sweaver.registry.inc in Sweaver 6
Same filename and directory in other branches
Registry for Sweaver.
sweaver.registry.incView source
* @file
* Registry for Sweaver.
* Menu items.
function _sweaver_menu() {
$weight = 0;
$items = array();
// The sweaver plugins administration.
$items['admin/settings/sweaver/plugins'] = array(
'title' => 'Plugins',
'description' => 'Sweaver plugin settings',
'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
'weight' => 2,
'access arguments' => array(
'configure sweaver',
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' => array(
'file' => 'sweaver.admin.inc',
$base = array(
'access arguments' => array(
'configure sweaver',
'page callback' => 'sweaver_menu_callback',
$sweaver = Sweaver::get_instance();
foreach (array_keys($sweaver
->get_plugins_registry(TRUE)) as $plugin_name) {
$sweaver_plugin = $sweaver
$page_arguments = array(
'plugin' => $plugin_name,
$item = $sweaver_plugin
->sweaver_menu($weight, $page_arguments, $base);
$items += $item;
return $items;
* Theming functions.
function _sweaver_theme() {
$skin = variable_get('sweaver_skin', SWEAVER_SKIN);
$theme_functions = array(
'sweaver_plugin' => array(
'template' => $skin,
'file' => $skin . '.theme.inc',
'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'sweaver') . '/skins/' . $skin,
'arguments' => array(
'form' => NULL,
'sweaver_plugin_config_plugins' => array(
'template' => 'sweaver-plugin-config-plugins',
'file' => 'sweaver_plugin.theme.inc',
'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'sweaver'),
'arguments' => array(
'form' => NULL,
$sweaver = Sweaver::get_instance();
foreach (array_keys($sweaver
->get_plugins_registry(TRUE)) as $plugin_name) {
$sweaver_plugin = $sweaver
$theme_function = $sweaver_plugin
$theme_functions += $theme_function;
return $theme_functions;
* Sweaver plugins.
function _sweaver_sweaver_plugins() {
$plugins = array();
$plugins['sweaver_plugin_editor'] = array(
'handler' => array(
'tab' => t('Style'),
'tab_description' => t('Click on the element you want to theme.'),
'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'sweaver') . '/plugins/sweaver_plugin_editor',
'file' => 'sweaver_plugin_editor.inc',
'class' => 'sweaver_plugin_editor',
'parent' => 'sweaver_plugin',
$plugins['sweaver_plugin_styles'] = array(
'handler' => array(
'tab' => t('Manage styles'),
'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'sweaver') . '/plugins/sweaver_plugin_styles',
'file' => 'sweaver_plugin_styles.inc',
'class' => 'sweaver_plugin_styles',
'parent' => 'sweaver_plugin',
$plugins['sweaver_plugin_customcss'] = array(
'handler' => array(
'tab' => t('Custom css'),
'tab_description' => t('Add custom css.'),
'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'sweaver') . '/plugins/sweaver_plugin_customcss',
'file' => 'sweaver_plugin_customcss.inc',
'class' => 'sweaver_plugin_customcss',
'parent' => 'sweaver_plugin',
$plugins['sweaver_plugin_images'] = array(
'handler' => array(
'tab' => t('Images'),
'tab_description' => t('Upload images to use as a background image.'),
'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'sweaver') . '/plugins/sweaver_plugin_images',
'file' => 'sweaver_plugin_images.inc',
'class' => 'sweaver_plugin_images',
'parent' => 'sweaver_plugin',
$plugins['sweaver_plugin_themeswitch'] = array(
'handler' => array(
'tab' => t('Switch theme'),
'tab_description' => t('Switch and style another theme.'),
'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'sweaver') . '/plugins/sweaver_plugin_themeswitch',
'file' => 'sweaver_plugin_themeswitch.inc',
'class' => 'sweaver_plugin_themeswitch',
'parent' => 'sweaver_plugin',
$plugins['sweaver_plugin_themesettings'] = array(
'handler' => array(
'tab' => t('Theme settings'),
'tab_description' => t('Configure the settings for this theme.'),
'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'sweaver') . '/plugins/sweaver_plugin_themesettings',
'file' => 'sweaver_plugin_themesettings.inc',
'class' => 'sweaver_plugin_themesettings',
'parent' => 'sweaver_plugin',
$plugins['sweaver_plugin_themeclasses'] = array(
'handler' => array(
'tab' => t('Theme styles'),
'tab_description' => t('Select an item - if any - to style it. Clicking will switch to the style editor form.'),
'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'sweaver') . '/plugins/sweaver_plugin_themeclasses',
'file' => 'sweaver_plugin_themeclasses.inc',
'class' => 'sweaver_plugin_themeclasses',
'parent' => 'sweaver_plugin',
$plugins['sweaver_plugin_fontface'] = array(
'handler' => array(
'tab' => t('Font face'),
'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'sweaver') . '/plugins/sweaver_plugin_fontface',
'file' => 'sweaver_plugin_fontface.inc',
'class' => 'sweaver_plugin_fontface',
'parent' => 'sweaver_plugin',
$plugins['sweaver_plugin_kb'] = array(
'handler' => array(
'tab' => t('Key bindings'),
'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'sweaver') . '/plugins/sweaver_plugin_kb',
'file' => 'sweaver_plugin_kb.inc',
'class' => 'sweaver_plugin_kb',
'parent' => 'sweaver_plugin',
$plugins['sweaver_plugin_palettes'] = array(
'handler' => array(
'tab' => t('Palettes'),
'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'sweaver') . '/plugins/sweaver_plugin_palettes',
'file' => 'sweaver_plugin_palettes.inc',
'class' => 'sweaver_plugin_palettes',
'parent' => 'sweaver_plugin',
return $plugins;
* Default selectors.
