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class SassScriptFunctions in Sassy 7.3

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  1. 7 phamlp/sass/script/SassScriptFunctions.php \SassScriptFunctions

SassScript functions class. A collection of functions for use in SassSCript. @package PHamlP @subpackage Sass.script


Expanded class hierarchy of SassScriptFunctions

1 string reference to 'SassScriptFunctions'
SassScriptFunction::perform in phpsass/script/SassScriptFunction.php
Evaluates the function. Look for a user defined function first - this allows users to override pre-defined functions, then try the pre-defined functions.


phpsass/script/SassScriptFunctions.php, line 39

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class SassScriptFunctions {
  const DECREASE = false;
  const INCREASE = true;

   * Colour Creation

   * Creates a SassColour object from red, green, and blue values.
   * @param SassNumber the red component.
   * A number between 0 and 255 inclusive, or between 0% and 100% inclusive
   * @param SassNumber the green component.
   * A number between 0 and 255 inclusive, or between 0% and 100% inclusive
   * @param SassNumber the blue component.
   * A number between 0 and 255 inclusive, or between 0% and 100% inclusive
   * @return new SassColour SassColour object
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException if red, green, or blue are out of bounds
  public static function rgb($red, $green, $blue) {
    return self::rgba($red, $green, $blue, new SassNumber(1));

   * Creates a SassColour object from red, green, and blue values and alpha
   * channel (opacity).
   * There are two overloads:
   * * rgba(red, green, blue, alpha)
   * @param SassNumber the red component.
   * A number between 0 and 255 inclusive, or between 0% and 100% inclusive
   * @param SassNumber the green component.
   * A number between 0 and 255 inclusive, or between 0% and 100% inclusive
   * @param SassNumber the blue component.
   * A number between 0 and 255 inclusive, or between 0% and 100% inclusive
   * @param SassNumber The alpha channel. A number between 0 and 1.
   * * rgba(colour, alpha)
   * @param SassColour a SassColour object
   * @param SassNumber The alpha channel. A number between 0 and 1.
   * @return new SassColour SassColour object
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException if any of the red, green, or blue
   * colour components are out of bounds, or or the colour is not a colour, or
   * alpha is out of bounds
  public static function rgba() {
    switch (func_num_args()) {
      case 2:
        $colour = func_get_arg(0);
        $alpha = func_get_arg(1);
        SassLiteral::assertType($colour, 'SassColour');
        SassLiteral::assertType($alpha, 'SassNumber');
        SassLiteral::assertInRange($alpha, 0, 1);
        return $colour
          'alpha' => $alpha->value,
      case 4:
        $rgba = array();
        $components = func_get_args();
        $alpha = array_pop($components);
        foreach ($components as $component) {
          SassLiteral::assertType($component, 'SassNumber');
          if ($component->units == '%') {
            SassLiteral::assertInRange($component, 0, 100, '%');
            $rgba[] = $component->value * 2.55;
          else {
            SassLiteral::assertInRange($component, 0, 255);
            $rgba[] = $component->value;
        SassLiteral::assertType($alpha, 'SassNumber');
        SassLiteral::assertInRange($alpha, 0, 1);
        $rgba[] = $alpha->value;
        return new SassColour($rgba);
        throw new SassScriptFunctionException('Incorrect argument count for ' . __METHOD__ . '; expected 2 or 4, received ' . func_num_args(), SassScriptParser::$context->node);

   * Creates a SassColour object from hue, saturation, and lightness.
   * Uses the algorithm from the
   * {@link CSS3 spec}.
   * @param float The hue of the colour in degrees.
   * Should be between 0 and 360 inclusive
   * @param mixed The saturation of the colour as a percentage.
   * Must be between '0%' and 100%, inclusive
   * @param mixed The lightness of the colour as a percentage.
   * Must be between 0% and 100%, inclusive
   * @return new SassColour The resulting colour
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException if saturation or lightness are out of bounds
  public static function hsl($h, $s, $l) {
    return self::hsla($h, $s, $l, new SassNumber(1));

