class ShareaholicPublic in Share Buttons, Related Posts, Content Analytics - Shareaholic 8
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 7.3 public.php \ShareaholicPublic
This class is all about drawing the stuff in publishers' templates that visitors can see.
@package shareaholic
- class \ShareaholicPublic
Expanded class hierarchy of ShareaholicPublic
1 string reference to 'ShareaholicPublic'
- ShareaholicPublic::share_counts_api in ./
public.php - Function to handle the share count API requests
- ./
public.php, line 20
View source
class ShareaholicPublic {
* Inserts the script code snippet into the head of the
* public pages of the site if they have accepted ToS and have apikey
public static function insert_script_tag() {
if (!ShareaholicUtilities::is_admin_page() && ShareaholicUtilities::has_tos_and_apikey()) {
$markup = self::js_snippet();
$element = array(
'#type' => 'markup',
'#markup' => $markup,
drupal_add_html_head($element, 'shareaholic_script_tag');
* The actual text for the JS snippet because drupal doesn't seem to be
* able to add JS from template like Wordpress does...
* Using heredocs for now
* @return string JS block for shareaholic code
private static function js_snippet() {
$api_key = ShareaholicUtilities::get_option('api_key');
$js_url = ShareaholicUtilities::asset_url('assets/pub/shareaholic.js');
$base_settings = json_encode(ShareaholicPublicJS::get_base_settings());
$overrides = ShareaholicPublicJS::get_overrides();
$js_snippet = <<<DOC
<!-- Growth powered by Shareaholic - -->
<link rel='preload' href='{<span class="php-variable">$js_url</span>}' as='script'>
<script data-cfasync='false'>
_SHR_SETTINGS = {<span class="php-variable">$base_settings</span>};
src='{<span class="php-variable">$js_url</span>}'
data-shr-siteid='{<span class="php-variable">$api_key</span>}'
async {<span class="php-variable">$overrides</span>}>
return $js_snippet;
* Inserts the xua-compatible header if the user has accepted
* ToS and has API key
public static function set_xua_compatible_header() {
if (ShareaholicUtilities::has_tos_and_apikey() && !drupal_get_http_header('X-UA-Compatible')) {
drupal_add_http_header('X-UA-Compatible', 'IE=edge');
* Inserts dns-prefetch tags on the page
public static function insert_dns_snippet() {
$dns_snippet = <<<DOC
<link rel='dns-prefetch' href='//' />
<link rel='dns-prefetch' href='//' />
<link rel='dns-prefetch' href='//' />
<link rel='dns-prefetch' href='//' />
<link rel='dns-prefetch' href='//' />
<link rel='dns-prefetch' href='//' />
<link rel='dns-prefetch' href='//' />
$element = array(
'#type' => 'markup',
'#markup' => $dns_snippet,
drupal_add_html_head($element, 'shareaholic_dns_snippet');
* Inserts the shareaholic content meta tags on the page
* On all pages, it will insert the standard content meta tags
* On full post pages, it will insert page specific content meta tags
public static function insert_content_meta_tags($node = NULL, $view_mode = NULL, $lang_code = NULL) {
if (isset($view_mode) && $view_mode === 'rss') {
$site_name = ShareaholicUtilities::site_name();
$api_key = ShareaholicUtilities::get_option('api_key');
$module_version = ShareaholicUtilities::get_version();
$content_tags = "\n<!-- Shareaholic Content Tags -->";
if (!empty($site_name)) {
$content_tags .= "\n<meta name='shareaholic:site_name' content='{$site_name}' />";
if (empty($lang_code)) {
if (isset($GLOBALS['language']->language)) {
$lang_code = $GLOBALS['language']->language;
$content_tags .= "\n<meta name='shareaholic:language' content='{$lang_code}' />";
else {
$content_tags .= "\n<meta name='shareaholic:language' content='{$lang_code}' />";
if (!empty($api_key)) {
$content_tags .= "\n<meta name='shareaholic:site_id' content='{$api_key}' />";
if (!empty($module_version)) {
$content_tags .= "\n<meta name='shareaholic:drupal_version' content='{$module_version}' />";
if (empty($view_mode) || isset($view_mode) && ($view_mode === 'teaser' || $view_mode === 'search_result')) {
$content_tags .= "\n<meta name='shareaholic:article_visibility' content='private' />";
