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SassScriptFunctions.php in Sassy 7.3


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 * SassScript functions class file.
 * Methods in this module are accessible from the SassScript context.
 * For example, you can write:
 * $colour = hsl(120, 100%, 50%)
 * and it will call SassFunctions::hsl().
 * There are a few things to keep in mind when modifying this module.
 * First of all, the arguments passed are SassLiteral objects.
 * Literal objects are also expected to be returned.
 * Most Literal objects support the SassLiteral->value accessor
 * for getting their values. Colour objects, though, must be accessed using
 * SassColour::rgb().
 * Second, making functions accessible from Sass introduces the temptation
 * to do things like database access within stylesheets.
 * This temptation must be resisted.
 * Keep in mind that Sass stylesheets are only compiled once and then left as
 * static CSS files. Any dynamic CSS should be left in <style> tags in the
 * HTML.
 * @author      Chris Yates <>
 * @copyright   Copyright (c) 2010 PBM Web Development
 * @license
 * @package      PHamlP
 * @subpackage  Sass.script

 * SassScript functions class.
 * A collection of functions for use in SassSCript.
 * @package      PHamlP
 * @subpackage  Sass.script
class SassScriptFunctions {
  const DECREASE = false;
  const INCREASE = true;

   * Colour Creation

   * Creates a SassColour object from red, green, and blue values.
   * @param SassNumber the red component.
   * A number between 0 and 255 inclusive, or between 0% and 100% inclusive
   * @param SassNumber the green component.
   * A number between 0 and 255 inclusive, or between 0% and 100% inclusive
   * @param SassNumber the blue component.
   * A number between 0 and 255 inclusive, or between 0% and 100% inclusive
   * @return new SassColour SassColour object
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException if red, green, or blue are out of bounds
  public static function rgb($red, $green, $blue) {
    return self::rgba($red, $green, $blue, new SassNumber(1));

   * Creates a SassColour object from red, green, and blue values and alpha
   * channel (opacity).
   * There are two overloads:
   * * rgba(red, green, blue, alpha)
   * @param SassNumber the red component.
   * A number between 0 and 255 inclusive, or between 0% and 100% inclusive
   * @param SassNumber the green component.
   * A number between 0 and 255 inclusive, or between 0% and 100% inclusive
   * @param SassNumber the blue component.
   * A number between 0 and 255 inclusive, or between 0% and 100% inclusive
   * @param SassNumber The alpha channel. A number between 0 and 1.
   * * rgba(colour, alpha)
   * @param SassColour a SassColour object
   * @param SassNumber The alpha channel. A number between 0 and 1.
   * @return new SassColour SassColour object
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException if any of the red, green, or blue
   * colour components are out of bounds, or or the colour is not a colour, or
   * alpha is out of bounds
  public static function rgba() {
    switch (func_num_args()) {
      case 2:
        $colour = func_get_arg(0);
        $alpha = func_get_arg(1);
        SassLiteral::assertType($colour, 'SassColour');
        SassLiteral::assertType($alpha, 'SassNumber');
        SassLiteral::assertInRange($alpha, 0, 1);
        return $colour
          'alpha' => $alpha->value,
      case 4:
        $rgba = array();
        $components = func_get_args();
        $alpha = array_pop($components);
        foreach ($components as $component) {
          SassLiteral::assertType($component, 'SassNumber');
          if ($component->units == '%') {
            SassLiteral::assertInRange($component, 0, 100, '%');
            $rgba[] = $component->value * 2.55;
          else {
            SassLiteral::assertInRange($component, 0, 255);
            $rgba[] = $component->value;
        SassLiteral::assertType($alpha, 'SassNumber');
        SassLiteral::assertInRange($alpha, 0, 1);
        $rgba[] = $alpha->value;
        return new SassColour($rgba);
        throw new SassScriptFunctionException('Incorrect argument count for ' . __METHOD__ . '; expected 2 or 4, received ' . func_num_args(), SassScriptParser::$context->node);

   * Creates a SassColour object from hue, saturation, and lightness.
   * Uses the algorithm from the
   * {@link CSS3 spec}.
   * @param float The hue of the colour in degrees.
   * Should be between 0 and 360 inclusive
   * @param mixed The saturation of the colour as a percentage.
   * Must be between '0%' and 100%, inclusive
   * @param mixed The lightness of the colour as a percentage.
   * Must be between 0% and 100%, inclusive
   * @return new SassColour The resulting colour
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException if saturation or lightness are out of bounds
  public static function hsl($h, $s, $l) {
    return self::hsla($h, $s, $l, new SassNumber(1));