function _sweaver_default_sweaver_selector() {
$selectors = array();
$selector = new stdClass();
$selector->api_version = 1;
$selector->disabled = FALSE;
$selector->name = 'allclasses';
$selector->description = 'All other classes';
$selector->selector_selector = '';
$selector->selector_highlight = FALSE;
$selectors['allclasses'] = $selector;
$selector = new stdClass();
$selector->api_version = 1;
$selector->disabled = FALSE;
$selector->name = 'allids';
$selector->description = 'All other id\'s';
$selector->selector_selector = '';
$selector->selector_highlight = FALSE;
$selectors['allids'] = $selector;
$selector = new stdClass();
$selector->api_version = 1;
$selector->disabled = FALSE;
$selector->name = 'alltags';
$selector->description = 'All other tags';
$selector->selector_selector = '';
$selector->selector_highlight = FALSE;
$selectors['alltags'] = $selector;
$selector = new stdClass();
$selector->api_version = 1;
$selector->disabled = FALSE;
$selector->name = 'body';
$selector->description = 'Body';
$selector->selector_selector = 'body';
$selector->selector_highlight = FALSE;
$selectors['body'] = $selector;
$selector = new stdClass();
$selector->api_version = 1;
$selector->disabled = FALSE;
$selector->name = 'link';
$selector->description = 'a link';
$selector->selector_selector = 'a';
$selector->selector_highlight = FALSE;
$selectors['link'] = $selector;
$selector = new stdClass();
$selector->api_version = 1;
$selector->disabled = FALSE;
$selector->name = 'div';
$selector->description = 'a region';
$selector->selector_selector = 'div';
$selector->selector_highlight = FALSE;
$selectors['div'] = $selector;
$selector = new stdClass();
$selector->api_version = 1;
$selector->disabled = FALSE;
$selector->name = 'span';
$selector->description = 'an item';
$selector->selector_selector = 'span';
$selector->selector_highlight = FALSE;
$selectors['span'] = $selector;
$selector = new stdClass();
$selector->api_version = 1;
$selector->disabled = FALSE;
$selector->name = 'ul';
$selector->description = 'an unordered list';
$selector->selector_selector = 'ul';
$selector->selector_highlight = FALSE;
$selectors['ul'] = $selector;
$selector = new stdClass();
$selector->api_version = 1;
$selector->disabled = FALSE;
$selector->name = 'ol';
$selector->description = 'an ordered list';
$selector->selector_selector = 'ol';
$selector->selector_highlight = FALSE;
$selectors['ol'] = $selector;
$selector = new stdClass();
$selector->api_version = 1;
$selector->disabled = FALSE;
$selector->name = 'li';
$selector->description = 'a list item';
$selector->selector_selector = 'li';
$selector->selector_highlight = FALSE;
$selectors['li'] = $selector;
$selector = new stdClass();
$selector->api_version = 1;
$selector->disabled = FALSE;
$selector->name = 'h1';
$selector->description = 'Heading 1';
$selector->selector_selector = 'h1';
$selector->selector_highlight = FALSE;
$selectors['h1'] = $selector;
$selector = new stdClass();
$selector->api_version = 1;
$selector->disabled = FALSE;
$selector->name = 'h2';
$selector->description = 'Heading 2';
$selector->selector_selector = 'h2';
$selector->selector_highlight = FALSE;
$selectors['h2'] = $selector;
$selector = new stdClass();
$selector->api_version = 1;
$selector->disabled = FALSE;
$selector->name = 'h3';
$selector->description = 'Heading 3';
$selector->selector_selector = 'h3';
$selector->selector_highlight = FALSE;
$selectors['h3'] = $selector;
$selector = new stdClass();
$selector->api_version = 1;
$selector->disabled = FALSE;
$selector->name = 'p';
$selector->description = 'a paragraph';
$selector->selector_selector = 'p';
$selector->selector_highlight = FALSE;
$selectors['p'] = $selector;
$selector = new stdClass();
$selector->api_version = 1;
$selector->disabled = FALSE;
$selector->name = 'form';
$selector->description = 'a form';
$selector->selector_selector = 'form';
$selector->selector_highlight = FALSE;
$selectors['form'] = $selector;
$selector = new stdClass();
$selector->api_version = 1;
$selector->disabled = FALSE;
$selector->name = 'label';
$selector->description = 'a label';
$selector->selector_selector = 'label';
$selector->selector_highlight = FALSE;
$selectors['label'] = $selector;
$selector = new stdClass();
$selector->api_version = 1;
$selector->disabled = FALSE;
$selector->name = 'input';
$selector->description = 'an input field';
$selector->selector_selector = '.form-text';
$selector->selector_highlight = FALSE;
$selectors['input'] = $selector;
$selector = new stdClass();
$selector->api_version = 1;
$selector->disabled = FALSE;
$selector->name = 'textarea';
$selector->description = 'a textarea';
$selector->selector_selector = '.form-textarea';
$selector->selector_highlight = FALSE;
$selectors['textarea'] = $selector;
$selector = new stdClass();
$selector->api_version = 1;
$selector->disabled = FALSE;
$selector->name = 'submit';
$selector->description = 'a submit button';
$selector->selector_selector = '.form-submit';
$selector->selector_highlight = FALSE;
$selectors['submit'] = $selector;
return $selectors;
* Default properties.
function _sweaver_default_sweaver_property() {
$propertys = array();
// Font family.
