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Functions in Share Buttons, Related Posts, Content Analytics - Shareaholic 8

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
shareaholic_admin_advanced ./shareaholic.module Renders page for shareaholic advanced settings 2
shareaholic_admin_settings ./shareaholic.module Renders page for shareaholic app manager settings 2
shareaholic_advanced_settings_form includes/shareaholic_advanced_settings_form.php The form object for the advanced settings 1
shareaholic_advanced_settings_form_submit includes/shareaholic_advanced_settings_form.php
shareaholic_apps_configuration_form includes/shareaholic_apps_configuration_form.php Returns the form to configure the shareaholic apps 1
shareaholic_apps_configuration_form_submit includes/shareaholic_apps_configuration_form.php Submit handler for the shareaholic_apps_configuration form When submitted, update the location settings
shareaholic_disable ./shareaholic.install Implements hook_disable(). When the module is disabled, and log the enable event
shareaholic_enable ./shareaholic.install Implements hook_enable(). When the module is enabled, call CM single domain worker and log the enable event
shareaholic_failure_modal_form includes/shareaholic_failure_modal.php Returns the form for the failure modal popup 1
shareaholic_failure_modal_form_submit includes/shareaholic_failure_modal.php Submit handler for the shareaholic_failure_modal When submitted, try to create an api key for the user
shareaholic_form_node_form_alter includes/node.php Implements hook_form_node_form_alter().
shareaholic_init ./shareaholic.module Implements hook_init() This gets called at the beginning of a non-cached page request Ideal for setting response headers
shareaholic_install ./shareaholic.install Implements hook_install(). When the user installs the module, log the event
shareaholic_menu ./shareaholic.module Implementation of hook_menu()
shareaholic_node_delete includes/node.php Implements hook_node_delete(). When a node is deleted, notify CM
shareaholic_node_insert includes/node.php Implements hook_node_insert(). When a node is created, notify CM to scrape its details and clear FB cache
shareaholic_node_load includes/node.php Implements hook_node_load().
shareaholic_node_prepare includes/node.php Implements hook_node_prepare().
shareaholic_node_submit includes/node.php Implements hook_node_submit().
shareaholic_node_update includes/node.php Implements hook_node_update(). When a node is updated, notify CM to scrape its details and clear FB cache
shareaholic_node_view includes/node.php Implements hook_node_view()
shareaholic_process_html ./shareaholic.module Implements hook_process_html()
shareaholic_reset_plugin_form includes/shareaholic_reset_plugin_form.php The form object for the reset plugin The form will have button to reset the plugin 1
shareaholic_reset_plugin_form_submit includes/shareaholic_reset_plugin_form.php The submit handler for the reset plugin form When the user resets the plugin, destroy settings and get a new api key
shareaholic_schema ./shareaholic.install Implements hook_schema(). Defines the shareaholic_content_settings schema
shareaholic_share_counts_api ./shareaholic.module Returns the share counts for the given url and services Requires the url and services to be passed into GET params 1
shareaholic_theme ./shareaholic.module Implements hook_theme().
shareaholic_tos_modal_form includes/shareaholic_tos_modal.php Returns the form for the terms of service modal popup 1
shareaholic_tos_modal_form_submit includes/shareaholic_tos_modal.php Submit handler for the ToS modal: update values in the database By storing 'true' for shareaholic_has_accepted_tos and get or create an api key if it does not already exists
shareaholic_uninstall ./shareaholic.install Implements hook_uninstall(). When the user uninstalls the module, delete all shareaholic settings
shareaholic_update_7300 ./shareaholic.install This update will add the new shareaholic content settings table for installs 7.x-3.3 and earlier
template_preprocess_shareaholic_apps_configuration includes/shareaholic_apps_configuration_form.php Prepare variables to be used in the shareaholic_apps_configuration template
template_preprocess_shareaholic_failure_modal includes/shareaholic_failure_modal.php Prepare variables to be used in the shareaholic_failure_modal template
template_preprocess_shareaholic_tos_modal includes/shareaholic_tos_modal.php Prepare variables to be used in the shareaholic_tos_modal template
_prepare_template_form_variables ./shareaholic.module Prepares the form for use in the templates by storing the form as strings in the $variables object that can be printed in the template 3

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