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public.php in Share Buttons, Related Posts, Content Analytics - Shareaholic 8

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  1. 7.3 public.php


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 * Holds the ShareaholicPublic class.
 * @package shareaholic

// Load the necessary libraries for Share Count API
module_load_include('php', 'shareaholic', 'lib/social-share-counts/drupal_http');
module_load_include('php', 'shareaholic', 'lib/social-share-counts/seq_share_count');
module_load_include('php', 'shareaholic', 'lib/social-share-counts/curl_multi_share_count');
module_load_include('php', 'shareaholic', 'public_js');

 * This class is all about drawing the stuff in publishers'
 * templates that visitors can see.
 * @package shareaholic
class ShareaholicPublic {

   * Inserts the script code snippet into the head of the
   * public pages of the site if they have accepted ToS and have apikey
  public static function insert_script_tag() {
    if (!ShareaholicUtilities::is_admin_page() && ShareaholicUtilities::has_tos_and_apikey()) {
      $markup = self::js_snippet();
      $element = array(
        '#type' => 'markup',
        '#markup' => $markup,
      drupal_add_html_head($element, 'shareaholic_script_tag');

   * The actual text for the JS snippet because drupal doesn't seem to be
   * able to add JS from template like Wordpress does...
   * Using heredocs for now
   * @return string JS block for shareaholic code
  private static function js_snippet() {
    $api_key = ShareaholicUtilities::get_option('api_key');
    $js_url = ShareaholicUtilities::asset_url('assets/pub/shareaholic.js');
    $base_settings = json_encode(ShareaholicPublicJS::get_base_settings());
    $overrides = ShareaholicPublicJS::get_overrides();
    $js_snippet = <<<DOC
<!-- Growth powered by Shareaholic - -->
<link rel='preload' href='{<span class="php-variable">$js_url</span>}' as='script'>
<script data-cfasync='false'>
    _SHR_SETTINGS = {<span class="php-variable">$base_settings</span>};
  src='{<span class="php-variable">$js_url</span>}'
  data-shr-siteid='{<span class="php-variable">$api_key</span>}'
  async {<span class="php-variable">$overrides</span>}>
    return $js_snippet;

   * Inserts the xua-compatible header if the user has accepted
   * ToS and has API key
  public static function set_xua_compatible_header() {
    if (ShareaholicUtilities::has_tos_and_apikey() && !drupal_get_http_header('X-UA-Compatible')) {
      drupal_add_http_header('X-UA-Compatible', 'IE=edge');

   * Inserts dns-prefetch tags on the page
  public static function insert_dns_snippet() {
    $dns_snippet = <<<DOC
<link rel='dns-prefetch' href='//' />
<link rel='dns-prefetch' href='//' />
<link rel='dns-prefetch' href='//' />
<link rel='dns-prefetch' href='//' />
<link rel='dns-prefetch' href='//' />
<link rel='dns-prefetch' href='//' />
<link rel='dns-prefetch' href='//' />
    $element = array(
      '#type' => 'markup',
      '#markup' => $dns_snippet,
    drupal_add_html_head($element, 'shareaholic_dns_snippet');

