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function _search_api_entity_datasource_bundle_change in Search API 7

Reacts to a change in the bundle of an entity.

Used as a helper function in search_api_entity_update().


$type: The entity's type.

$id: The entity's ID.

$old_bundle: The entity's previous bundle.

$new_bundle: The entity's new bundle.

1 call to _search_api_entity_datasource_bundle_change()
search_api_entity_update in ./search_api.module
Implements hook_entity_update().


./search_api.module, line 3326
Provides a flexible framework for implementing search services.


function _search_api_entity_datasource_bundle_change($type, $id, $old_bundle, $new_bundle) {
  $controller = search_api_get_datasource_controller($type);
  $conditions = array(
    'enabled' => 1,
    'item_type' => $type,
    'read_only' => 0,
  foreach (search_api_index_load_multiple(FALSE, $conditions) as $index) {
    if (!empty($index->options['datasource']['bundles'])) {
      $bundles = drupal_map_assoc($index->options['datasource']['bundles']);
      if (empty($bundles[$new_bundle]) != empty($bundles[$old_bundle])) {
        if (empty($bundles[$new_bundle])) {
          ), array(
        else {
          ), array(