   * Creates a SassColour object from hue, saturation, lightness and alpha
   * channel (opacity).
   * @param SassNumber The hue of the colour in degrees.
   * Should be between 0 and 360 inclusive
   * @param SassNumber The saturation of the colour as a percentage.
   * Must be between 0% and 100% inclusive
   * @param SassNumber The lightness of the colour as a percentage.
   * Must be between 0% and 100% inclusive
   * @param float The alpha channel. A number between 0 and 1.
   * @return new SassColour The resulting colour
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException if saturation, lightness or alpha are
   * out of bounds
  public static function hsla($h, $s, $l, $a) {
    SassLiteral::assertType($h, 'SassNumber');
    SassLiteral::assertType($s, 'SassNumber');
    SassLiteral::assertType($l, 'SassNumber');
    SassLiteral::assertType($a, 'SassNumber');
    SassLiteral::assertInRange($s, 0, 100, '%');
    SassLiteral::assertInRange($l, 0, 100, '%');
    SassLiteral::assertInRange($a, 0, 1);
    return new SassColour(array(
      'hue' => $h,
      'saturation' => $s,
      'lightness' => $l,
      'alpha' => $a,

   * Colour Information

   * Returns the red component of a colour.
   * @param SassColour The colour
   * @return new SassNumber The red component of colour
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $colour is not a colour
  public static function red($colour) {
    SassLiteral::assertType($colour, 'SassColour');
    return new SassNumber($colour->red);

   * Returns the green component of a colour.
   * @param SassColour The colour
   * @return new SassNumber The green component of colour
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $colour is not a colour
  public static function green($colour) {
    SassLiteral::assertType($colour, 'SassColour');
    return new SassNumber($colour->green);

   * Returns the blue component of a colour.
   * @param SassColour The colour
   * @return new SassNumber The blue component of colour
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $colour is not a colour
  public static function blue($colour) {
    SassLiteral::assertType($colour, 'SassColour');
    return new SassNumber($colour->blue);

   * Returns the hue component of a colour.
   * @param SassColour The colour
   * @return new SassNumber The hue component of colour
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $colour is not a colour
  public static function hue($colour) {
    SassLiteral::assertType($colour, 'SassColour');
    return new SassNumber($colour->hue);

   * Returns the saturation component of a colour.
   * @param SassColour The colour
   * @return new SassNumber The saturation component of colour
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $colour is not a colour
  public static function saturation($colour) {
    SassLiteral::assertType($colour, 'SassColour');
    return new SassNumber($colour->saturation);

   * Returns the lightness component of a colour.
   * @param SassColour The colour
   * @return new SassNumber The lightness component of colour
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $colour is not a colour
  public static function lightness($colour) {
    SassLiteral::assertType($colour, 'SassColour');
    return new SassNumber($colour->lightness);

   * Returns the alpha component (opacity) of a colour.
   * @param SassColour The colour
   * @return new SassNumber The alpha component (opacity) of colour
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $colour is not a colour
   * RL modified so that the filter: alpha function doesn't bork
  public static function alpha($colour) {
    try {
      SassLiteral::assertType($colour, 'SassColour');
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      return new SassString('alpha(100)');
    return new SassNumber($colour->alpha);

   * Returns the alpha component (opacity) of a colour.
   * @param SassColour The colour
   * @return new SassNumber The alpha component (opacity) of colour
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $colour is not a colour
  public static function opacity($colour) {
    SassLiteral::assertType($colour, 'SassColour');
    return new SassNumber($colour->alpha);

   * Colour Adjustments

   * Changes the hue of a colour while retaining the lightness and saturation.
   * @param SassColour The colour to adjust
   * @param SassNumber The amount to adjust the colour by
   * @return new SassColour The adjusted colour
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $colour is not a colour or
   * $degrees is not a number
  public static function adjust_hue($colour, $degrees) {
    SassLiteral::assertType($colour, 'SassColour');
    SassLiteral::assertType($degrees, 'SassNumber');
    return $colour
      'hue' => $colour->hue + $degrees->value,