   * Inserts the shareaholic content meta tags on the page
   * On all pages, it will insert the standard content meta tags
   * On full post pages, it will insert page specific content meta tags
  public static function insert_content_meta_tags($node = NULL, $view_mode = NULL, $lang_code = NULL) {
    if (isset($view_mode) && $view_mode === 'rss') {
    $site_name = ShareaholicUtilities::site_name();
    $api_key = ShareaholicUtilities::get_option('api_key');
    $module_version = ShareaholicUtilities::get_version();
    $content_tags = "\n<!-- Shareaholic Content Tags -->";
    if (!empty($site_name)) {
      $content_tags .= "\n<meta name='shareaholic:site_name' content='{$site_name}' />";
    if (empty($lang_code)) {
      if (isset($GLOBALS['language']->language)) {
        $lang_code = $GLOBALS['language']->language;
      $content_tags .= "\n<meta name='shareaholic:language' content='{$lang_code}' />";
    else {
      $content_tags .= "\n<meta name='shareaholic:language' content='{$lang_code}' />";
    if (!empty($api_key)) {
      $content_tags .= "\n<meta name='shareaholic:site_id' content='{$api_key}' />";
    if (!empty($module_version)) {
      $content_tags .= "\n<meta name='shareaholic:drupal_version' content='{$module_version}' />";
    if (empty($view_mode) || isset($view_mode) && ($view_mode === 'teaser' || $view_mode === 'search_result')) {
      $content_tags .= "\n<meta name='shareaholic:article_visibility' content='private' />";
    if (isset($node) && isset($view_mode) && $view_mode === 'full') {
      $url = $GLOBALS['base_root'] . request_uri();
      $published_time = date('c', $node->created);
      $modified_time = date('c', $node->changed);
      $author = user_load($node->uid);
      $author_name = self::get_user_name($author);
      $tags = implode(', ', self::get_keywords_for($node));
      $image_url = self::get_image_url_for($node);
      $visibility = self::get_visibility($node);
      $shareable = self::is_shareable($node);
      $content_tags .= "\n<meta name='shareaholic:url' content='{$url}' />";
      $content_tags .= "\n<meta name='shareaholic:article_published_time' content='{$published_time}' />";
      $content_tags .= "\n<meta name='shareaholic:article_modified_time' content='{$modified_time}' />";
      $content_tags .= "\n<meta name='shareaholic:article_author_name' content='{$author_name}' />";
      if (!empty($tags)) {
        $content_tags .= "\n<meta name='shareaholic:keywords' content='{$tags}' />";
      if (!empty($image_url)) {
        $content_tags .= "\n<meta name='shareaholic:image' content='{$image_url}' />";
      if (!empty($visibility)) {
        $content_tags .= "\n<meta name='shareaholic:article_visibility' content='{$visibility}' />";
      if (!empty($shareable)) {
        $content_tags .= "\n<meta name='shareaholic:shareable_page' content='{$shareable}' />";
    $content_tags .= "\n<!-- Shareaholic Content Tags End -->\n";
    $element = array(
      '#type' => 'markup',
      '#markup' => $content_tags,
    drupal_add_html_head($element, 'shareaholic_content_meta_tags');

   * Get the user's name from an account object
   * If the user has a full name, then that is returned
   * Otherwise it returns the user's username
   * @return String the user name
  public static function get_user_name($account) {
    $full_name = isset($account->field_fullname) ? $account->field_fullname : false;
    $full_name = isset($account->field_full_name) ? $account->field_full_name : $full_name;
    if ($full_name && isset($full_name['und']['0']['value'])) {
      $full_name = $full_name['und']['0']['value'];
    else {
      $first_name = isset($account->field_firstname) ? $account->field_firstname : false;
      $first_name = isset($account->field_first_name) ? $account->field_first_name : $first_name;
      $last_name = isset($account->field_lastname) ? $account->field_lastname : false;
      $last_name = isset($account->field_last_name) ? $account->field_last_name : $last_name;
      if (!empty($first_name) && !empty($last_name) && isset($first_name['und']['0']['value']) && isset($last_name['und']['0']['value'])) {
        $full_name = $first_name['und']['0']['value'] . ' ' . $last_name['und']['0']['value'];
    return !empty($full_name) ? $full_name : $account->name;

   * Get a list of tags for a piece of content
   * @return Array an array of terms or empty array
  public static function get_keywords_for($node) {
    $terms = array();
    if (!db_table_exists('taxonomy_index')) {
      return $terms;
    $results = db_query('SELECT tid FROM {taxonomy_index} WHERE nid = :nid', array(
      ':nid' => $node->nid,
    foreach ($results as $result) {
      $term = taxonomy_term_load($result->tid);
      if (empty($term) || empty($term->name)) {
      array_push($terms, ShareaholicUtilities::clean_string($term->name));
      $vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_load($term->vid);
      if (empty($vocabulary) || empty($vocabulary->name) || preg_match('/tags/i', $vocabulary->name)) {
      array_push($terms, ShareaholicUtilities::clean_string($vocabulary->name));
    $terms = array_unique($terms);
    return $terms;

   * Get image used in a piece of content
   * @return mixed either returns a string or false if no image is found
  public static function get_image_url_for($node) {
    if (isset($node->field_image['und']['0']['uri'])) {
      return file_create_url($node->field_image['und']['0']['uri']);
    if (isset($node->field_simage['und']['0']['uri'])) {
      return file_create_url($node->field_simage['und']['0']['uri']);
    if (isset($node->body) && isset($node->body['und']['0']['value'])) {
      return self::post_first_image($node->body['und']['0']['value']);