$property = new stdClass();
$property->api_version = 1;
$property->disabled = FALSE;
$property->name = 'font-family';
$property->description = 'Font family';
$property->property = 'font-family';
$property->property_parent = '';
$property->property_type = 'select';
$property->property_prefix = '';
$property->property_suffix = '';
$property->property_slider_min = '';
$property->property_slider_max = '';
$property->property_options = array(
'' => 'Theme default',
'Arial, Helvetica,Sans-Serif' => 'Arial',
'\'Arial Black\',Sans-Serif' => 'Arial Black',
'\'Comic Sans MS\',Cursive' => 'Comic Sans MS',
'\'Courier New\',Courier,Monospace' => 'Courier',
'Georgia,Serif' => 'Georgia',
'Helvetica,Arial,Sans-Serif' => 'Helvetica',
'Impact,Charcoal,Sans-Serif' => 'Impact',
'\'Lucida Sans\',\'Lucida Grande\',Sans-Serif' => 'Lucida',
'\'Palatino Linotype\',Palatino,Serif' => 'Palatino',
'Tahoma,Geneva,Sans-Serif' => 'Tahoma',
'\'Times New Roman\',Times,Serif' => 'Times New Roman',
'\'Trebuchet\',Helvetica,Sans-Serif' => 'Trebuchet',
'Verdana,Geneva,Sans-Serif' => 'Verdana',
$propertys['font-family'] = $property;
// Font style.
$property = new stdClass();
$property->api_version = 1;
$property->disabled = FALSE;
$property->name = 'font-style';
$property->description = 'Font style';
$property->property = 'font-style';
$property->property_parent = '';
$property->property_type = 'select';
$property->property_prefix = '';
$property->property_suffix = '';
$property->property_slider_min = '';
$property->property_slider_max = '';
$property->property_options = array(
'normal' => 'Normal',
'italic' => 'Italic',
$propertys['font-style'] = $property;
// Font weight.
$property = new stdClass();
$property->api_version = 1;
$property->disabled = FALSE;
$property->name = 'font-weight';
$property->description = 'Font weight';
$property->property = 'font-weight';
$property->property_parent = '';
$property->property_type = 'select';
$property->property_prefix = '';
$property->property_suffix = '';
$property->property_slider_min = '';
$property->property_slider_max = '';
$property->property_options = array(
'400' => 'Normal',
'800' => 'Bold',
$propertys['font-weight'] = $property;
// Font size group
$property = new stdClass();
$property->api_version = 1;
$property->disabled = FALSE;
$property->name = 'font-size-wrapper';
$property->description = 'Font size';
$property->property = '';
$property->property_parent = '';
$property->property_type = 'parent';
$property->property_prefix = '';
$property->property_suffix = '';
$property->property_slider_min = '';
$property->property_slider_max = '';
$property->property_options = array();
$propertys['font-size-wrapper'] = $property;
// Font size
$property = new stdClass();
$property->api_version = 1;
$property->disabled = FALSE;
$property->name = 'font-size';
$property->description = 'size';
$property->property = 'font-size';
$property->property_parent = 'font-size-wrapper';
$property->property_type = 'slider';
$property->property_prefix = '';
$property->property_suffix = 'px';
$property->property_slider_min = 1;
$property->property_slider_max = 200;
$property->property_options = array();
$propertys['font-size'] = $property;
// Line height
$property = new stdClass();
$property->api_version = 1;
$property->disabled = FALSE;
$property->name = 'line-height';
$property->description = 'line height';
$property->property = 'line-height';
$property->property_parent = 'font-size-wrapper';
$property->property_type = 'slider';
$property->property_prefix = '';
$property->property_suffix = 'px';
$property->property_slider_min = 1;
$property->property_slider_max = 200;
$property->property_options = array();
$propertys['line-height'] = $property;
// Text alignment.
$property = new stdClass();
$property->api_version = 1;
$property->disabled = FALSE;
$property->name = 'text-align';
$property->description = 'Text alignment';
$property->property = 'text-align';
$property->property_parent = '';
$property->property_type = 'select';
$property->property_prefix = '';
$property->property_suffix = '';
$property->property_slider_min = '';
$property->property_slider_max = '';
$property->property_options = array(
'left' => 'Left',
'center' => 'Center',
'right' => 'Right',
'justify' => 'Justified',
$propertys['text-align'] = $property;
// Color.
$property = new stdClass();
$property->api_version = 1;
$property->disabled = FALSE;
$property->name = 'color';
$property->description = 'Font color';
$property->property = 'color';
$property->property_parent = '';
$property->property_type = 'color';
$property->property_prefix = '#';
$property->property_suffix = '';
$property->property_slider_min = '';
$property->property_slider_max = '';
$property->property_options = array();
$propertys['color'] = $property;
// Text-decoration.
