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function search_api_views_views_data in Search API 7

Implements hook_views_data().


contrib/search_api_views/, line 11
Views hook implementations for the Search API Views module.


function search_api_views_views_data() {
  try {
    $data = array();
    foreach (search_api_index_load_multiple(FALSE) as $index) {

      // Fill in base data.
      $key = 'search_api_index_' . $index->machine_name;
      $table =& $data[$key];
      $type_info = search_api_get_item_type_info($index->item_type);
      $table['table']['group'] = t('Indexed @entity_type', array(
        '@entity_type' => $type_info['name'],
      $table['table']['base'] = array(
        'field' => 'search_api_id',
        'index' => $index->machine_name,
        'title' => $index->name,
        'help' => t('Use the %name search index for filtering and retrieving data.', array(
          '%name' => $index->name,
        'query class' => 'search_api_views_query',
      $table['table']['entity type'] = $index
      $table['table']['skip entity load'] = TRUE;
      try {
        $wrapper = $index
          ->entityWrapper(NULL, FALSE);
      } catch (EntityMetadataWrapperException $e) {
        watchdog_exception('search_api_views', $e, "%type while retrieving metadata for index %index: !message in %function (line %line of %file).", array(
          '%index' => $index->name,

      // Add field handlers and relationships provided by the Entity API.
      foreach ($wrapper as $key => $property) {
        $info = $property
        if ($info) {
          entity_views_field_definition($key, $info, $table);
      try {
        $wrapper = $index
      } catch (EntityMetadataWrapperException $e) {
        watchdog_exception('search_api_views', $e, "%type while retrieving metadata for index %index: !message in %function (line %line of %file).", array(
          '%index' => $index->name,

      // Add handlers for all indexed fields.
      foreach ($index
        ->getFields() as $key => $field) {
        $tmp = $wrapper;
        $group = '';
        $name = '';
        $parts = explode(':', $key);
        foreach ($parts as $i => $part) {
          if (!isset($tmp->{$part})) {
            continue 2;
          $tmp = $tmp->{$part};
          $info = $tmp
          $group = $group ? $group . ' » ' . $name : ($name ? $name : '');
          $name = $info['label'];
          if ($i < count($parts) - 1) {

            // Unwrap lists.
            $level = search_api_list_nesting_level($info['type']);
            for ($j = 0; $j < $level; ++$j) {
              $tmp = $tmp[0];
        $id = _entity_views_field_identifier($key, $table);
        if ($group) {

          // @todo Entity type label instead of $group?
          $table[$id]['group'] = $group;
          $name = t('!field (indexed)', array(
            '!field' => $name,
        $table[$id]['title'] = $name;
        $table[$id]['help'] = empty($info['description']) ? t('(No information available)') : $info['description'];
        $table[$id]['type'] = $field['type'];
        if ($id != $key) {
          $table[$id]['real field'] = $key;
        _search_api_views_add_handlers($key, $field, $tmp, $table);

      // Special handlers
      $table['search_api_language']['filter']['handler'] = 'SearchApiViewsHandlerFilterLanguage';
      $table['search_api_id']['title'] = t('Entity ID');
      $table['search_api_id']['help'] = t("The entity's ID.");
      $table['search_api_id']['sort']['handler'] = 'SearchApiViewsHandlerSort';
      $table['search_api_relevance']['group'] = t('Search');
      $table['search_api_relevance']['title'] = t('Relevance');
      $table['search_api_relevance']['help'] = t('The relevance of this search result with respect to the query.');
      $table['search_api_relevance']['field']['type'] = 'decimal';
      $table['search_api_relevance']['field']['float'] = TRUE;
      $table['search_api_relevance']['field']['handler'] = 'entity_views_handler_field_numeric';
      $table['search_api_relevance']['field']['click sortable'] = TRUE;
      $table['search_api_relevance']['sort']['handler'] = 'SearchApiViewsHandlerSort';
      $table['search_api_excerpt']['group'] = t('Search');
      $table['search_api_excerpt']['title'] = t('Excerpt');
      $table['search_api_excerpt']['help'] = t('The search result excerpted to show found search terms.');
      $table['search_api_excerpt']['field']['type'] = 'text';
      $table['search_api_excerpt']['field']['handler'] = 'entity_views_handler_field_text';
      $table['search_api_views_fulltext']['group'] = t('Search');
      $table['search_api_views_fulltext']['title'] = t('Fulltext search');
      $table['search_api_views_fulltext']['help'] = t('Search several or all fulltext fields at once.');
      $table['search_api_views_fulltext']['filter']['handler'] = 'SearchApiViewsHandlerFilterFulltext';
      $table['search_api_views_fulltext']['argument']['handler'] = 'SearchApiViewsHandlerArgumentFulltext';
      $table['search_api_views_more_like_this']['group'] = t('Search');
      $table['search_api_views_more_like_this']['title'] = t('More like this');
      $table['search_api_views_more_like_this']['help'] = t('Find similar content.');
      $table['search_api_views_more_like_this']['argument']['handler'] = 'SearchApiViewsHandlerArgumentMoreLikeThis';

      // If there are taxonomy term references indexed in the index, include the
      // "Indexed taxonomy term fields" contextual filter. We also save for all
      // fields whether they contain only terms of a certain vocabulary, keying
      // that information by vocabulary for later ease of use.
      $vocabulary_fields = array();
      foreach ($index
        ->getFields() as $key => $field) {
        if (isset($field['entity_type']) && $field['entity_type'] === 'taxonomy_term') {
          $field_id = ($pos = strrpos($key, ':')) ? substr($key, $pos + 1) : $key;
          $field_info = field_info_field($field_id);
          if ($vocabulary = _search_api_views_get_field_vocabulary($field_info)) {
            $vocabulary_fields[$vocabulary][] = $key;
          else {
            $vocabulary_fields[''][] = $key;
      if ($vocabulary_fields) {
        $table['search_api_views_taxonomy_term']['group'] = t('Search');
        $table['search_api_views_taxonomy_term']['title'] = t('Indexed taxonomy term fields');
        $table['search_api_views_taxonomy_term']['help'] = t('Search in all indexed taxonomy term fields.');
        $table['search_api_views_taxonomy_term']['argument']['handler'] = 'SearchApiViewsHandlerArgumentTaxonomyTerm';
        $table['search_api_views_taxonomy_term']['argument']['vocabulary_fields'] = $vocabulary_fields;
    return $data;
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    watchdog_exception('search_api_views', $e);