if (isset($node) && isset($view_mode) && $view_mode === 'full') {
$url = $GLOBALS['base_root'] . request_uri();
$published_time = date('c', $node->created);
$modified_time = date('c', $node->changed);
$author = user_load($node->uid);
$author_name = self::get_user_name($author);
$tags = implode(', ', self::get_keywords_for($node));
$image_url = self::get_image_url_for($node);
$visibility = self::get_visibility($node);
$shareable = self::is_shareable($node);
$content_tags .= "\n<meta name='shareaholic:url' content='{$url}' />";
$content_tags .= "\n<meta name='shareaholic:article_published_time' content='{$published_time}' />";
$content_tags .= "\n<meta name='shareaholic:article_modified_time' content='{$modified_time}' />";
$content_tags .= "\n<meta name='shareaholic:article_author_name' content='{$author_name}' />";
if (!empty($tags)) {
$content_tags .= "\n<meta name='shareaholic:keywords' content='{$tags}' />";
if (!empty($image_url)) {
$content_tags .= "\n<meta name='shareaholic:image' content='{$image_url}' />";
if (!empty($visibility)) {
$content_tags .= "\n<meta name='shareaholic:article_visibility' content='{$visibility}' />";
if (!empty($shareable)) {
$content_tags .= "\n<meta name='shareaholic:shareable_page' content='{$shareable}' />";
$content_tags .= "\n<!-- Shareaholic Content Tags End -->\n";
$element = array(
'#type' => 'markup',
'#markup' => $content_tags,
drupal_add_html_head($element, 'shareaholic_content_meta_tags');
* Get the user's name from an account object
* If the user has a full name, then that is returned
* Otherwise it returns the user's username
* @return String the user name
public static function get_user_name($account) {
$full_name = isset($account->field_fullname) ? $account->field_fullname : false;
$full_name = isset($account->field_full_name) ? $account->field_full_name : $full_name;
if ($full_name && isset($full_name['und']['0']['value'])) {
$full_name = $full_name['und']['0']['value'];
else {
$first_name = isset($account->field_firstname) ? $account->field_firstname : false;
$first_name = isset($account->field_first_name) ? $account->field_first_name : $first_name;
$last_name = isset($account->field_lastname) ? $account->field_lastname : false;
$last_name = isset($account->field_last_name) ? $account->field_last_name : $last_name;
if (!empty($first_name) && !empty($last_name) && isset($first_name['und']['0']['value']) && isset($last_name['und']['0']['value'])) {
$full_name = $first_name['und']['0']['value'] . ' ' . $last_name['und']['0']['value'];
return !empty($full_name) ? $full_name : $account->name;
* Get a list of tags for a piece of content
* @return Array an array of terms or empty array
public static function get_keywords_for($node) {
$terms = array();
if (!db_table_exists('taxonomy_index')) {
return $terms;
$results = db_query('SELECT tid FROM {taxonomy_index} WHERE nid = :nid', array(
':nid' => $node->nid,
foreach ($results as $result) {
$term = taxonomy_term_load($result->tid);
if (empty($term) || empty($term->name)) {
array_push($terms, ShareaholicUtilities::clean_string($term->name));
$vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_load($term->vid);
if (empty($vocabulary) || empty($vocabulary->name) || preg_match('/tags/i', $vocabulary->name)) {
array_push($terms, ShareaholicUtilities::clean_string($vocabulary->name));
$terms = array_unique($terms);
return $terms;
* Get image used in a piece of content
* @return mixed either returns a string or false if no image is found
public static function get_image_url_for($node) {
if (isset($node->field_image['und']['0']['uri'])) {
return file_create_url($node->field_image['und']['0']['uri']);
if (isset($node->field_simage['und']['0']['uri'])) {
return file_create_url($node->field_simage['und']['0']['uri']);
if (isset($node->body) && isset($node->body['und']['0']['value'])) {
return self::post_first_image($node->body['und']['0']['value']);
* Copied straight out of the wordpress version,
* this will grab the first image in a post.