$property = new stdClass();
$property->api_version = 1;
$property->disabled = FALSE;
$property->name = 'text-decoration';
$property->description = 'Text decoration';
$property->property = 'text-decoration';
$property->property_parent = '';
$property->property_type = 'select';
$property->property_prefix = '';
$property->property_suffix = '';
$property->property_slider_min = '';
$property->property_slider_max = '';
$property->property_options = array(
'none' => 'None',
'underline' => 'Underline',
'overline' => 'Overline',
'line-through' => 'Line through',
$propertys['text-decoration'] = $property;
// Background.
$property = new stdClass();
$property->api_version = 1;
$property->disabled = FALSE;
$property->name = 'background-color';
$property->description = 'Color';
$property->property = 'background-color';
$property->property_parent = '';
$property->property_type = 'color';
$property->property_prefix = '#';
$property->property_suffix = '';
$property->property_slider_min = '';
$property->property_slider_max = '';
$property->property_options = array();
$propertys['background-color'] = $property;
$property = new stdClass();
$property->api_version = 1;
$property->disabled = FALSE;
$property->name = 'background-image';
$property->description = 'Image';
$property->property = 'background-image';
$property->property_parent = '';
$property->property_type = 'image';
$property->property_prefix = 'url(';
$property->property_suffix = ')';
$property->property_slider_min = '';
$property->property_slider_max = '';
$property->property_options = array();
$propertys['background-image'] = $property;
$property = new stdClass();
$property->api_version = 1;
$property->disabled = FALSE;
$property->name = 'background-repeat';
$property->description = 'Repeat';
$property->property = 'background-repeat';
$property->property_parent = '';
$property->property_type = 'select';
$property->property_prefix = '';
$property->property_suffix = '';
$property->property_slider_min = '';
$property->property_slider_max = '';
$property->property_options = array(
'no-repeat' => 'None',
'repeat-x' => 'Horizontally',
'repeat-y' => 'Vertically',
'repeat' => 'Both',
$propertys['background-repeat'] = $property;
// Background-position.
$property = new stdClass();
$property->api_version = 1;
$property->disabled = FALSE;
$property->name = 'background-position';
$property->description = 'Position';
$property->property = 'background-position';
$property->property_parent = '';
$property->property_type = 'select';
$property->property_prefix = '';
$property->property_suffix = '';
$property->property_slider_min = '';
$property->property_slider_max = '';
$property->property_options = array(
'0% 0%' => 'left top',
'100% 0%' => 'right top',
'0% 100%' => 'left bottom',
'100% 100%' => 'right bottom',
'50% 50%' => 'center center',
'50% 100%' => 'center bottom',
'50% 0%' => 'center top',
$propertys['background-position'] = $property;
// Background-attachment.
$property = new stdClass();
$property->api_version = 1;
$property->disabled = FALSE;
$property->name = 'background-attachment';
$property->description = 'Attachment';
$property->property = 'background-attachment';
$property->property_parent = '';
$property->property_type = 'select';
$property->property_prefix = '';
$property->property_suffix = '';
$property->property_slider_min = '';
$property->property_slider_max = '';
$property->property_options = array(
'scroll' => 'Scroll',
'fixed ' => 'Fixed',
$propertys['background-attachment'] = $property;
// Padding.
$property = new stdClass();
$property->api_version = 1;
$property->disabled = FALSE;
$property->name = 'padding';
$property->description = 'Padding';
$property->property = '';
$property->property_parent = '';
$property->property_type = 'parent';
$property->property_prefix = '';
$property->property_suffix = '';
$property->property_slider_min = '';
$property->property_slider_max = '';
$property->property_options = array();
$propertys['padding'] = $property;
$property = new stdClass();
$property->api_version = 1;
$property->disabled = FALSE;
$property->name = 'padding-top';
$property->description = 'Top';
$property->property = 'padding-top';
$property->property_parent = 'padding';
$property->property_type = 'slider';
$property->property_prefix = '';
$property->property_suffix = 'px';
$property->property_slider_min = 0;
$property->property_slider_max = 500;
$property->property_options = array();
$propertys['padding-top'] = $property;
$property = new stdClass();
$property->api_version = 1;
$property->disabled = FALSE;
$property->name = 'padding-right';
$property->description = 'Right';
$property->property = 'padding-right';
$property->property_parent = 'padding';
$property->property_type = 'slider';
$property->property_prefix = '';
$property->property_suffix = 'px';
$property->property_slider_min = 0;
$property->property_slider_max = 500;
$property->property_options = array();
$propertys['padding-right'] = $property;
$property = new stdClass();
$property->api_version = 1;
$property->disabled = FALSE;
$property->name = 'padding-bottom';
$property->description = 'Bottom';
$property->property = 'padding-bottom';
$property->property_parent = 'padding';
$property->property_type = 'slider';
$property->property_prefix = '';
$property->property_suffix = 'px';
$property->property_slider_min = 0;
$property->property_slider_max = 500;
$property->property_options = array();
$propertys['padding-bottom'] = $property;
$property = new stdClass();
$property->api_version = 1;
$property->disabled = FALSE;
$property->name = 'padding-left';
$property->description = 'Left';
$property->property = 'padding-left';
$property->property_parent = 'padding';
$property->property_type = 'slider';
$property->property_prefix = '';
$property->property_suffix = 'px';
$property->property_slider_min = 0;
$property->property_slider_max = 500;
$property->property_options = array();
$propertys['padding-left'] = $property;
// Margin.
