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public static function ShareaholicUtilities::get_settings in Share Buttons, Related Posts, Content Analytics - Shareaholic 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.3 utilities.php \ShareaholicUtilities::get_settings()

Just a wrapper around variable_get to get the shareaholic settings. If the settings have not been set it will return an array of defaults.

Return value


9 calls to ShareaholicUtilities::get_settings()
ShareaholicAdmin::show_header in ./admin.php
ShareaholicPublic::draw_canvases in ./public.php
This static function inserts the shareaholic canvas in a node
ShareaholicUtilities::api_key_verified in ./utilities.php
Checks whether the api key has been verified using the rails endpoint. Once the key has been verified, we store that away so that we don't have to check again.
ShareaholicUtilities::get_option in ./utilities.php
Wrapper for wordpress's get_option: for Drupal
ShareaholicUtilities::get_or_create_api_key in ./utilities.php
Returns the api key or creates a new one.

... See full list


./utilities.php, line 55




public static function get_settings() {
  return variable_get('shareaholic_settings', self::defaults());