* @return mixed either returns `false` or a string of the image src
public static function post_first_image($body) {
preg_match_all('/<img.*?src=[\'"](.*?)[\'"].*?>/i', $body, $matches);
if (isset($matches) && isset($matches[1][0])) {
// Exclude base64 images; meta tags require full URLs
if (strpos($matches[1][0], 'data:') === false) {
// file_create_url function doesn't convert paths starting with "/" so check for "/" and trim it off if present
if (substr($matches[1][0], 0, 1) === "/") {
$first_img = substr($matches[1][0], 1);
else {
$first_img = $matches[1][0];
if (empty($first_img)) {
// return false if nothing there, makes life easier
return false;
return file_create_url($first_img);
* Inserts the Shareaholic widget/apps on the page
* By drawing the canvas on a piece of content
* @param $node The node object representing a piece of content
* @param $view_mode The view that tells how to show the content
* @param $lang_code The language code
public static function insert_widgets($node, $view_mode, $lang_code) {
if ($view_mode === 'rss') {
if (isset($node->content)) {
self::draw_canvases($node, $view_mode);
* This static function inserts the shareaholic canvas in a node
* @param string $node The node object to insert the canvas into
public static function draw_canvases(&$node, $view_mode) {
$settings = ShareaholicUtilities::get_settings();
$page_type = $node->type;
$sb_above_weight = -1000;
$rec_above_weight = -999;
$sb_below_weight = 1000;
$rec_below_weight = 1001;
if ($view_mode === 'teaser') {
$page_type = 'teaser';
foreach (array(
) as $app) {
if (isset($node->shareaholic_options["shareaholic_hide_{$app}"]) && $node->shareaholic_options["shareaholic_hide_{$app}"]) {
$title = $node->title;
$summary = isset($node->teaser) ? $node->teaser : '';
$link = url('node/' . $node->nid, array(
'absolute' => TRUE,
if (isset($settings[$app]["{$page_type}_above_content"]) && $settings[$app]["{$page_type}_above_content"] == 'on') {
$id = $settings['location_name_ids'][$app]["{$page_type}_above_content"];
$id_name = $page_type . '_above_content';
$node->content["shareaholic_{$app}_{$page_type}_above_content"] = array(
'#markup' => self::canvas($id, $app, $id_name, $title, $link),
'#weight' => $app === 'share_buttons' ? $sb_above_weight : $rec_above_weight,
if (isset($settings[$app]["{$page_type}_below_content"]) && $settings[$app]["{$page_type}_below_content"] == 'on') {
$id = $settings['location_name_ids'][$app]["{$page_type}_below_content"];
$id_name = $page_type . '_below_content';
$node->content["shareaholic_{$app}_{$page_type}_below_content"] = array(
'#markup' => self::canvas($id, $app, $id_name, $title, $link),
'#weight' => $app === 'share_buttons' ? $sb_below_weight : $rec_below_weight,
* Draws an individual canvas given a specific location
* id and app
* @param string $id the location id for configuration
* @param string $app the type of app
* @param string $id_name location id name for configuration
* @param string $title the title of URL
* @param string $link url
* @param string $summary summary text for URL
public static function canvas($id, $app, $id_name = NULL, $title = NULL, $link = NULL, $summary = NULL) {
$title = trim(htmlspecialchars($title, ENT_QUOTES));
$link = trim($link);
$summary = trim(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($summary), ENT_QUOTES));
$canvas = "<div class='shareaholic-canvas'\n data-app-id='{$id}'\n data-app-id-name='{$id_name}'\n data-app='{$app}'\n data-title='{$title}'\n data-link='{$link}'\n data-summary='{$summary}'></div>";
return trim(preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $canvas));
* Determines the visibility of a piece of content
* and returns that value
* Possible values are: 'draft', 'private', and NULL
* @param Object $node The content to determine its visibility
* @return String a string indicating its visibility
public static function get_visibility($node) {
$visibility = NULL;
// Check if it is a draft
if (isset($node->status) && $node->status == 0) {
$visibility = 'draft';
// Check if it should be excluded from recommendations
if (isset($node->shareaholic_options) && $node->shareaholic_options['shareaholic_exclude_from_recommendations']) {
$visibility = 'private';
// Check if a site visitor can see the content
try {
$anonymous_user = user_load(0);
if ($anonymous_user && !node_access('view', $node, $anonymous_user)) {
$visibility = 'private';
} catch (Exception $e) {
ShareaholicUtilities::log('Error in checking node_access: ' . $e
return $visibility;
* Determines the shareability of a piece of content
* and returns that value
* Possible values are: 'true', 'false', and NULL
* @param Object $node The content to determine its shareability
* @return String a string indicating if it is shareable or not
public static function is_shareable($node) {
$shareable = NULL;
// Check if it is a draft
if (isset($node->status) && $node->status == 0) {
$shareable = 'false';
// Check if a site visitor can see the content
try {
$anonymous_user = user_load(0);
if ($anonymous_user && !node_access('view', $node, $anonymous_user)) {
$shareable = 'false';
} catch (Exception $e) {
ShareaholicUtilities::log('Error in checking node_access: ' . $e
return $shareable;
* Function to handle the share count API requests
public static function share_counts_api() {
