size . ' l: ' . $live_file_size . ')'));

   * Asserts for Logo & Favicon writes on file system.
   * @param $scenario
   *   The id of the scenario.
   * @param $style_id
   *   The if of the style.
   * @param $gone
   *   Whether the files should be gone or not.
   * @param $draft
   *   Whether the draft version should exist or not.
   * @param $live
   *   Whether the live version should exist or not.
   * @param $logo
   *   The exentension of the logo.
   * @param $favicon_check
   *   Whether we need to assert for the favicon.
  function assertLogoFavicon($scenario, $style_id, $gone, $draft = '', $live = '', $logo = '', $favicon_check = TRUE) {
    if ($gone) {
      $draft_logo_png = file_directory_path() . '/sweaver/logo_garland_' . $style_id . '_draft.png';
      $live_logo_png = file_directory_path() . '/sweaver/logo_garland_' . $style_id . '_live.png';
      $draft_logo_gif = file_directory_path() . '/sweaver/logo_garland_' . $style_id . '_draft.gif';
      $live_logo_gif = file_directory_path() . '/sweaver/logo_garland_' . $style_id . '_live.gif';
      $draft_favicon = file_directory_path() . '/sweaver/favicon_garland_' . $style_id . '_draft.ico';
      $live_favicon = file_directory_path() . '/sweaver/favicon_garland_' . $style_id . '_live.ico';
        ->assertFalse(file_exists($draft_logo_png), t('Draft png logo is gone for style id ' . $style_id . ' in scenario ' . $scenario . ' (' . $draft_logo_png . ') '));
        ->assertFalse(file_exists($live_logo_png), t('Live png logo is gone for style id ' . $style_id . ' in scenario ' . $scenario . ' (' . $live_logo_png . ') '));
        ->assertFalse(file_exists($draft_logo_gif), t('Draft gif logo is gone for style id ' . $style_id . ' in scenario ' . $scenario . ' (' . $draft_logo_gif . ') '));
        ->assertFalse(file_exists($live_logo_gif), t('Live gif logo is gone for style id ' . $style_id . ' in scenario ' . $scenario . ' (' . $live_logo_gif . ') '));
        ->assertFalse(file_exists($draft_favicon), t('Draft favicon is gone for style id ' . $style_id . ' in scenario ' . $scenario . ' (' . $draft_favicon . ') '));
        ->assertFalse(file_exists($live_favicon), t('Live favicon is gone for style id ' . $style_id . ' in scenario ' . $scenario . ' (' . $live_favicon . ') '));
    else {
      $draft_logo = file_directory_path() . '/sweaver/logo_garland_' . $style_id . '_draft.' . $logo;
      $live_logo = file_directory_path() . '/sweaver/logo_garland_' . $style_id . '_live.' . $logo;
      $draft_favicon = file_directory_path() . '/sweaver/favicon_garland_' . $style_id . '_draft.ico';
      $live_favicon = file_directory_path() . '/sweaver/favicon_garland_' . $style_id . '_live.ico';

      // Draft.
      if ($draft) {
          ->assertTrue(file_exists($draft_logo), t('Draft logo exists for style id ' . $style_id . ' in scenario ' . $scenario));
          ->assertTrue(file_exists($draft_favicon), t('Draft Favicon exists for style id ' . $style_id . ' in scenario ' . $scenario));
      else {
          ->assertFalse(file_exists($draft_logo), t('Draft logo does not exist for style id ' . $style_id . ' in scenario ' . $scenario));
          ->assertFalse(file_exists($draft_favicon), t('Draft Favicon does not exist for style id ' . $style_id . ' in scenario ' . $scenario));

      // Live
      if ($live) {
          ->assertTrue(file_exists($live_logo), t('Live logo exists for style id ' . $style_id . ' in scenario ' . $scenario));
          ->assertTrue(file_exists($live_favicon), t('Live Favicon exists for style id ' . $style_id . ' in scenario ' . $scenario));
      else {
          ->assertFalse(file_exists($live_logo), t('Live logo does not exist for style id ' . $style_id . ' in scenario ' . $scenario));
        if ($favicon_check) {
            ->assertFalse(file_exists($live_favicon), t('Live Favicon does not exist for style id ' . $style_id . ' in scenario ' . $scenario));

   * Asserts for theme settings.
   * @param $scenario
   *   The id of the scenario.
   * @param $style_id
   *   The id of the style.
   * @param $site_name
   *   Whether the $site_name is visible or not.
   * @param $logo
   *   The extension of the logo.
   * @param $favicon
   *   The name of the favicon.
   * @param $original
   *   Whether we need to look for the original logo/favicon.
  function assertThemeSettings($scenario, $style_id, $site_name, $original = TRUE, $logo = '', $favicon = '') {