   * Creates a SassColour object from hue, saturation, lightness and alpha
   * channel (opacity).
   * @param SassNumber The hue of the colour in degrees.
   * Should be between 0 and 360 inclusive
   * @param SassNumber The saturation of the colour as a percentage.
   * Must be between 0% and 100% inclusive
   * @param SassNumber The lightness of the colour as a percentage.
   * Must be between 0% and 100% inclusive
   * @param float The alpha channel. A number between 0 and 1.
   * @return new SassColour The resulting colour
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException if saturation, lightness or alpha are
   * out of bounds
  public static function hsla($h, $s, $l, $a) {
    SassLiteral::assertType($h, 'SassNumber');
    SassLiteral::assertType($s, 'SassNumber');
    SassLiteral::assertType($l, 'SassNumber');
    SassLiteral::assertType($a, 'SassNumber');
    SassLiteral::assertInRange($s, 0, 100, '%');
    SassLiteral::assertInRange($l, 0, 100, '%');
    SassLiteral::assertInRange($a, 0, 1);
    return new SassColour(array(
      'hue' => $h,
      'saturation' => $s,
      'lightness' => $l,
      'alpha' => $a,

   * Colour Information

   * Returns the red component of a colour.
   * @param SassColour The colour
   * @return new SassNumber The red component of colour
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $colour is not a colour
  public static function red($colour) {
    SassLiteral::assertType($colour, 'SassColour');
    return new SassNumber($colour->red);

   * Returns the green component of a colour.
   * @param SassColour The colour
   * @return new SassNumber The green component of colour
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $colour is not a colour
  public static function green($colour) {
    SassLiteral::assertType($colour, 'SassColour');
    return new SassNumber($colour->green);

   * Returns the blue component of a colour.
   * @param SassColour The colour
   * @return new SassNumber The blue component of colour
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $colour is not a colour
  public static function blue($colour) {
    SassLiteral::assertType($colour, 'SassColour');
    return new SassNumber($colour->blue);

   * Returns the hue component of a colour.
   * @param SassColour The colour
   * @return new SassNumber The hue component of colour
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $colour is not a colour
  public static function hue($colour) {
    SassLiteral::assertType($colour, 'SassColour');
    return new SassNumber($colour->hue);

   * Returns the saturation component of a colour.
   * @param SassColour The colour
   * @return new SassNumber The saturation component of colour
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $colour is not a colour
  public static function saturation($colour) {
    SassLiteral::assertType($colour, 'SassColour');
    return new SassNumber($colour->saturation);

   * Returns the lightness component of a colour.
   * @param SassColour The colour
   * @return new SassNumber The lightness component of colour
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $colour is not a colour
  public static function lightness($colour) {
    SassLiteral::assertType($colour, 'SassColour');
    return new SassNumber($colour->lightness);

   * Returns the alpha component (opacity) of a colour.
   * @param SassColour The colour
   * @return new SassNumber The alpha component (opacity) of colour
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $colour is not a colour
   * RL modified so that the filter: alpha function doesn't bork
  public static function alpha($colour) {
    try {
      SassLiteral::assertType($colour, 'SassColour');
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      return new SassString('alpha(100)');
    return new SassNumber($colour->alpha);

   * Returns the alpha component (opacity) of a colour.
   * @param SassColour The colour
   * @return new SassNumber The alpha component (opacity) of colour
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $colour is not a colour
  public static function opacity($colour) {
    SassLiteral::assertType($colour, 'SassColour');
    return new SassNumber($colour->alpha);

   * Colour Adjustments

   * Changes the hue of a colour while retaining the lightness and saturation.
   * @param SassColour The colour to adjust
   * @param SassNumber The amount to adjust the colour by
   * @return new SassColour The adjusted colour
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $colour is not a colour or
   * $degrees is not a number
  public static function adjust_hue($colour, $degrees) {
    SassLiteral::assertType($colour, 'SassColour');
    SassLiteral::assertType($degrees, 'SassNumber');
    return $colour
      'hue' => $colour->hue + $degrees->value,