$property = new stdClass();
$property->api_version = 1;
$property->disabled = FALSE;
$property->name = 'margin';
$property->description = 'Margin';
$property->property = '';
$property->property_parent = '';
$property->property_type = 'parent';
$property->property_prefix = '';
$property->property_suffix = '';
$property->property_slider_min = '';
$property->property_slider_max = '';
$property->property_options = array();
$propertys['margin'] = $property;
$property = new stdClass();
$property->api_version = 1;
$property->disabled = FALSE;
$property->name = 'margin-top';
$property->description = 'Top';
$property->property = 'margin-top';
$property->property_parent = 'margin';
$property->property_type = 'slider';
$property->property_prefix = '';
$property->property_suffix = 'px';
$property->property_slider_min = 0;
$property->property_slider_max = 500;
$property->property_options = array();
$propertys['margin-top'] = $property;
$property = new stdClass();
$property->api_version = 1;
$property->disabled = FALSE;
$property->name = 'margin-right';
$property->description = 'Right';
$property->property = 'margin-right';
$property->property_parent = 'margin';
$property->property_type = 'slider';
$property->property_prefix = '';
$property->property_suffix = 'px';
$property->property_slider_min = 0;
$property->property_slider_max = 500;
$property->property_options = array();
$propertys['margin-right'] = $property;
$property = new stdClass();
$property->api_version = 1;
$property->disabled = FALSE;
$property->name = 'margin-bottom';
$property->description = 'Bottom';
$property->property = 'margin-bottom';
$property->property_parent = 'margin';
$property->property_type = 'slider';
$property->property_prefix = '';
$property->property_suffix = 'px';
$property->property_slider_min = 0;
$property->property_slider_max = 500;
$property->property_options = array();
$propertys['margin-bottom'] = $property;
$property = new stdClass();
$property->api_version = 1;
$property->disabled = FALSE;
$property->name = 'margin-left';
$property->description = 'Left';
$property->property = 'margin-left';
$property->property_parent = 'margin';
$property->property_type = 'slider';
$property->property_prefix = '';
$property->property_suffix = 'px';
$property->property_slider_min = 0;
$property->property_slider_max = 500;
$property->property_options = array();
$propertys['margin-left'] = $property;
// Border.
$property = new stdClass();
$property->api_version = 1;
$property->disabled = FALSE;
$property->name = 'border';
$property->description = 'Border width';
$property->property = '';
$property->property_parent = '';
$property->property_type = 'parent';
$property->property_prefix = '';
$property->property_suffix = '';
$property->property_slider_min = '';
$property->property_slider_max = '';
$property->property_options = array();
$propertys['border'] = $property;
$property = new stdClass();
$property->api_version = 1;
$property->disabled = FALSE;
$property->name = 'border-top-width';
$property->description = 'Top';
$property->property = 'border-top-width';
$property->property_parent = 'border';
$property->property_type = 'slider';
$property->property_prefix = '';
$property->property_suffix = 'px';
$property->property_slider_min = 0;
$property->property_slider_max = 500;
$property->property_options = array();
$propertys['border-top-width'] = $property;
$property = new stdClass();
$property->api_version = 1;
$property->disabled = FALSE;
$property->name = 'border-right-width';
$property->description = 'Right';
$property->property = 'border-right-width';
$property->property_parent = 'border';
$property->property_type = 'slider';
$property->property_prefix = '';
$property->property_suffix = 'px';
$property->property_slider_min = 0;
$property->property_slider_max = 500;
$property->property_options = array();
$propertys['border-right-width'] = $property;
$property = new stdClass();
$property->api_version = 1;
$property->disabled = FALSE;
$property->name = 'border-bottom-width';
$property->description = 'Bottom';
$property->property = 'border-bottom-width';
$property->property_parent = 'border';
$property->property_type = 'slider';
$property->property_prefix = '';
$property->property_suffix = 'px';
$property->property_slider_min = 0;
$property->property_slider_max = 500;
$property->property_options = array();
$propertys['border-bottom-width'] = $property;
$property = new stdClass();
$property->api_version = 1;
$property->disabled = FALSE;
$property->name = 'border-left-width';
$property->description = 'Left';
$property->property = 'border-left-width';
$property->property_parent = 'border';
$property->property_type = 'slider';
$property->property_prefix = '';
$property->property_suffix = 'px';
$property->property_slider_min = 0;
$property->property_slider_max = 500;
$property->property_options = array();
$propertys['border-left-width'] = $property;
// Border color
$property = new stdClass();
$property->api_version = 1;
$property->disabled = FALSE;
$property->name = 'border-color';
$property->description = 'Border color';
$property->property = 'border-top-color border-right-color border-bottom-color border-left-color';
$property->property_parent = '';
$property->property_type = 'color';
$property->property_prefix = '#';
$property->property_suffix = '';
$property->property_slider_min = '';
$property->property_slider_max = '';
$property->property_options = array();
$propertys['border-color'] = $property;
// Border style
$property = new stdClass();
$property->api_version = 1;
$property->disabled = FALSE;
$property->name = 'border-style';
$property->description = 'Border style';
$property->property = 'border-top-style border-right-style border-bottom-style border-left-style';
$property->property_parent = '';
$property->property_type = 'select';
$property->property_prefix = '';
$property->property_suffix = '';
$property->property_slider_min = '';
$property->property_slider_max = '';
$property->property_options = array(
'none' => 'None',
'dashed' => 'Dashed',
'dotted' => 'Dotted',
'solid' => 'Solid',
'double' => 'Double',
'groove' => 'Groove',
'inset' => 'Inset',
'outset' => 'Outset',
'ridge' => 'Ridge',
$propertys['border-style'] = $property;
// Table extras.