    // Test on site name.
    if ($site_name) {
        ->assertRaw('<span>Drupal</span>', t('Site name is visible for style id ' . $style_id . ' in scenario ' . $scenario));
    else {
        ->assertNoRaw('<span>Drupal</span>', t('Site name is not visible for style id ' . $style_id . ' in scenario ' . $scenario));
    if ($original) {
        ->assertRaw('/themes/garland/logo.png', t('Logo is original garland for style id ' . $style_id . ' in scenario ' . $scenario));
        ->assertRaw('/misc/favicon.ico', t('Favicon is original druplicon for style id ' . $style_id . ' in scenario ' . $scenario));
    else {
        ->assertNoRaw('/themes/garland/logo.png', t('Logo is not original garland for style id ' . $style_id . ' in scenario ' . $scenario));
        ->assertNoRaw('/misc/favicon.ico', t('Favicon is not original druplicon for style id ' . $style_id . ' in scenario ' . $scenario));
      $live_logo = file_directory_path() . '/sweaver/logo_garland_' . $style_id . '_live.' . $logo;
      $live_favicon = file_directory_path() . '/sweaver/favicon_garland_' . $style_id . '_live.' . $favicon;
        ->assertRaw($live_logo, t('Logo is uploaded logo for style id ' . $style_id . ' in scenario ' . $scenario . ' (' . $live_logo . ')'));
        ->assertRaw($live_favicon, t('Favicon is uploaded logo for style id ' . $style_id . ' in scenario ' . $scenario . ' (' . $live_favicon . ')'));

   * Scenario A.
   * 1: Save realize favicon, google logo & Site name off
   * 2: Publish 1
   * 3: Delete 1
  function testScenarioA() {
    $scenario = 'A';
    $scenario_action = 'Save ' . $scenario;
    $configuration = $this
      ->buildStyleConfiguration($scenario_action, '30', 1, TRUE, 'google.png', 'realize.ico', 0, FALSE);
      ->sweaverSaveStyle($scenario_action, $configuration, 1, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
      ->assertLogoFavicon($scenario_action, 1, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, 'png');
      ->assertThemeSettings($scenario_action, 1, TRUE, TRUE);
    $scenario_action = 'Publish ' . $scenario;
    $configuration = $this
      ->buildStyleConfiguration($scenario_action, '30', 1, TRUE, 'google.png', 'realize.ico');
      ->sweaverPublishStyle($scenario_action, $configuration, 1);
      ->assertLogoFavicon($scenario_action, 1, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, 'png');
      ->assertThemeSettings($scenario_action, 1, FALSE, FALSE, 'png', 'ico');
    $scenario_action = 'Delete ' . $scenario;
    $configuration = $this
      ->buildStyleConfiguration($scenario_action, 0, FALSE);
      ->sweaverDeleteStyle($scenario_action, $configuration, 1);
      ->assertLogoFavicon($scenario_action, 1, TRUE);

   * Scenario B.
   * 1: Save realize favicon, google logo & Site name off
   * 1: Save dummi favicon, jw logo & Site name off
   * 2: Publish 1
   * 2: Publish 2
   * 3: Delete 1
   * 3: Delete 2
  function testScenarioB() {
    $scenario = 'B';
    $scenario_action = 'Save ' . $scenario;
    $configuration = $this
      ->buildStyleConfiguration($scenario_action, '30', 1, TRUE, 'google.png', 'realize.ico');
      ->sweaverSaveStyle($scenario_action, $configuration, 1);
      ->assertLogoFavicon($scenario_action, 1, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, 'png');
      ->assertThemeSettings($scenario_action, 1, TRUE, TRUE);
    $scenario_action = 'Save ' . $scenario;
    $configuration = $this
      ->buildStyleConfiguration($scenario_action, '40', 2, TRUE, 'jw.gif', 'dummy.ico');
      ->sweaverSaveStyle($scenario_action, $configuration, 2);
      ->assertLogoFavicon($scenario_action, 2, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, 'gif');
      ->assertThemeSettings($scenario_action, 2, TRUE, TRUE);
    $scenario_action = 'Publish ' . $scenario;
    $configuration = $this
      ->buildStyleConfiguration($scenario_action, '30', 1, TRUE, 'google.png', 'realize.ico');
      ->sweaverPublishStyle($scenario_action, $configuration, 1);
      ->assertLogoFavicon($scenario_action, 1, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, 'png');
      ->assertThemeSettings($scenario_action, 1, FALSE, FALSE, 'png', 'ico');
    $scenario_action = 'Publish ' . $scenario;
    $configuration = $this
      ->buildStyleConfiguration($scenario_action, '40', 2, TRUE, 'jw.gif', 'dummy.ico');
      ->sweaverPublishStyle($scenario_action, $configuration, 2);
      ->assertLogoFavicon($scenario_action, 2, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, 'gif');
      ->assertThemeSettings($scenario_action, 2, FALSE, FALSE, 'gif', 'ico');
    $scenario_action = 'Delete ' . $scenario;
    $configuration = $this
      ->buildStyleConfiguration($scenario_action, 0, 1, FALSE);
      ->sweaverDeleteStyle($scenario_action, $configuration, 1);
      ->assertLogoFavicon($scenario_action, 1, TRUE);
    $scenario_action = 'Delete ' . $scenario;
    $configuration = $this
      ->buildStyleConfiguration($scenario_action, 0, 2, FALSE);
      ->sweaverDeleteStyle($scenario_action, $configuration, 2);
      ->assertLogoFavicon($scenario_action, 2, TRUE);