   * Makes a colour lighter.
   * @param SassColour The colour to lighten
   * @param SassNumber The amount to lighten the colour by
   * @param SassBoolean Whether the amount is a proportion of the current value
   * (true) or the total range (false).
   * The default is false - the amount is a proportion of the total range.
   * If the colour lightness value is 40% and the amount is 50%,
   * the resulting colour lightness value is 90% if the amount is a proportion
   * of the total range, whereas it is 60% if the amount is a proportion of the
   * current value.
   * @return new SassColour The lightened colour
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $colour is not a colour or
   * $amount is not a number
   * @see lighten_rel
  public static function lighten($colour, $amount, $ofCurrent = false) {
    return self::adjust($colour, $amount, $ofCurrent, 'lightness', self::INCREASE, 0, 100, '%');

   * Makes a colour darker.
   * @param SassColour The colour to darken
   * @param SassNumber The amount to darken the colour by
   * @param SassBoolean Whether the amount is a proportion of the current value
   * (true) or the total range (false).
   * The default is false - the amount is a proportion of the total range.
   * If the colour lightness value is 80% and the amount is 50%,
   * the resulting colour lightness value is 30% if the amount is a proportion
   * of the total range, whereas it is 40% if the amount is a proportion of the
   * current value.
   * @return new SassColour The darkened colour
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $colour is not a colour or
   * $amount is not a number
   * @see adjust
  public static function darken($colour, $amount, $ofCurrent = false) {
    return self::adjust($colour, $amount, $ofCurrent, 'lightness', self::DECREASE, 0, 100, '%');

   * Makes a colour more saturated.
   * @param SassColour The colour to saturate
   * @param SassNumber The amount to saturate the colour by
   * @param SassBoolean Whether the amount is a proportion of the current value
   * (true) or the total range (false).
   * The default is false - the amount is a proportion of the total range.
   * If the colour saturation value is 40% and the amount is 50%,
   * the resulting colour saturation value is 90% if the amount is a proportion
   * of the total range, whereas it is 60% if the amount is a proportion of the
   * current value.
   * @return new SassColour The saturated colour
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $colour is not a colour or
   * $amount is not a number
   * @see adjust
  public static function saturate($colour, $amount, $ofCurrent = false) {
    return self::adjust($colour, $amount, $ofCurrent, 'saturation', self::INCREASE, 0, 100, '%');

   * Makes a colour less saturated.
   * @param SassColour The colour to desaturate
   * @param SassNumber The amount to desaturate the colour by
   * @param SassBoolean Whether the amount is a proportion of the current value
   * (true) or the total range (false).
   * The default is false - the amount is a proportion of the total range.
   * If the colour saturation value is 80% and the amount is 50%,
   * the resulting colour saturation value is 30% if the amount is a proportion
   * of the total range, whereas it is 40% if the amount is a proportion of the
   * current value.
   * @return new SassColour The desaturateed colour
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $colour is not a colour or
   * $amount is not a number
   * @see adjust
  public static function desaturate($colour, $amount, $ofCurrent = false) {
    return self::adjust($colour, $amount, $ofCurrent, 'saturation', self::DECREASE, 0, 100, '%');

   * Makes a colour more opaque.
   * @param SassColour The colour to opacify
   * @param SassNumber The amount to opacify the colour by
   * If this is a unitless number between 0 and 1 the adjustment is absolute,
   * if it is a percentage the adjustment is relative.
   * If the colour alpha value is 0.4
   * if the amount is 0.5 the resulting colour alpha value  is 0.9,
   * whereas if the amount is 50% the resulting colour alpha value  is 0.6.
   * @return new SassColour The opacified colour
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $colour is not a colour or
   * $amount is not a number
   * @see opacify_rel
  public static function opacify($colour, $amount, $ofCurrent = false) {
    $units = self::units($amount);
    return self::adjust($colour, $amount, $ofCurrent, 'alpha', self::INCREASE, 0, $units === '%' ? 100 : 1, $units);

   * Makes a colour more transparent.
   * @param SassColour The colour to transparentize
   * @param SassNumber The amount to transparentize the colour by.
   * If this is a unitless number between 0 and 1 the adjustment is absolute,
   * if it is a percentage the adjustment is relative.
   * If the colour alpha value is 0.8
   * if the amount is 0.5 the resulting colour alpha value  is 0.3,
   * whereas if the amount is 50% the resulting colour alpha value  is 0.4.
   * @return new SassColour The transparentized colour
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $colour is not a colour or
   * $amount is not a number
  public static function transparentize($colour, $amount, $ofCurrent = false) {
    $units = self::units($amount);
    return self::adjust($colour, $amount, $ofCurrent, 'alpha', self::DECREASE, 0, $units === '%' ? 100 : 1, $units);