$property = new stdClass();
$property->api_version = 1;
$property->disabled = FALSE;
$property->name = 'border-collapse';
$property->description = 'Border collapse';
$property->property = 'border-collapse';
$property->property_parent = '';
$property->property_type = 'select';
$property->property_prefix = '';
$property->property_suffix = '';
$property->property_slider_min = '';
$property->property_slider_max = '';
$property->property_options = array(
'collapse' => 'Collapse',
'separate' => 'Separate',
$propertys['border-collapse'] = $property;
$property = new stdClass();
$property->api_version = 1;
$property->disabled = FALSE;
$property->name = 'border-spacing';
$property->description = 'Border spacing';
$property->property = 'border-spacing';
$property->property_parent = '';
$property->property_type = 'slider';
$property->property_prefix = '';
$property->property_suffix = 'px';
$property->property_slider_min = 0;
$property->property_slider_max = 500;
$property->property_options = array();
$propertys['border-spacing'] = $property;
$property = new stdClass();
$property->api_version = 1;
$property->disabled = FALSE;
$property->name = 'vertical-align';
$property->description = 'Vertical align';
$property->property = 'vertical-align';
$property->property_parent = '';
$property->property_type = 'select';
$property->property_prefix = '';
$property->property_suffix = '';
$property->property_slider_min = '';
$property->property_slider_max = '';
$property->property_options = array(
'top' => 'Top',
'bottom' => 'Bottom',
'middle' => 'Middle',
$propertys['vertical-align'] = $property;
// Width.
$property = new stdClass();
$property->api_version = 1;
$property->disabled = FALSE;
$property->name = 'width';
$property->description = 'Width';
$property->property = 'width';
$property->property_parent = '';
$property->property_type = 'slider';
$property->property_prefix = '';
$property->property_suffix = 'px';
$property->property_slider_min = 0;
$property->property_slider_max = 2000;
$property->property_options = array();
$propertys['width'] = $property;
// Height
$property = new stdClass();
$property->api_version = 1;
$property->disabled = FALSE;
$property->name = 'height';
$property->description = 'Height';
$property->property = 'height';
$property->property_parent = '';
$property->property_type = 'slider';
$property->property_prefix = '';
$property->property_suffix = 'px';
$property->property_slider_min = 0;
$property->property_slider_max = 2000;
$property->property_options = array();
$propertys['height'] = $property;
return $propertys;
* sweaver types.
function _sweaver_default_sweaver_type() {
$types = array();
$type = new stdClass();
$type->api_version = 1;
$type->disabled = FALSE;
$type->name = 'block';
$type->description = 'Block';
$type->type_options = array(
'font-family' => 'font-family',
'font-style' => 'font-style',
'font-weight' => 'font-weight',
'font-size' => 'font-size',
'line-height' => 'line-height',
'text-align' => 'text-align',
'color' => 'color',
'text-decoration' => 'text-decoration',
'background-color' => 'background-color',
'background-image' => 'background-image',
'background-repeat' => 'background-repeat',
'background-position' => 'background-position',
'background-attachment' => 'background-attachment',
'padding-top' => 'padding-top',
'padding-right' => 'padding-right',
'padding-bottom' => 'padding-bottom',
'padding-left' => 'padding-left',
'margin-top' => 'margin-top',
'margin-right' => 'margin-right',
'margin-bottom' => 'margin-bottom',
'margin-left' => 'margin-left',
'border-top-width' => 'border-top-width',
'border-right-width' => 'border-right-width',
'border-bottom-width' => 'border-bottom-width',
'border-left-width' => 'border-left-width',
'border-style' => 'border-style',
'border-color' => 'border-color',
'width' => 'width',
'height' => 'height',
$types['block'] = $type;
$type = new stdClass();
$type->api_version = 1;
$type->disabled = FALSE;
$type->name = 'inline';
$type->description = 'Inline';
$type->type_options = array(
'font-family' => 'font-family',
'font-style' => 'font-style',
'font-weight' => 'font-weight',
'font-size' => 'font-size',
'line-height' => 'line-height',
'color' => 'color',
'text-decoration' => 'text-decoration',
'background-color' => 'background-color',
'background-image' => 'background-image',
'background-repeat' => 'background-repeat',
'background-position' => 'background-position',
'background-attachment' => 'background-attachment',
'border-top-width' => 'border-top-width',
'border-right-width' => 'border-right-width',
'border-bottom-width' => 'border-bottom-width',
'border-left-width' => 'border-left-width',
'border-style' => 'border-style',
'border-color' => 'border-color',
$types['inline'] = $type;
$type = new stdClass();
$type->api_version = 1;
$type->disabled = FALSE;
$type->name = 'inline-block';
$type->description = 'Inline block';
$type->type_options = array(
'font-family' => 'font-family',
'font-style' => 'font-style',
'font-weight' => 'font-weight',
'font-size' => 'font-size',
'line-height' => 'line-height',
'text-align' => 'text-align',
'color' => 'color',
'text-decoration' => 'text-decoration',
'background-color' => 'background-color',
