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function search_api_index_load_multiple in Search API 7

Load multiple indexes at once, determined by IDs or machine names, or by other conditions.


array|false $ids: An array of index IDs or machine names, or FALSE to load all indexes.

array $conditions: An array of conditions on the {search_api_index} table in the form 'field' => $value.

bool $reset: Whether to reset the internal entity_load cache.

Return value

SearchApiIndex[] An array of index objects keyed by machine name.

See also


26 calls to search_api_index_load_multiple()
drush_search_api_list in ./
List all search indexes.
SearchApiAbstractService::preDelete in includes/
Implements SearchApiServiceInterface::__construct().
SearchApiCombinedEntityDataSourceController::getCallingIndex in includes/
Retrieves the index for which the current method was called.
search_api_admin_overview in ./
Page callback that shows an overview of defined servers and indexes.
search_api_admin_server_view in ./
Page callback: Displays information about a server.

... See full list


./search_api.module, line 2839
Provides a flexible framework for implementing search services.


function search_api_index_load_multiple($ids = array(), $conditions = array(), $reset = FALSE) {

  // This line is a workaround for a weird PDO bug in PHP 5.2.
  // See
  new SearchApiIndex();
  $indexes = entity_load('search_api_index', $ids, $conditions, $reset);
  return entity_key_array_by_property($indexes, 'machine_name');