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Constants in Sweaver 6

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
SWEAVER_CLASSES_EXCLUDE ./sweaver.module Default classes to exclude from not being themed. 2 1
SWEAVER_CTOOLS_ALLOWED_PROPERTIES ./sweaver.module Sweaver default usable CSS properties extending the defaults from CTools. 2 1
SWEAVER_PATHS_EXCLUDE ./sweaver.module Default paths to exclude the frontend editor from. 2 1
SWEAVER_PLUGIN_THEMECLASSES_DEFAULT plugins/sweaver_plugin_themeclasses/ @file Theme classes plugin. 2 1
SWEAVER_SELECTORS_EXCLUDE ./sweaver.module Default selectors to exclude from selecting. 2 1
SWEAVER_SKIN ./sweaver.module Default skin. 3 1
SWEAVER_STYLE_PUBLISH plugins/sweaver_plugin_styles/ 1 1
SWEAVER_STYLE_SAVE plugins/sweaver_plugin_styles/ @file Styles plugin. 1 1
SWEAVER_STYLE_SAVE_PUBLISH plugins/sweaver_plugin_styles/ 1 1

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