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function theme_search_api_server in Search API 7

Returns HTML for displaying a server.


array $variables: An associative array containing:

  • id: The server's id.
  • name: The server's name.
  • machine_name: The server's machine name.
  • description: The server's description.
  • enabled: Boolean indicating whether the server is enabled.
  • class_id: The used service class' ID.
  • class_name: The used service class' display name.
  • class_description: The used service class' description.
  • indexes: A list of indexes associated with this server, either as an HTML string or a render array.
  • options: An HTML string or render array containing information about the server's service-specific settings.
  • status: The entity configuration status (in database, in code, etc.).
  • extra: An array of additional server information in the format specified by SearchApiAbstractService::getExtraInformation().

Return value

string HTML for displaying a server.

1 theme call to theme_search_api_server()
search_api_admin_server_view in ./
Page callback: Displays information about a server.


./, line 437
Administration page callbacks for the Search API module.


function theme_search_api_server(array $variables) {
  $machine_name = $variables['machine_name'];
  $description = $variables['description'];
  $enabled = $variables['enabled'];
  $class_id = $variables['class_id'];
  $class_name = $variables['class_name'];
  $indexes = $variables['indexes'];
  $options = $variables['options'];
  $status = $variables['status'];
  $extra = $variables['extra'];

  // First, output the index description if there is one set.
  $output = '';
  if ($description) {
    $output .= '<p class="description">' . nl2br(check_plain($description)) . '</p>';

  // Then, display a table summarizing the index's status.
  $rows = array();

  // Create a row template with references so we don't have to deal with the
  // complicated structure for each individual row.
  $row = array(
    'data' => array(
        'header' => TRUE,
    'class' => array(
  $label =& $row['data'][0]['data'];
  $info =& $row['data'][1];
  $class =& $row['class'][0];
  if ($enabled) {
    $class = 'ok';
    $info = t('enabled (!disable_link)', array(
      '!disable_link' => l(t('disable'), 'admin/config/search/search_api/server/' . $machine_name . '/disable'),
  else {
    $class = 'warning';
    $info = t('disabled (!enable_link)', array(
      '!enable_link' => l(t('enable'), 'admin/config/search/search_api/server/' . $machine_name . '/enable', array(
        'query' => array(
          'token' => drupal_get_token($machine_name),
  $label = t('Status');
  $rows[] = _search_api_deep_copy($row);
  $class = '';
  $label = t('Service class');
  if (module_exists('help')) {
    $url_options['fragment'] = drupal_clean_css_identifier($class_id);
    $info = l($class_name, 'admin/help/search_api', $url_options);
  else {
    $info = check_plain($class_name);
  $rows[] = _search_api_deep_copy($row);
  if ($indexes) {
    $label = t('Search indexes');
    $info = render($indexes);
    $rows[] = _search_api_deep_copy($row);
  if ($options) {
    $label = t('Service options');
    $info = render($options);
    $rows[] = _search_api_deep_copy($row);
  if ($status != ENTITY_CUSTOM) {
    $label = t('Configuration status');
    $info = theme('entity_status', array(
      'status' => $status,
    $class = $status == ENTITY_OVERRIDDEN ? 'warning' : 'ok';
    $rows[] = _search_api_deep_copy($row);
    $class = '';
  if ($extra) {
    foreach ($extra as $information) {
      $label = $information['label'];
      $info = $information['info'];
      $class = !empty($information['status']) ? $information['status'] : '';
      $rows[] = _search_api_deep_copy($row);
  $theme['rows'] = $rows;
  $theme['attributes']['class'][] = 'search-api-summary';
  $theme['attributes']['class'][] = 'search-api-server-summary';
  $theme['attributes']['class'][] = 'system-status-report';
  $output .= theme('table', $theme);
  return $output;