   * Makes a colour lighter.
   * @param SassColour The colour to lighten
   * @param SassNumber The amount to lighten the colour by
   * @param SassBoolean Whether the amount is a proportion of the current value
   * (true) or the total range (false).
   * The default is false - the amount is a proportion of the total range.
   * If the colour lightness value is 40% and the amount is 50%,
   * the resulting colour lightness value is 90% if the amount is a proportion
   * of the total range, whereas it is 60% if the amount is a proportion of the
   * current value.
   * @return new SassColour The lightened colour
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $colour is not a colour or
   * $amount is not a number
   * @see lighten_rel
  public static function lighten($colour, $amount, $ofCurrent = false) {
    return self::adjust($colour, $amount, $ofCurrent, 'lightness', self::INCREASE, 0, 100, '%');

   * Makes a colour darker.
   * @param SassColour The colour to darken
   * @param SassNumber The amount to darken the colour by
   * @param SassBoolean Whether the amount is a proportion of the current value
   * (true) or the total range (false).
   * The default is false - the amount is a proportion of the total range.
   * If the colour lightness value is 80% and the amount is 50%,
   * the resulting colour lightness value is 30% if the amount is a proportion
   * of the total range, whereas it is 40% if the amount is a proportion of the
   * current value.
   * @return new SassColour The darkened colour
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $colour is not a colour or
   * $amount is not a number
   * @see adjust
  public static function darken($colour, $amount, $ofCurrent = false) {
    return self::adjust($colour, $amount, $ofCurrent, 'lightness', self::DECREASE, 0, 100, '%');

   * Makes a colour more saturated.
   * @param SassColour The colour to saturate
   * @param SassNumber The amount to saturate the colour by
   * @param SassBoolean Whether the amount is a proportion of the current value
   * (true) or the total range (false).
   * The default is false - the amount is a proportion of the total range.
   * If the colour saturation value is 40% and the amount is 50%,
   * the resulting colour saturation value is 90% if the amount is a proportion
   * of the total range, whereas it is 60% if the amount is a proportion of the
   * current value.
   * @return new SassColour The saturated colour
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $colour is not a colour or
   * $amount is not a number
   * @see adjust
  public static function saturate($colour, $amount, $ofCurrent = false) {
    return self::adjust($colour, $amount, $ofCurrent, 'saturation', self::INCREASE, 0, 100, '%');

   * Makes a colour less saturated.
   * @param SassColour The colour to desaturate
   * @param SassNumber The amount to desaturate the colour by
   * @param SassBoolean Whether the amount is a proportion of the current value
   * (true) or the total range (false).
   * The default is false - the amount is a proportion of the total range.
   * If the colour saturation value is 80% and the amount is 50%,
   * the resulting colour saturation value is 30% if the amount is a proportion
   * of the total range, whereas it is 40% if the amount is a proportion of the
   * current value.
   * @return new SassColour The desaturateed colour
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $colour is not a colour or
   * $amount is not a number
   * @see adjust
  public static function desaturate($colour, $amount, $ofCurrent = false) {
    return self::adjust($colour, $amount, $ofCurrent, 'saturation', self::DECREASE, 0, 100, '%');

   * Makes a colour more opaque.
   * @param SassColour The colour to opacify
   * @param SassNumber The amount to opacify the colour by
   * If this is a unitless number between 0 and 1 the adjustment is absolute,
   * if it is a percentage the adjustment is relative.
   * If the colour alpha value is 0.4
   * if the amount is 0.5 the resulting colour alpha value  is 0.9,
   * whereas if the amount is 50% the resulting colour alpha value  is 0.6.
   * @return new SassColour The opacified colour
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $colour is not a colour or
   * $amount is not a number
   * @see opacify_rel
  public static function opacify($colour, $amount, $ofCurrent = false) {
    $units = self::units($amount);
    return self::adjust($colour, $amount, $ofCurrent, 'alpha', self::INCREASE, 0, $units === '%' ? 100 : 1, $units);