   * Makes a colour more opaque.
   * Alias for {@link opacify}.
   * @param SassColour The colour to opacify
   * @param SassNumber The amount to opacify the colour by
   * @param SassBoolean Whether the amount is a proportion of the current value
   * (true) or the total range (false).
   * @return new SassColour The opacified colour
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $colour is not a colour or
   * $amount is not a number
   * @see opacify
  public static function fade_in($colour, $amount, $ofCurrent = false) {
    return self::opacify($colour, $amount, $ofCurrent);

   * Makes a colour more transparent.
   * Alias for {@link transparentize}.
   * @param SassColour The colour to transparentize
   * @param SassNumber The amount to transparentize the colour by
   * @param SassBoolean Whether the amount is a proportion of the current value
   * (true) or the total range (false).
   * @return new SassColour The transparentized colour
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $colour is not a colour or
   * $amount is not a number
   * @see transparentize
  public static function fade_out($colour, $amount, $ofCurrent = false) {
    return self::transparentize($colour, $amount, $ofCurrent);

   * Returns the complement of a colour.
   * Rotates the hue by 180 degrees.
   * @param SassColour The colour
   * @return new SassColour The comlemented colour
   * @uses adjust_hue()
  public static function complement($colour) {
    return self::adjust_hue($colour, new SassNumber('180deg'));

   * Greyscale for non-english speakers.
   * @param SassColour The colour
   * @return new SassColour The greyscale colour
   * @see desaturate
  public static function grayscale($colour) {
    return self::desaturate($colour, new SassNumber(100));

   * Converts a colour to greyscale.
   * Reduces the saturation to zero.
   * @param SassColour The colour
   * @return new SassColour The greyscale colour
   * @see desaturate
  public static function greyscale($colour) {
    return self::desaturate($colour, new SassNumber(100));

   * Mixes two colours together.
   * Takes the average of each of the RGB components, optionally weighted by the
   * given percentage. The opacity of the colours is also considered when
   * weighting the components.
   * The weight specifies the amount of the first colour that should be included
   * in the returned colour. The default, 50%, means that half the first colour
   * and half the second colour should be used. 25% means that a quarter of the
   * first colour and three quarters of the second colour should be used.
   * For example:
   *   mix(#f00, #00f) => #7f007f
   *   mix(#f00, #00f, 25%) => #3f00bf
   *   mix(rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5), #00f) => rgba(63, 0, 191, 0.75)
   * @param SassColour The first colour
   * @param SassColour The second colour
   * @param float Percentage of the first colour to use
   * @return new SassColour The mixed colour
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $colour1 or $colour2 is
   * not a colour
  public static function mix($colour1, $colour2, $weight = null) {
    if (is_null($weight)) {
      $weight = new SassNumber('50%');
    SassLiteral::assertType($colour1, 'SassColour');
    SassLiteral::assertType($colour2, 'SassColour');
    SassLiteral::assertType($weight, 'SassNumber');
    SassLiteral::assertInRange($weight, 0, 100, '%');

     * This algorithm factors in both the user-provided weight
     * and the difference between the alpha values of the two colours
     * to decide how to perform the weighted average of the two RGB values.
     * It works by first normalizing both parameters to be within [-1, 1],
     * where 1 indicates "only use colour1", -1 indicates "only use colour 0",
     * and all values in between indicated a proportionately weighted average.
     * Once we have the normalized variables w and a,
     * we apply the formula (w + a)/(1 + w*a)
     * to get the combined weight (in [-1, 1]) of colour1.
     * This formula has two especially nice properties:
     * * When either w or a are -1 or 1, the combined weight is also that number
     *  (cases where w * a == -1 are undefined, and handled as a special case).
     * * When a is 0, the combined weight is w, and vice versa
     * Finally, the weight of colour1 is renormalized to be within [0, 1]
     * and the weight of colour2 is given by 1 minus the weight of colour1.
    $p = $weight->value / 100;
    $w = $p * 2 - 1;
    $a = $colour1->alpha - $colour2->alpha;
    $w1 = (($w * $a == -1 ? $w : ($w + $a) / (1 + $w * $a)) + 1) / 2;
    $w2 = 1 - $w1;
    $rgb1 = $colour1
    $rgb2 = $colour2
    $rgba = array();
    foreach ($rgb1 as $key => $value) {
      $rgba[$key] = $value * $w1 + $rgb2[$key] * $w2;

    // foreach
    $rgba[] = $colour1->alpha * $p + $colour2->alpha * (1 - $p);
    return new SassColour($rgba);