   * Scenario C.
   * 1: Save realize favicon, google logo & Site name off
   * 2: Publish 1 (without logo & realize).
   * 3: Delete 1
  function testScenarioC() {
    $scenario = 'C';
    $scenario_action = 'Save ' . $scenario;
    $configuration = $this
      ->buildStyleConfiguration($scenario_action, '30', 1, TRUE, 'google.png', 'realize.ico');
      ->sweaverSaveStyle($scenario_action, $configuration, 1);
      ->assertLogoFavicon($scenario_action, 1, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, 'png');
      ->assertThemeSettings($scenario_action, 1, TRUE, TRUE);
    $scenario_action = 'Publish ' . $scenario;
    $configuration = $this
      ->buildStyleConfiguration($scenario_action, '30', 1, FALSE, 'png', 'ico');
      ->sweaverPublishStyle($scenario_action, $configuration, 1);
      ->assertLogoFavicon($scenario_action, 1, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, 'png');
      ->assertThemeSettings($scenario_action, 1, FALSE, FALSE, 'png', 'ico');
    $scenario_action = 'Delete ' . $scenario;
    $configuration = $this
      ->buildStyleConfiguration($scenario_action, 0, 1, FALSE);
      ->sweaverDeleteStyle($scenario_action, $configuration, 1);
      ->assertLogoFavicon($scenario_action, 1, TRUE);

   * Scenario D.
   * 1: Save realize favicon, google logo & Site name off
   * 3: Publish 1 (without logo & realize).
   * 2: Save 1 dummi favicon, jw logo & Site name off
   * 3: Publish 1 (without logo & dummi).
   * 4: Delete 1
  function testScenarioD() {
    $scenario = 'D';
    $scenario_action = 'Save ' . $scenario;
    $configuration = $this
      ->buildStyleConfiguration($scenario_action, '30', 1, TRUE, 'google.png', 'realize.ico');
      ->sweaverSaveStyle($scenario_action, $configuration, 1);
      ->assertLogoFavicon($scenario_action, 1, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, 'png');
      ->assertThemeSettings($scenario_action, 1, TRUE, TRUE);
    $scenario_action = 'Publish ' . $scenario;
    $configuration = $this
      ->buildStyleConfiguration($scenario_action, '30', 1, FALSE, 'png', 'ico');
      ->sweaverPublishStyle($scenario_action, $configuration, 1);
      ->assertLogoFavicon($scenario_action, 1, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, 'png');
      ->assertThemeSettings($scenario_action, 1, FALSE, FALSE, 'png', 'ico');
    $scenario_action = 'Save ' . $scenario;
    $configuration = $this
      ->buildStyleConfiguration($scenario_action, '30000', 1, TRUE, 'jw.gif', 'dummy.ico', TRUE);
      ->sweaverSaveStyle($scenario_action, $configuration, 1, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE);
      ->assertLogoFavicon($scenario_action, 1, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, 'gif', FALSE);
      ->assertThemeSettings($scenario_action, 1, FALSE, FALSE, 'png', 'ico');
    $scenario_action = 'Publish ' . $scenario;
    $configuration = $this
      ->buildStyleConfiguration($scenario_action, '30000', 1, FALSE, 'gif', 'ico');
      ->sweaverPublishStyle($scenario_action, $configuration, 1);
      ->assertLogoFavicon($scenario_action, 1, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, 'gif');
      ->assertThemeSettings($scenario_action, 1, FALSE, FALSE, 'gif', 'ico');
    $scenario_action = 'Delete ' . $scenario;
    $configuration = $this
      ->buildStyleConfiguration($scenario_action, 0, 1, FALSE);
      ->sweaverDeleteStyle($scenario_action, $configuration, 1);
      ->assertLogoFavicon($scenario_action, 1, TRUE);



Namesort descending Description
sweaverThemeSettings @file Advanced tests for sweaver editor + theme settings.