   * Makes a colour more transparent.
   * @param SassColour The colour to transparentize
   * @param SassNumber The amount to transparentize the colour by.
   * If this is a unitless number between 0 and 1 the adjustment is absolute,
   * if it is a percentage the adjustment is relative.
   * If the colour alpha value is 0.8
   * if the amount is 0.5 the resulting colour alpha value  is 0.3,
   * whereas if the amount is 50% the resulting colour alpha value  is 0.4.
   * @return new SassColour The transparentized colour
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $colour is not a colour or
   * $amount is not a number
  public static function transparentize($colour, $amount, $ofCurrent = false) {
    $units = self::units($amount);
    return self::adjust($colour, $amount, $ofCurrent, 'alpha', self::DECREASE, 0, $units === '%' ? 100 : 1, $units);

   * Makes a colour more opaque.
   * Alias for {@link opacify}.
   * @param SassColour The colour to opacify
   * @param SassNumber The amount to opacify the colour by
   * @param SassBoolean Whether the amount is a proportion of the current value
   * (true) or the total range (false).
   * @return new SassColour The opacified colour
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $colour is not a colour or
   * $amount is not a number
   * @see opacify
  public static function fade_in($colour, $amount, $ofCurrent = false) {
    return self::opacify($colour, $amount, $ofCurrent);

   * Makes a colour more transparent.
   * Alias for {@link transparentize}.
   * @param SassColour The colour to transparentize
   * @param SassNumber The amount to transparentize the colour by
   * @param SassBoolean Whether the amount is a proportion of the current value
   * (true) or the total range (false).
   * @return new SassColour The transparentized colour
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $colour is not a colour or
   * $amount is not a number
   * @see transparentize
  public static function fade_out($colour, $amount, $ofCurrent = false) {
    return self::transparentize($colour, $amount, $ofCurrent);

   * Returns the complement of a colour.
   * Rotates the hue by 180 degrees.
   * @param SassColour The colour
   * @return new SassColour The comlemented colour
   * @uses adjust_hue()
  public static function complement($colour) {
    return self::adjust_hue($colour, new SassNumber('180deg'));

   * Greyscale for non-english speakers.
   * @param SassColour The colour
   * @return new SassColour The greyscale colour
   * @see desaturate
  public static function grayscale($colour) {
    return self::desaturate($colour, new SassNumber(100));

   * Converts a colour to greyscale.
   * Reduces the saturation to zero.
   * @param SassColour The colour
   * @return new SassColour The greyscale colour
   * @see desaturate
  public static function greyscale($colour) {
    return self::desaturate($colour, new SassNumber(100));

   * Mixes two colours together.
   * Takes the average of each of the RGB components, optionally weighted by the
   * given percentage. The opacity of the colours is also considered when
   * weighting the components.
   * The weight specifies the amount of the first colour that should be included
   * in the returned colour. The default, 50%, means that half the first colour
   * and half the second colour should be used. 25% means that a quarter of the
   * first colour and three quarters of the second colour should be used.
   * For example:
   *   mix(#f00, #00f) => #7f007f
   *   mix(#f00, #00f, 25%) => #3f00bf
   *   mix(rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5), #00f) => rgba(63, 0, 191, 0.75)
   * @param SassColour The first colour
   * @param SassColour The second colour
   * @param float Percentage of the first colour to use
   * @return new SassColour The mixed colour
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $colour1 or $colour2 is
   * not a colour
  public static function mix($colour1, $colour2, $weight = null) {
    if (is_null($weight)) {
      $weight = new SassNumber('50%');
    SassLiteral::assertType($colour1, 'SassColour');
    SassLiteral::assertType($colour2, 'SassColour');
    SassLiteral::assertType($weight, 'SassNumber');
    SassLiteral::assertInRange($weight, 0, 100, '%');

