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function _search_api_views_add_handlers in Search API 7

Adds handler definitions for a field to a Views data table definition.

Helper method for search_api_views_views_data().


$id: The internal identifier of the field.

array $field: Information about the field.

EntityMetadataWrapper $wrapper: A wrapper providing further metadata about the field.

array $table: The existing Views data table definition, as a reference.

1 call to _search_api_views_add_handlers()
search_api_views_views_data in contrib/search_api_views/
Implements hook_views_data().


contrib/search_api_views/, line 170
Views hook implementations for the Search API Views module.


function _search_api_views_add_handlers($id, array $field, EntityMetadataWrapper $wrapper, array &$table) {
  $type = $field['type'];
  $inner_type = search_api_extract_inner_type($type);
  if (strpos($id, ':')) {
    entity_views_field_definition($id, $wrapper
      ->info(), $table);
  $id = _entity_views_field_identifier($id, $table);
  $table += array(
    $id => array(),
  if ($inner_type == 'text') {
    $table[$id] += array(
      'argument' => array(
        'handler' => 'SearchApiViewsHandlerArgumentString',
      'filter' => array(
        'handler' => 'SearchApiViewsHandlerFilterText',
  $info = $wrapper
  if (isset($info['options list']) && is_callable($info['options list'])) {
    $table[$id]['filter']['handler'] = 'SearchApiViewsHandlerFilterOptions';
    $table[$id]['filter']['multi-valued'] = search_api_is_list_type($type);
  elseif ($inner_type == 'boolean') {
    $table[$id]['filter']['handler'] = 'SearchApiViewsHandlerFilterBoolean';
  elseif ($inner_type == 'date') {
    $table[$id]['filter']['handler'] = 'SearchApiViewsHandlerFilterDate';
  elseif (isset($field['entity_type']) && $field['entity_type'] === 'user') {
    $table[$id]['filter']['handler'] = 'SearchApiViewsHandlerFilterUser';
  elseif (isset($field['entity_type']) && $field['entity_type'] === 'taxonomy_term') {
    $table[$id]['filter']['handler'] = 'SearchApiViewsHandlerFilterTaxonomyTerm';
    $field_info = field_info_field($info['name']);

    // For the "Parent terms" and "All parent terms" properties, we can
    // extrapolate the vocabulary from the parent in the selector. (E.g.,
    // for "field_tags:parent" we can use the information of "field_tags".)
    // Otherwise, we can't include any vocabulary information.
    if (!$field_info && ($info['name'] == 'parent' || $info['name'] == 'parents_all')) {
      if (!empty($table[$id]['real field'])) {
        $parts = explode(':', $table[$id]['real field']);
        $field_info = field_info_field($parts[count($parts) - 2]);
    if ($vocabulary = _search_api_views_get_field_vocabulary($field_info)) {
      $table[$id]['filter']['vocabulary'] = $vocabulary;
  elseif (in_array($inner_type, array(
  ))) {
    $table[$id]['filter']['handler'] = 'SearchApiViewsHandlerFilterNumeric';
  else {
    $table[$id]['filter']['handler'] = 'SearchApiViewsHandlerFilter';
  if ($inner_type == 'string' || $inner_type == 'uri') {
    $table[$id]['argument']['handler'] = 'SearchApiViewsHandlerArgumentString';
  elseif ($inner_type == 'date') {
    $table[$id]['argument']['handler'] = 'SearchApiViewsHandlerArgumentDate';
  else {
    $table[$id]['argument']['handler'] = 'SearchApiViewsHandlerArgument';

  // We can only sort according to single-valued fields.
  if ($type == $inner_type) {
    $table[$id]['sort']['handler'] = 'SearchApiViewsHandlerSort';
    if (isset($table[$id]['field'])) {
      $table[$id]['field']['click sortable'] = TRUE;