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Functions in Sweaver 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
sweaver_clear_cache ./sweaver.module Clear cache and page requisites. 3
sweaver_containers ./sweaver.module Sweaver editor containers. 1
sweaver_ctools_object_list ./sweaver.module Helper function to return list for CTools. 4
sweaver_ctools_plugin_api ./sweaver.module Implementation of hook_ctools_plugin_api().
sweaver_ctools_plugin_plugins ./sweaver.module Implementation of hook_ctools_plugin_plugins().
sweaver_ctools_properties_list ./sweaver.module CTools properties list callback for bulk export. 1
sweaver_ctools_selectors_list ./sweaver.module CTools selectors list callback for bulk export. 1
sweaver_ctools_types_list ./sweaver.module CTools types list callback for bulk export. 1
sweaver_default_sweaver_property ./sweaver.module Implementation of hook_default_sweaver_property().
sweaver_default_sweaver_selector ./sweaver.module Implementation of hook_default_sweaver_selector().
sweaver_default_sweaver_type ./sweaver.module Implementation of hook_default_sweaver_type().
sweaver_drush_array_lines_to_array_key_values drush/ Convert a string to array. 1
sweaver_drush_array_to_string drush/ Convert an array to string. 1
sweaver_drush_command drush/ Implementation of hook_drush_command().
sweaver_drush_css_to_json drush/ Convert the stylesheet back to JSON format. 1
sweaver_drush_edit_style drush/ Edit a style. 1
sweaver_drush_help drush/ Implementation of hook_drush_help().
sweaver_drush_json_to_css drush/ Convert the properties which are collected by the editor. 1
sweaver_drush_list_styles drush/ Get the styles available in the system. 1
sweaver_drush_print_styles drush/ Print a list of styles. 1
sweaver_drush_style drush/ Edit a style via drush. 1
sweaver_drush_variables drush/ Set Sweaver variables via Drush. 1
sweaver_drush_verify drush/ Verify arguments. 2
sweaver_drush_verify_edit drush/ Verify if drush can write into the sweaver files directory. 1
sweaver_drush_warning_text drush/ Warning text. 1
sweaver_export_check_serialized_keys ./sweaver.module Check if we have a serialized key. If so convert it to an array. 5
sweaver_export_sweaver_object ./sweaver.module CTools object export function. 4
sweaver_export_sweaver_property ./sweaver.module CTools property export function.
sweaver_export_sweaver_selector ./sweaver.module CTools selector export function.
sweaver_export_sweaver_type ./sweaver.module CTools property export function.
sweaver_footer ./sweaver.module Implementation of hook_footer().
sweaver_frontend ./sweaver.module Rock 'n' roll: the sweaver editor. 1
sweaver_frontend_submit ./sweaver.module Sweaver frontend submit.
sweaver_get_all_themes ./sweaver.module Return all enabled themes. 4
sweaver_get_plugin Deprecated ./sweaver.module Get all plugins or a plugin handler.
sweaver_get_theme_info ./sweaver.module Get theme info. 3
sweaver_init ./sweaver.module Implementation of hook_init().
sweaver_install ./sweaver.install Implementation of hook_install().
sweaver_menu ./sweaver.module Implementation of hook_menu().
sweaver_menu_callback ./sweaver.module Sweaver menu callback. 1
sweaver_menu_callback_form ./sweaver.module Helper function to return the form passed by sweaver_menu_callback. 1
sweaver_menu_callback_form_submit ./sweaver.module Sweaver menu callback form submit.
sweaver_menu_callback_form_validate ./sweaver.module Sweaver menu callback validate.
sweaver_object_delete plugins/sweaver_plugin_editor/ Delete object form. 1
sweaver_object_delete_submit plugins/sweaver_plugin_editor/ Delete object submit callback.
sweaver_object_export plugins/sweaver_plugin_editor/ Export an object. 1
sweaver_object_form plugins/sweaver_plugin_editor/ Object form. 1
sweaver_object_form_validate plugins/sweaver_plugin_editor/ Object new/edit validate callback.
sweaver_object_load ./sweaver.module Load one object or all objects. 9
sweaver_object_status plugins/sweaver_plugin_editor/ Enable or disable an object. 1


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