// sometimes the drupal http request function throws errors so setting handler
$debug_mode = isset($_GET['debug']) && $_GET['debug'] === '1';
$cache_key = 'shr_api_res-' . md5($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
$result = ShareaholicCache::get($cache_key);
$has_curl_multi = self::has_curl();
if (!$result) {
$url = isset($_GET['url']) ? $_GET['url'] : NULL;
$services = isset($_GET['services']) ? $_GET['services'] : NULL;
$result = array();
$options = array();
if ($debug_mode && isset($_GET['timeout'])) {
$options['timeout'] = intval($_GET['timeout']);
if (is_array($services) && count($services) > 0 && !empty($url)) {
if ($debug_mode && isset($_GET['client'])) {
if ($has_curl_multi && $_GET['client'] !== 'seq') {
$shares = new ShareaholicCurlMultiShareCount($url, $services, $options);
else {
$shares = new ShareaholicSeqShareCount($url, $services, $options);
else {
if ($has_curl_multi) {
$shares = new ShareaholicCurlMultiShareCount($url, $services, $options);
else {
$shares = new ShareaholicSeqShareCount($url, $services, $options);
$result = $shares
if ($debug_mode) {
$result['has_curl_multi'] = $has_curl_multi;
$result['curl_type'] = get_class($shares);
$result['raw'] = $shares->raw_response;
if (isset($result['data']) && !$debug_mode) {
ShareaholicCache::set($cache_key, $result, SHARE_COUNTS_CHECK_CACHE_LENGTH);
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode($result);
* Custom error handler
* @param integer $errno The error level as an integer
* @param string $errstr The error string
* @param string $errfile The file where the error occurred
* @param string $errline The line number where the error occurred
public static function custom_error_handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) {
ShareaholicUtilities::log($errstr . ' ' . $errfile . ' ' . $errline);
* Checks to see if curl is installed
* @return bool true or false that curl is installed
public static function has_curl() {
return function_exists('curl_version') && function_exists('curl_multi_init') && function_exists('curl_multi_add_handle') && function_exists('curl_multi_exec');
* Insert the Open Graph Tags
public static function insert_og_tags($node = false, $view_mode = '') {
$markup = '';
$disable_og_tags_check = ShareaholicUtilities::get_option('disable_og_tags');
if ($disable_og_tags_check && $disable_og_tags_check == 'on') {
if ($view_mode != 'full') {
if ($node && (!isset($node->shareaholic_options["shareaholic_exclude_og_tags"]) || !$node->shareaholic_options["shareaholic_exclude_og_tags"])) {
$image_url = self::get_image_url_for($node);
if (!empty($image_url)) {
$markup .= "\n<!-- Shareaholic Open Graph Tags -->\n";
$markup .= "<meta property='og:image' content='" . $image_url . "' />";
$markup .= "\n<!-- Shareaholic Open Graph Tags End -->\n";
$element = array(
'#type' => 'markup',
'#markup' => $markup,
drupal_add_html_head($element, 'shareaholic_og_tags');
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
ShareaholicPublic:: |
public static | function | Draws an individual canvas given a specific location id and app | |
ShareaholicPublic:: |
public static | function | Custom error handler | |
ShareaholicPublic:: |
public static | function | This static function inserts the shareaholic canvas in a node | |
ShareaholicPublic:: |
public static | function | Get image used in a piece of content | |
ShareaholicPublic:: |
public static | function | Get a list of tags for a piece of content | |
ShareaholicPublic:: |
public static | function | Get the user's name from an account object If the user has a full name, then that is returned Otherwise it returns the user's username | |
ShareaholicPublic:: |
public static | function | Determines the visibility of a piece of content and returns that value | |
ShareaholicPublic:: |
public static | function | Checks to see if curl is installed | |
ShareaholicPublic:: |
public static | function | Inserts the shareaholic content meta tags on the page On all pages, it will insert the standard content meta tags On full post pages, it will insert page specific content meta tags | |
ShareaholicPublic:: |
public static | function | Inserts dns-prefetch tags on the page | |
ShareaholicPublic:: |
public static | function | Insert the Open Graph Tags | |
ShareaholicPublic:: |
public static | function | Inserts the script code snippet into the head of the public pages of the site if they have accepted ToS and have apikey | |
ShareaholicPublic:: |
public static | function | Inserts the Shareaholic widget/apps on the page By drawing the canvas on a piece of content | |
ShareaholicPublic:: |
public static | function | Determines the shareability of a piece of content and returns that value | |
ShareaholicPublic:: |
private static | function | The actual text for the JS snippet because drupal doesn't seem to be able to add JS from template like Wordpress does... Using heredocs for now | |
ShareaholicPublic:: |
public static | function | Copied straight out of the wordpress version, this will grab the first image in a post. | |
ShareaholicPublic:: |
public static | function | Inserts the xua-compatible header if the user has accepted ToS and has API key | |
ShareaholicPublic:: |
public static | function | Function to handle the share count API requests |