'background-image' => 'background-image',
'background-repeat' => 'background-repeat',
'background-position' => 'background-position',
'background-attachment' => 'background-attachment',
'padding-top' => 'padding-top',
'padding-right' => 'padding-right',
'padding-bottom' => 'padding-bottom',
'padding-left' => 'padding-left',
'margin-top' => 'margin-top',
'margin-right' => 'margin-right',
'margin-bottom' => 'margin-bottom',
'margin-left' => 'margin-left',
'border-top-width' => 'border-top-width',
'border-right-width' => 'border-right-width',
'border-bottom-width' => 'border-bottom-width',
'border-left-width' => 'border-left-width',
'border-style' => 'border-style',
'border-color' => 'border-color',
'width' => 'width',
'height' => 'height',
$types['inline-block'] = $type;
$type = new stdClass();
$type->api_version = 1;
$type->disabled = FALSE;
$type->name = 'inline-table';
$type->description = 'Inline table';
$type->type_options = array(
'font-family' => 'font-family',
'font-style' => 'font-style',
'font-weight' => 'font-weight',
'font-size' => 'font-size',
'line-height' => 'line-height',
'text-align' => 'text-align',
'color' => 'color',
'text-decoration' => 'text-decoration',
'background-color' => 'background-color',
'background-image' => 'background-image',
'background-repeat' => 'background-repeat',
'background-position' => 'background-position',
'background-attachment' => 'background-attachment',
'margin-top' => 'margin-top',
'margin-right' => 'margin-right',
'margin-bottom' => 'margin-bottom',
'margin-left' => 'margin-left',
'border-top-width' => 'border-top-width',
'border-right-width' => 'border-right-width',
'border-bottom-width' => 'border-bottom-width',
'border-left-width' => 'border-left-width',
'border-style' => 'border-style',
'border-color' => 'border-color',
'width' => 'width',
'height' => 'height',
$types['inline-table'] = $type;
$type = new stdClass();
$type->api_version = 1;
$type->disabled = FALSE;
$type->name = 'list-item';
$type->description = 'List item';
$type->type_options = array(
'font-family' => 'font-family',
'font-style' => 'font-style',
'font-weight' => 'font-weight',
'font-size' => 'font-size',
'line-height' => 'line-height',
'text-align' => 'text-align',
'color' => 'color',
'text-decoration' => 'text-decoration',
'background-color' => 'background-color',
'background-image' => 'background-image',
'background-repeat' => 'background-repeat',
'background-position' => 'background-position',
'background-attachment' => 'background-attachment',
'padding-top' => 'padding-top',
'padding-right' => 'padding-right',
'padding-bottom' => 'padding-bottom',
'padding-left' => 'padding-left',
'margin-top' => 'margin-top',
'margin-right' => 'margin-right',
'margin-bottom' => 'margin-bottom',
'margin-left' => 'margin-left',
'border-top-width' => 'border-top-width',
'border-right-width' => 'border-right-width',
'border-bottom-width' => 'border-bottom-width',
'border-left-width' => 'border-left-width',
'border-style' => 'border-style',
'border-color' => 'border-color',
'width' => 'width',
'height' => 'height',
$types['list-item'] = $type;
$type = new stdClass();
$type->api_version = 1;
$type->disabled = FALSE;
$type->name = 'run-in';
$type->description = 'Run in';
$type->type_options = array(
'font-family' => 'font-family',
'font-style' => 'font-style',
'font-weight' => 'font-weight',
'font-size' => 'font-size',
'line-height' => 'line-height',
'text-align' => 'text-align',
'color' => 'color',
'text-decoration' => 'text-decoration',
'background-color' => 'background-color',
'background-image' => 'background-image',
'background-repeat' => 'background-repeat',
'background-position' => 'background-position',
'background-attachment' => 'background-attachment',
'padding-top' => 'padding-top',
'padding-right' => 'padding-right',
'padding-bottom' => 'padding-bottom',
'padding-left' => 'padding-left',
'margin-top' => 'margin-top',
'margin-right' => 'margin-right',
'margin-bottom' => 'margin-bottom',
'margin-left' => 'margin-left',
'border-top-width' => 'border-top-width',
'border-right-width' => 'border-right-width',
'border-bottom-width' => 'border-bottom-width',
'border-left-width' => 'border-left-width',
'border-style' => 'border-style',
'border-color' => 'border-color',
'width' => 'width',
'height' => 'height',
$types['run-in'] = $type;
$type = new stdClass();
$type->api_version = 1;
$type->disabled = FALSE;
$type->name = 'table';
$type->description = 'Table';
$type->type_options = array(
'font-family' => 'font-family',
'font-style' => 'font-style',
'font-weight' => 'font-weight',
'font-size' => 'font-size',
'line-height' => 'line-height',
'text-align' => 'text-align',
'color' => 'color',
'text-decoration' => 'text-decoration',
'background-color' => 'background-color',
'background-image' => 'background-image',
'background-repeat' => 'background-repeat',
'background-position' => 'background-position',
'background-attachment' => 'background-attachment',
'margin-top' => 'margin-top',
'margin-right' => 'margin-right',
'margin-bottom' => 'margin-bottom',
'margin-left' => 'margin-left',
'border-top-width' => 'border-top-width',
'border-right-width' => 'border-right-width',
