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Functions in Search API 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
theme_search_api_admin_fields_table ./ Returns HTML for a field list form.
theme_search_api_admin_item_order ./ Returns HTML for a processor/callback order form.
theme_search_api_dropbutton ./ Returns HTML for a drobutton list of links.
theme_search_api_index ./ Returns HTML for a search index.
theme_search_api_server ./ Returns HTML for displaying a server.
_drush_search_api_batch_indexing_create ./ Creates and sets a batch for indexing items for a particular index. 1
_search_api_add_aggregation_field_ajax includes/ AJAX submit function for buttons in the callback's configuration form. 1
_search_api_add_aggregation_field_submit includes/ Submit function for buttons in the callback's configuration form. 1
_search_api_add_option_values ./search_api.module Helper method for adding additional text data to fields with an option list. 1
_search_api_admin_get_fields Deprecated ./ Helper function for building the field list for an index.
_search_api_batch_indexing_callback ./search_api.module Batch API callback for the indexing functionality. 1
_search_api_batch_indexing_create ./search_api.module Creates and sets a batch for indexing items. 2
_search_api_batch_indexing_finished ./search_api.module Batch API finishing callback for the indexing functionality. 1
_search_api_convert_custom_type ./search_api.module Helper function for converting data to a custom type. 1
_search_api_deep_copy ./search_api.module Returns a deep copy of the input array. 4
_search_api_drush_format_plural ./ Copy of formal_plural that works with drush as 't' may not be available. 2
_search_api_entity_datasource_bundle_change ./search_api.module Reacts to a change in the bundle of an entity. 1
_search_api_extract_entity_value ./search_api.module Helper method for extracting the ID (and possibly label) of an entity-valued field. 1
_search_api_facetapi_facet_create_label contrib/search_api_facetapi/search_api_facetapi.module Creates a human-readable label for single facet filter values. 2
_search_api_facetapi_index_support_feature contrib/search_api_facetapi/search_api_facetapi.module Checks whether a certain feature is supported for an index. 3
_search_api_get_items_on_server ./search_api.module Determines the number of items indexed on a server for a certain index. 1
_search_api_index_queued_items ./search_api.module Shutdown function which indexes all queued items, if any. 1
_search_api_index_reindex ./search_api.module Helper method for marking all items on an index as needing re-indexing. 4
_search_api_preserve_views_facets contrib/search_api_facetapi/search_api_facetapi.module Checks whether "Preserve facets" option is enabled on the given view. 1
_search_api_query_add_node_access ./search_api.module Adds a node access filter to a search query, if applicable. 1
_search_api_rules_access ./ Rules access callback for search api actions. 1
_search_api_rules_action_index ./ Rules action for indexing an item. 1
_search_api_rules_action_index_help ./
_search_api_settings_equals Deprecated ./search_api.module Test two setting arrays (or individual settings) for equality.
_search_api_views_add_handlers contrib/search_api_views/ Adds handler definitions for a field to a Views data table definition. 1
_search_api_views_get_field_vocabulary contrib/search_api_views/ Returns the vocabulary machine name of a term field. 2
_search_api_views_index_unavailable contrib/search_api_views/search_api_views.module Function for reacting to a disabled or deleted search index. 2
_search_api_views_update_7101_helper contrib/search_api_views/search_api_views.install Helper function for replacing field identifiers. 1
_search_api_wrapper_add_all_properties ./search_api.module Helper function to be used as a "property info alter" callback. 1


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