     * This algorithm factors in both the user-provided weight
     * and the difference between the alpha values of the two colours
     * to decide how to perform the weighted average of the two RGB values.
     * It works by first normalizing both parameters to be within [-1, 1],
     * where 1 indicates "only use colour1", -1 indicates "only use colour 0",
     * and all values in between indicated a proportionately weighted average.
     * Once we have the normalized variables w and a,
     * we apply the formula (w + a)/(1 + w*a)
     * to get the combined weight (in [-1, 1]) of colour1.
     * This formula has two especially nice properties:
     * * When either w or a are -1 or 1, the combined weight is also that number
     *  (cases where w * a == -1 are undefined, and handled as a special case).
     * * When a is 0, the combined weight is w, and vice versa
     * Finally, the weight of colour1 is renormalized to be within [0, 1]
     * and the weight of colour2 is given by 1 minus the weight of colour1.
    $p = $weight->value / 100;
    $w = $p * 2 - 1;
    $a = $colour1->alpha - $colour2->alpha;
    $w1 = (($w * $a == -1 ? $w : ($w + $a) / (1 + $w * $a)) + 1) / 2;
    $w2 = 1 - $w1;
    $rgb1 = $colour1
    $rgb2 = $colour2
    $rgba = array();
    foreach ($rgb1 as $key => $value) {
      $rgba[$key] = $value * $w1 + $rgb2[$key] * $w2;

    // foreach
    $rgba[] = $colour1->alpha * $p + $colour2->alpha * (1 - $p);
    return new SassColour($rgba);

   * Adjusts the colour
   * @param SassColour the colour to adjust
   * @param SassNumber the amount to adust by
   * @param boolean whether the amount is a proportion of the current value or
   * the total range
   * @param string the attribute to adjust
   * @param boolean whether to decrease (false) or increase (true) the value of the attribute
   * @param float minimum value the amount can be
   * @param float maximum value the amount can bemixed
   * @param string amount units
  public static function adjust($colour, $amount, $ofCurrent, $attribute, $op, $min, $max, $units = '') {
    SassLiteral::assertType($colour, 'SassColour');
    SassLiteral::assertType($amount, 'SassNumber');
    SassLiteral::assertInRange($amount, $min, $max, $units);
    if (!is_bool($ofCurrent)) {
      SassLiteral::assertType($ofCurrent, 'SassBoolean');
      $ofCurrent = $ofCurrent->value;
    $amount = $amount->value * ($attribute === 'alpha' && $ofCurrent && $units === '' ? 100 : 1);
    return $colour
      $attribute => self::inRange($ofCurrent ? $colour->{$attribute} * (1 + $amount * ($op === self::INCREASE ? 1 : -1) / 100) : $colour->{$attribute} + $amount * ($op === self::INCREASE ? 1 : -1), $min, $max),

   * Number Functions

   * Finds the absolute value of a number.
   * For example:
   *     abs(10px) => 10px
   *     abs(-10px) => 10px
   * @param SassNumber The number to round
   * @return SassNumber The absolute value of the number
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $number is not a number
  public static function abs($number) {
    SassLiteral::assertType($number, 'SassNumber');
    return new SassNumber(abs($number->value) . $number->units);

   * Rounds a number up to the nearest whole number.
   * For example:
   *     ceil(10.4px) => 11px
   *     ceil(10.6px) => 11px
   * @param SassNumber The number to round
   * @return new SassNumber The rounded number
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $number is not a number
  public static function ceil($number) {
    SassLiteral::assertType($number, 'SassNumber');
    return new SassNumber(ceil($number->value) . $number->units);

   * Rounds down to the nearest whole number.
   * For example:
   *     floor(10.4px) => 10px
   *     floor(10.6px) => 10px
   * @param SassNumber The number to round
   * @return new SassNumber The rounded number
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $value is not a number
  public static function floor($number) {
    SassLiteral::assertType($number, 'SassNumber');
    return new SassNumber(floor($number->value) . $number->units);

   * Rounds a number to the nearest whole number.
   * For example:
   *     round(10.4px) => 10px
   *     round(10.6px) => 11px
   * @param SassNumber The number to round
   * @return new SassNumber The rounded number
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $number is not a number
  public static function round($number) {
    SassLiteral::assertType($number, 'SassNumber');
    return new SassNumber(round($number->value) . $number->units);