'border-bottom-width' => 'border-bottom-width',
'border-left-width' => 'border-left-width',
'border-style' => 'border-style',
'border-color' => 'border-color',
'border-collapse' => 'border-collapse',
'border-spacing' => 'border-spacing',
'width' => 'width',
'height' => 'height',
$types['table'] = $type;
$type = new stdClass();
$type->api_version = 1;
$type->disabled = FALSE;
$type->name = 'table-caption';
$type->description = 'Table caption';
$type->type_options = array(
'font-family' => 'font-family',
'font-style' => 'font-style',
'font-weight' => 'font-weight',
'font-size' => 'font-size',
'line-height' => 'line-height',
'text-align' => 'text-align',
'color' => 'color',
'text-decoration' => 'text-decoration',
'background-color' => 'background-color',
'background-image' => 'background-image',
'background-repeat' => 'background-repeat',
'background-position' => 'background-position',
'background-attachment' => 'background-attachment',
'padding-top' => 'padding-top',
'padding-right' => 'padding-right',
'padding-bottom' => 'padding-bottom',
'padding-left' => 'padding-left',
'margin-top' => 'margin-top',
'margin-right' => 'margin-right',
'margin-bottom' => 'margin-bottom',
'margin-left' => 'margin-left',
'border-top-width' => 'border-top-width',
'border-right-width' => 'border-right-width',
'border-bottom-width' => 'border-bottom-width',
'border-left-width' => 'border-left-width',
'border-style' => 'border-style',
'border-color' => 'border-color',
'width' => 'width',
'height' => 'height',
$types['table-caption'] = $type;
$type = new stdClass();
$type->api_version = 1;
$type->disabled = FALSE;
$type->name = 'table-cell';
$type->description = 'Table cell';
$type->type_options = array(
'font-family' => 'font-family',
'font-style' => 'font-style',
'font-weight' => 'font-weight',
'font-size' => 'font-size',
'line-height' => 'line-height',
'text-align' => 'text-align',
'vertical-align' => 'vertical-align',
'color' => 'color',
'text-decoration' => 'text-decoration',
'background-color' => 'background-color',
'background-image' => 'background-image',
'background-repeat' => 'background-repeat',
'background-position' => 'background-position',
'background-attachment' => 'background-attachment',
'padding-top' => 'padding-top',
'padding-right' => 'padding-right',
'padding-bottom' => 'padding-bottom',
'padding-left' => 'padding-left',
'height' => 'height',
$types['table-cell'] = $type;
$type = new stdClass();
$type->api_version = 1;
$type->disabled = FALSE;
$type->name = 'table-header-group';
$type->description = 'Table header';
$type->type_options = array(
'font-family' => 'font-family',
'font-style' => 'font-style',
'font-weight' => 'font-weight',
'font-size' => 'font-size',
'line-height' => 'line-height',
'text-align' => 'text-align',
'vertical-align' => 'vertical-align',
'color' => 'color',
'text-decoration' => 'text-decoration',
'background-color' => 'background-color',
'background-image' => 'background-image',
'background-repeat' => 'background-repeat',
'background-position' => 'background-position',
'background-attachment' => 'background-attachment',
'padding-top' => 'padding-top',
'padding-right' => 'padding-right',
'padding-bottom' => 'padding-bottom',
'padding-left' => 'padding-left',
'height' => 'height',
$types['table-header-group'] = $type;
$type = new stdClass();
$type->api_version = 1;
$type->disabled = FALSE;
$type->name = 'table-footer-group';
$type->description = 'Table footer';
$type->type_options = array(
'font-family' => 'font-family',
'font-style' => 'font-style',
'font-weight' => 'font-weight',
'font-size' => 'font-size',
'line-height' => 'line-height',
'text-align' => 'text-align',
'vertical-align' => 'vertical-align',
'color' => 'color',
'text-decoration' => 'text-decoration',
'background-color' => 'background-color',
'background-image' => 'background-image',
'background-repeat' => 'background-repeat',
'background-position' => 'background-position',
'background-attachment' => 'background-attachment',
'padding-top' => 'padding-top',
'padding-right' => 'padding-right',
'padding-bottom' => 'padding-bottom',
'padding-left' => 'padding-left',
'height' => 'height',
$types['table-footer-group'] = $type;
$type = new stdClass();
$type->api_version = 1;
$type->disabled = FALSE;
$type->name = 'table-row';
$type->description = 'Table row';
$type->type_options = array(
'font-family' => 'font-family',
'font-style' => 'font-style',
'font-weight' => 'font-weight',
'font-size' => 'font-size',
'line-height' => 'line-height',
'text-align' => 'text-align',
'vertical-align' => 'vertical-align',
'color' => 'color',
'text-decoration' => 'text-decoration',
'background-color' => 'background-color',
'background-image' => 'background-image',
'background-repeat' => 'background-repeat',
'background-position' => 'background-position',
'background-attachment' => 'background-attachment',
$types['table-row'] = $type;
return $types;
Name | Description |
_sweaver_default_sweaver_property | Default properties. |
_sweaver_default_sweaver_selector | Default selectors. |
_sweaver_default_sweaver_type | sweaver types. |
_sweaver_menu | Menu items. |
_sweaver_sweaver_plugins | Sweaver plugins. |
_sweaver_theme | Theming functions. |