   * Copied straight out of the wordpress version,
   * this will grab the first image in a post.
   * @return mixed either returns `false` or a string of the image src
  public static function post_first_image($body) {
    preg_match_all('/<img.*?src=[\'"](.*?)[\'"].*?>/i', $body, $matches);
    if (isset($matches) && isset($matches[1][0])) {

      // Exclude base64 images; meta tags require full URLs
      if (strpos($matches[1][0], 'data:') === false) {

        // file_create_url function doesn't convert paths starting with "/" so check for "/" and trim it off if present
        if (substr($matches[1][0], 0, 1) === "/") {
          $first_img = substr($matches[1][0], 1);
        else {
          $first_img = $matches[1][0];
    if (empty($first_img)) {

      // return false if nothing there, makes life easier
      return false;
    return file_create_url($first_img);

   * Inserts the Shareaholic widget/apps on the page
   * By drawing the canvas on a piece of content
   * @param $node The node object representing a piece of content
   * @param $view_mode The view that tells how to show the content
   * @param $lang_code The language code
  public static function insert_widgets($node, $view_mode, $lang_code) {
    if ($view_mode === 'rss') {
    if (isset($node->content)) {
      self::draw_canvases($node, $view_mode);

   * This static function inserts the shareaholic canvas in a node
   * @param  string $node The node object to insert the canvas into
  public static function draw_canvases(&$node, $view_mode) {
    $settings = ShareaholicUtilities::get_settings();
    $page_type = $node->type;
    $sb_above_weight = -1000;
    $rec_above_weight = -999;
    $sb_below_weight = 1000;
    $rec_below_weight = 1001;
    if ($view_mode === 'teaser') {
      $page_type = 'teaser';
    foreach (array(
    ) as $app) {
      if (isset($node->shareaholic_options["shareaholic_hide_{$app}"]) && $node->shareaholic_options["shareaholic_hide_{$app}"]) {
      $title = $node->title;
      $summary = isset($node->teaser) ? $node->teaser : '';
      $link = url('node/' . $node->nid, array(
        'absolute' => TRUE,
      if (isset($settings[$app]["{$page_type}_above_content"]) && $settings[$app]["{$page_type}_above_content"] == 'on') {
        $id = $settings['location_name_ids'][$app]["{$page_type}_above_content"];
        $id_name = $page_type . '_above_content';
        $node->content["shareaholic_{$app}_{$page_type}_above_content"] = array(
          '#markup' => self::canvas($id, $app, $id_name, $title, $link),
          '#weight' => $app === 'share_buttons' ? $sb_above_weight : $rec_above_weight,
      if (isset($settings[$app]["{$page_type}_below_content"]) && $settings[$app]["{$page_type}_below_content"] == 'on') {
        $id = $settings['location_name_ids'][$app]["{$page_type}_below_content"];
        $id_name = $page_type . '_below_content';
        $node->content["shareaholic_{$app}_{$page_type}_below_content"] = array(
          '#markup' => self::canvas($id, $app, $id_name, $title, $link),
          '#weight' => $app === 'share_buttons' ? $sb_below_weight : $rec_below_weight,

   * Draws an individual canvas given a specific location
   * id and app
   * @param string $id  the location id for configuration
   * @param string $app the type of app
   * @param string $id_name location id name for configuration
   * @param string $title the title of URL
   * @param string $link url
   * @param string $summary summary text for URL
  public static function canvas($id, $app, $id_name = NULL, $title = NULL, $link = NULL, $summary = NULL) {
    $title = trim(htmlspecialchars($title, ENT_QUOTES));
    $link = trim($link);
    $summary = trim(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($summary), ENT_QUOTES));
    $canvas = "<div class='shareaholic-canvas'\n      data-app-id='{$id}'\n      data-app-id-name='{$id_name}'\n      data-app='{$app}'\n      data-title='{$title}'\n      data-link='{$link}'\n      data-summary='{$summary}'></div>";
    return trim(preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $canvas));

   * Determines the visibility of a piece of content
   * and returns that value
   * Possible values are: 'draft', 'private', and NULL
   * @param Object $node The content to determine its visibility
   * @return String a string indicating its visibility
  public static function get_visibility($node) {
    $visibility = NULL;

    // Check if it is a draft
    if (isset($node->status) && $node->status == 0) {
      $visibility = 'draft';

    // Check if it should be excluded from recommendations
    if (isset($node->shareaholic_options) && $node->shareaholic_options['shareaholic_exclude_from_recommendations']) {
      $visibility = 'private';

