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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Search API 7

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Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
SearchApiAbstractAlterCallback abstract class includes/ Abstract base class for data-alter callbacks. 12
SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController abstract class includes/ Provides a default base class for datasource controllers. 3
SearchApiAbstractProcessor abstract class includes/ Abstract processor implementation that provides an easy framework for only processing specific fields. 7
SearchApiAbstractService abstract class includes/ Abstract class with generic implementation of most service methods. 2
SearchApiAlterAddAggregation class includes/ Search API data alteration callback that adds an URL field for all items.
SearchApiAlterAddHierarchy class includes/ Adds all ancestors for hierarchical fields.
SearchApiAlterAddUrl class includes/ Search API data alteration callback that adds an URL field for all items.
SearchApiAlterAddUserContent class includes/ Adds the nodes created by the indexed user for indexing.
SearchApiAlterAddViewedEntity class includes/ Search API data alteration callback that adds an URL field for all items.
SearchApiAlterBundleFilter class includes/ Represents a data alteration that restricts entity indexes to some bundles.
SearchApiAlterCallbackInterface interface includes/ Interface representing a Search API data-alter callback. 1
SearchApiAlterCommentAccess class includes/ Adds node access information to comment indexes.
SearchApiAlterFileEntityPublic class includes/ Excludes file entities in the private folder from being indexed.
SearchApiAlterLanguageControl class includes/ Search API data alteration callback that filters out items based on their bundle.
SearchApiAlterNodeAccess class includes/ Adds node access information to node indexes. 1
SearchApiAlterNodeStatus class includes/ Exclude unpublished nodes from node indexes.
SearchApiAlterRoleFilter class includes/ Data alteration that filters out users based on their role.
SearchApiAlterUserStatus class includes/ Filters out blocked user accounts.
SearchApiCombinedEntityDataSourceController class includes/ Provides a datasource for indexing multiple types of entities.
SearchApiDataSourceControllerInterface interface includes/ Interface for all data source controllers for Search API indexes. 1
SearchApiDataSourceException class includes/ Represents an exception that occurred in a data source controller.
SearchApiDummyService class tests/search_api_test_2.module Dummy service for testing.
SearchApiEntityDataSourceController class includes/ Represents a datasource for all entities known to the Entity API.
SearchApiException class includes/ Represents an exception or error that occurred in some part of the Search API framework. 1
SearchApiExternalDataSourceController class includes/ Base class for data source controllers for external data sources.
SearchApiFacetapiAdapter class contrib/search_api_facetapi/plugins/facetapi/ Facet API adapter for the Search API module.
SearchApiFacetapiDate class contrib/search_api_facetapi/plugins/facetapi/ Plugin for "date" query types.
SearchApiFacetapiExampleService abstract class contrib/search_api_facetapi/example_service.php Example class explaining how facets can be supported by a service class.
SearchApiFacetapiTerm class contrib/search_api_facetapi/plugins/facetapi/ Plugin for "term" query types. 1
SearchApiHighlight class includes/ Processor for highlighting search results.
SearchApiHtmlFilter class includes/
SearchApiIgnoreCase class includes/ Processor for making searches case-insensitive.
SearchApiIndex class includes/ Class representing a search index.
SearchApiPorter2 class includes/ Implements the Porter2 stemming algorithm.
SearchApiPorterStemmer class includes/ Stems words to their roots.
SearchApiProcessorInterface interface includes/ Interface representing a Search API pre- and/or post-processor. 1
SearchApiQuery class includes/ Provides a standard implementation of the SearchApiQueryInterface.
SearchApiQueryFilter class includes/ Provides a standard implementation of SearchApiQueryFilterInterface.
SearchApiQueryFilterInterface interface includes/ Represents a filter on a search query. 1
SearchApiQueryInterface interface includes/ Interface representing a search query on an Search API index. 1
SearchApiServer class includes/ Class representing a search server.
SearchApiServiceInterface interface includes/ Interface defining the methods search services have to implement. 2
SearchApiStopWords class includes/ Processor for removing stopwords from index and search terms.
SearchApiTestService class tests/search_api_test.module Test service class.
SearchApiTokenizer class includes/ Processor for tokenizing fulltext data by replacing (configurable) non-letters with spaces.
SearchApiTransliteration class includes/ Processor for making searches insensitive to accents and other non-ASCII characters.
SearchApiUnitTest class ./search_api.test Class with unit tests testing small fragments of the Search API.
SearchApiViewsCache class contrib/search_api_views/includes/ Plugin class for caching Search API views.
SearchApiViewsContentCache class contrib/search_api_views/includes/ Plugin class for caching Search API views, with additional invalidation.
SearchApiViewsFacetsBlockDisplay class contrib/search_api_views/includes/ Plugin class for displaying search facets in a block.


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