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public static function SassLiteral::assertInRange in Sassy 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 phamlp/sass/script/literals/SassLiteral.php \SassLiteral::assertInRange()

Asserts that the value of a literal is within the expected range


SassLiteral the literal to test:

float the minimum value:

float the maximum value:

string the units.:


SassScriptFunctionException if value is not the expected type

4 calls to SassLiteral::assertInRange()
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Adjusts the colour
SassScriptFunctions::hsla in phpsass/script/SassScriptFunctions.php
Creates a SassColour object from hue, saturation, lightness and alpha channel (opacity).
SassScriptFunctions::mix in phpsass/script/SassScriptFunctions.php
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SassScriptFunctions::rgba in phpsass/script/SassScriptFunctions.php
Creates a SassColour object from red, green, and blue values and alpha channel (opacity). There are two overloads:


phpsass/script/literals/SassLiteral.php, line 344


SassLiteral class. Base class for all Sass literals. Sass data types are extended from this class and these override the operation methods to provide the appropriate semantics. @package PHamlP @subpackage Sass.script.literals


public static function assertInRange($literal, $min, $max, $units = '') {
  if ($literal->value < $min || $literal->value > $max) {
    throw new SassScriptFunctionException($literal->typeOf . ' must be between ' . $min . $units . ' and ' . $max . $units . ' inclusive', SassScriptParser::$context->node);