    // Check if a site visitor can see the content
    try {
      $anonymous_user = user_load(0);
      if ($anonymous_user && !node_access('view', $node, $anonymous_user)) {
        $visibility = 'private';
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      ShareaholicUtilities::log('Error in checking node_access: ' . $e
    return $visibility;

   * Determines the shareability of a piece of content
   * and returns that value
   * Possible values are: 'true', 'false', and NULL
   * @param Object $node The content to determine its shareability
   * @return String a string indicating if it is shareable or not
  public static function is_shareable($node) {
    $shareable = NULL;

    // Check if it is a draft
    if (isset($node->status) && $node->status == 0) {
      $shareable = 'false';

    // Check if a site visitor can see the content
    try {
      $anonymous_user = user_load(0);
      if ($anonymous_user && !node_access('view', $node, $anonymous_user)) {
        $shareable = 'false';
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      ShareaholicUtilities::log('Error in checking node_access: ' . $e
    return $shareable;

   * Function to handle the share count API requests
  public static function share_counts_api() {

    // sometimes the drupal http request function throws errors so setting handler
    $debug_mode = isset($_GET['debug']) && $_GET['debug'] === '1';
    $cache_key = 'shr_api_res-' . md5($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
    $result = ShareaholicCache::get($cache_key);
    $has_curl_multi = self::has_curl();
    if (!$result) {
      $url = isset($_GET['url']) ? $_GET['url'] : NULL;
      $services = isset($_GET['services']) ? $_GET['services'] : NULL;
      $result = array();
      $options = array();
      if ($debug_mode && isset($_GET['timeout'])) {
        $options['timeout'] = intval($_GET['timeout']);
      if (is_array($services) && count($services) > 0 && !empty($url)) {
        if ($debug_mode && isset($_GET['client'])) {
          if ($has_curl_multi && $_GET['client'] !== 'seq') {
            $shares = new ShareaholicCurlMultiShareCount($url, $services, $options);
          else {
            $shares = new ShareaholicSeqShareCount($url, $services, $options);
        else {
          if ($has_curl_multi) {
            $shares = new ShareaholicCurlMultiShareCount($url, $services, $options);
          else {
            $shares = new ShareaholicSeqShareCount($url, $services, $options);
        $result = $shares
        if ($debug_mode) {
          $result['has_curl_multi'] = $has_curl_multi;
          $result['curl_type'] = get_class($shares);
          $result['raw'] = $shares->raw_response;
        if (isset($result['data']) && !$debug_mode) {
          ShareaholicCache::set($cache_key, $result, SHARE_COUNTS_CHECK_CACHE_LENGTH);
    header('Content-Type: application/json');
    echo json_encode($result);

   * Custom error handler
   * @param integer $errno The error level as an integer
   * @param string $errstr The error string
   * @param string $errfile The file where the error occurred
   * @param string $errline The line number where the error occurred
  public static function custom_error_handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) {
    ShareaholicUtilities::log($errstr . ' ' . $errfile . ' ' . $errline);

   * Checks to see if curl is installed
   * @return bool true or false that curl is installed
  public static function has_curl() {
    return function_exists('curl_version') && function_exists('curl_multi_init') && function_exists('curl_multi_add_handle') && function_exists('curl_multi_exec');

   * Insert the Open Graph Tags
  public static function insert_og_tags($node = false, $view_mode = '') {
    $markup = '';
    $disable_og_tags_check = ShareaholicUtilities::get_option('disable_og_tags');
    if ($disable_og_tags_check && $disable_og_tags_check == 'on') {
    if ($view_mode != 'full') {
    if ($node && (!isset($node->shareaholic_options["shareaholic_exclude_og_tags"]) || !$node->shareaholic_options["shareaholic_exclude_og_tags"])) {
      $image_url = self::get_image_url_for($node);
      if (!empty($image_url)) {
        $markup .= "\n<!-- Shareaholic Open Graph Tags -->\n";
        $markup .= "<meta property='og:image' content='" . $image_url . "' />";
        $markup .= "\n<!-- Shareaholic Open Graph Tags End -->\n";
    $element = array(
      '#type' => 'markup',
      '#markup' => $markup,
    drupal_add_html_head($element, 'shareaholic_og_tags');



Namesort descending Description
ShareaholicPublic This class is all about drawing the stuff in publishers' templates that visitors can see.