   * Returns true if two numbers are similar enough to be added, subtracted,
   * or compared.
   * @param SassNumber The first number to test
   * @param SassNumber The second number to test
   * @return new SassBoolean True if the numbers are similar
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $number1 or $number2 is not
   * a number
  public static function comparable($number1, $number2) {
    SassLiteral::assertType($number1, 'SassNumber');
    SassLiteral::assertType($number2, 'SassNumber');
    return new SassBoolean($number1

   * Converts a decimal number to a percentage.
   * For example:
   *     percentage(100px / 50px) => 200%
   * @param SassNumber The decimal number to convert to a percentage
   * @return new SassNumber The number as a percentage
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $number isn't a unitless number
  public static function percentage($number) {
    if (!$number instanceof SassNumber || $number
      ->hasUnits()) {
      throw new SassScriptFunctionException('number must be a unitless SassNumber', SassScriptParser::$context->node);
    $number->value *= 100;
    $number->units = '%';
    return $number;

   * Inspects the unit of the number, returning it as a quoted string.
   * Alias for units.
   * @param SassNumber The number to inspect
   * @return new SassString The units of the number
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $number is not a number
   * @see units
  public static function unit($number) {
    return self::units($number);

   * Inspects the units of the number, returning it as a quoted string.
   * @param SassNumber The number to inspect
   * @return new SassString The units of the number
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $number is not a number
  public static function units($number) {
    SassLiteral::assertType($number, 'SassNumber');
    return new SassString($number->units);

   * Inspects the unit of the number, returning a boolean indicating if it is
   * unitless.
   * @param SassNumber The number to inspect
   * @return new SassBoolean True if the number is unitless, false if it has units.
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $number is not a number
  public static function unitless($number) {
    SassLiteral::assertType($number, 'SassNumber');
    return new SassBoolean($number

   * String Functions

   * Add quotes to a string if the string isn't quoted,
   * or returns the same string if it is.
   * @param string String to quote
   * @return new SassString Quoted string
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $string is not a string
   * @see unquote
  public static function quote($string) {
    SassLiteral::assertType($string, 'SassString');
    return new SassString('"' . $string->value . '"');

   * Removes quotes from a string if the string is quoted, or returns the same
   * string if it's not.
   * @param string String to unquote
   * @return new SassString Unuoted string
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $string is not a string
   * @see quote
  public static function unquote($string) {
    SassLiteral::assertType($string, 'SassString');
    return new SassString($string->value);

   * Returns the variable whose name is the string.
   * @param string String to unquote
   * @return
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $string is not a string
  public static function get_var($string) {
    SassLiteral::assertType($string, 'SassString');
    return new SassString($string

   * List Functions - taken mostly from Compass
  public static function length($list) {
    return count($list);
  public static function nth($list, $n) {
    return $list[$n];
  public static function join($one, $two, $sep = ', ') {
    return self::append($one, $two, $sep);
  public static function append($list, $val, $sep = ',') {
    $string = is_object($sep) ? $sep->value : $sep;
    $aliases = array(
      'comma' => ',',
      'space' => ' ',
      'tab' => "\t",
    if (isset($aliases[$string])) {
      $string = $aliases[$string];
    $list->value = trim($list->value . $string . $val->value, $string);
    return $list;

   * Misc. Functions

   * Inspects the type of the argument, returning it as an unquoted string.
   * @param SassLiteral The object to inspect
   * @return new SassString The type of object
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $obj is not an instance of a
   * SassLiteral
  public static function type_of($obj) {
    SassLiteral::assertType($obj, 'SassLiteral');
    return new SassString($obj->typeOf);

   * Ensures the value is within the given range, clipping it if needed.
   * @param float the value to test
   * @param float the minimum value
   * @param float the maximum value
   * @return the value clipped to the range
  public static function inRange($value, $min, $max) {
    return $value < $min ? $min : ($value > $max ? $max : $value);



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
SassScriptFunctions::abs public static function Finds the absolute value of a number. For example: abs(10px) => 10px abs(-10px) => 10px
SassScriptFunctions::adjust public static function Adjusts the colour
SassScriptFunctions::adjust_hue public static function Changes the hue of a colour while retaining the lightness and saturation.
SassScriptFunctions::alpha public static function Returns the alpha component (opacity) of a colour.
SassScriptFunctions::append public static function
SassScriptFunctions::blue public static function Returns the blue component of a colour.
SassScriptFunctions::ceil public static function Rounds a number up to the nearest whole number. For example: ceil(10.4px) => 11px ceil(10.6px) => 11px
SassScriptFunctions::comparable public static function Returns true if two numbers are similar enough to be added, subtracted, or compared.
SassScriptFunctions::complement public static function Returns the complement of a colour. Rotates the hue by 180 degrees.
SassScriptFunctions::darken public static function Makes a colour darker.
SassScriptFunctions::DECREASE constant
SassScriptFunctions::desaturate public static function Makes a colour less saturated.
SassScriptFunctions::fade_in public static function Makes a colour more opaque. Alias for {@link opacify}.
SassScriptFunctions::fade_out public static function Makes a colour more transparent. Alias for {@link transparentize}.
SassScriptFunctions::floor public static function Rounds down to the nearest whole number. For example: floor(10.4px) => 10px floor(10.6px) => 10px
SassScriptFunctions::get_var public static function Returns the variable whose name is the string.
SassScriptFunctions::grayscale public static function Greyscale for non-english speakers.
SassScriptFunctions::green public static function Returns the green component of a colour.
SassScriptFunctions::greyscale public static function Converts a colour to greyscale. Reduces the saturation to zero.
SassScriptFunctions::hsl public static function Creates a SassColour object from hue, saturation, and lightness. Uses the algorithm from the {@link CSS3 spec}.
SassScriptFunctions::hsla public static function Creates a SassColour object from hue, saturation, lightness and alpha channel (opacity).
SassScriptFunctions::hue public static function Returns the hue component of a colour.
SassScriptFunctions::INCREASE constant
SassScriptFunctions::inRange public static function Ensures the value is within the given range, clipping it if needed.
SassScriptFunctions::join public static function
SassScriptFunctions::length public static function List Functions - taken mostly from Compass
SassScriptFunctions::lighten public static function Makes a colour lighter.
SassScriptFunctions::lightness public static function Returns the lightness component of a colour.
SassScriptFunctions::mix public static function Mixes two colours together. Takes the average of each of the RGB components, optionally weighted by the given percentage. The opacity of the colours is also considered when weighting the components. The weight specifies the amount of the first colour…
SassScriptFunctions::nth public static function
SassScriptFunctions::opacify public static function Makes a colour more opaque.
SassScriptFunctions::opacity public static function Returns the alpha component (opacity) of a colour.
SassScriptFunctions::percentage public static function Converts a decimal number to a percentage. For example: percentage(100px / 50px) => 200%
SassScriptFunctions::quote public static function Add quotes to a string if the string isn't quoted, or returns the same string if it is.
SassScriptFunctions::red public static function Returns the red component of a colour.
SassScriptFunctions::rgb public static function Creates a SassColour object from red, green, and blue values.
SassScriptFunctions::rgba public static function Creates a SassColour object from red, green, and blue values and alpha channel (opacity). There are two overloads:
SassScriptFunctions::round public static function Rounds a number to the nearest whole number. For example: round(10.4px) => 10px round(10.6px) => 11px
SassScriptFunctions::saturate public static function Makes a colour more saturated.
SassScriptFunctions::saturation public static function Returns the saturation component of a colour.
SassScriptFunctions::transparentize public static function Makes a colour more transparent.
SassScriptFunctions::type_of public static function Inspects the type of the argument, returning it as an unquoted string.
SassScriptFunctions::unit public static function Inspects the unit of the number, returning it as a quoted string. Alias for units.
SassScriptFunctions::unitless public static function Inspects the unit of the number, returning a boolean indicating if it is unitless.
SassScriptFunctions::units public static function Inspects the units of the number, returning it as a quoted string.
SassScriptFunctions::unquote public static function Removes quotes from a string if the string is quoted, or returns the same string if it's not.