   * Adjusts the colour
   * @param SassColour the colour to adjust
   * @param SassNumber the amount to adust by
   * @param boolean whether the amount is a proportion of the current value or
   * the total range
   * @param string the attribute to adjust
   * @param boolean whether to decrease (false) or increase (true) the value of the attribute
   * @param float minimum value the amount can be
   * @param float maximum value the amount can bemixed
   * @param string amount units
  public static function adjust($colour, $amount, $ofCurrent, $attribute, $op, $min, $max, $units = '') {
    SassLiteral::assertType($colour, 'SassColour');
    SassLiteral::assertType($amount, 'SassNumber');
    SassLiteral::assertInRange($amount, $min, $max, $units);
    if (!is_bool($ofCurrent)) {
      SassLiteral::assertType($ofCurrent, 'SassBoolean');
      $ofCurrent = $ofCurrent->value;
    $amount = $amount->value * ($attribute === 'alpha' && $ofCurrent && $units === '' ? 100 : 1);
    return $colour
      $attribute => self::inRange($ofCurrent ? $colour->{$attribute} * (1 + $amount * ($op === self::INCREASE ? 1 : -1) / 100) : $colour->{$attribute} + $amount * ($op === self::INCREASE ? 1 : -1), $min, $max),

   * Number Functions

   * Finds the absolute value of a number.
   * For example:
   *     abs(10px) => 10px
   *     abs(-10px) => 10px
   * @param SassNumber The number to round
   * @return SassNumber The absolute value of the number
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $number is not a number
  public static function abs($number) {
    SassLiteral::assertType($number, 'SassNumber');
    return new SassNumber(abs($number->value) . $number->units);

   * Rounds a number up to the nearest whole number.
   * For example:
   *     ceil(10.4px) => 11px
   *     ceil(10.6px) => 11px
   * @param SassNumber The number to round
   * @return new SassNumber The rounded number
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $number is not a number
  public static function ceil($number) {
    SassLiteral::assertType($number, 'SassNumber');
    return new SassNumber(ceil($number->value) . $number->units);

   * Rounds down to the nearest whole number.
   * For example:
   *     floor(10.4px) => 10px
   *     floor(10.6px) => 10px
   * @param SassNumber The number to round
   * @return new SassNumber The rounded number
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $value is not a number
  public static function floor($number) {
    SassLiteral::assertType($number, 'SassNumber');
    return new SassNumber(floor($number->value) . $number->units);

   * Rounds a number to the nearest whole number.
   * For example:
   *     round(10.4px) => 10px
   *     round(10.6px) => 11px
   * @param SassNumber The number to round
   * @return new SassNumber The rounded number
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $number is not a number
  public static function round($number) {
    SassLiteral::assertType($number, 'SassNumber');
    return new SassNumber(round($number->value) . $number->units);

   * Returns true if two numbers are similar enough to be added, subtracted,
   * or compared.
   * @param SassNumber The first number to test
   * @param SassNumber The second number to test
   * @return new SassBoolean True if the numbers are similar
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $number1 or $number2 is not
   * a number
  public static function comparable($number1, $number2) {
    SassLiteral::assertType($number1, 'SassNumber');
    SassLiteral::assertType($number2, 'SassNumber');
    return new SassBoolean($number1

   * Converts a decimal number to a percentage.
   * For example:
   *     percentage(100px / 50px) => 200%
   * @param SassNumber The decimal number to convert to a percentage
   * @return new SassNumber The number as a percentage
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $number isn't a unitless number
  public static function percentage($number) {
    if (!$number instanceof SassNumber || $number
      ->hasUnits()) {
      throw new SassScriptFunctionException('number must be a unitless SassNumber', SassScriptParser::$context->node);
    $number->value *= 100;
    $number->units = '%';
    return $number;

   * Inspects the unit of the number, returning it as a quoted string.
   * Alias for units.
   * @param SassNumber The number to inspect
   * @return new SassString The units of the number
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $number is not a number
   * @see units
  public static function unit($number) {
    return self::units($number);

   * Inspects the units of the number, returning it as a quoted string.
   * @param SassNumber The number to inspect
   * @return new SassString The units of the number
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $number is not a number
  public static function units($number) {
    SassLiteral::assertType($number, 'SassNumber');
    return new SassString($number->units);

   * Inspects the unit of the number, returning a boolean indicating if it is
   * unitless.
   * @param SassNumber The number to inspect
   * @return new SassBoolean True if the number is unitless, false if it has units.
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $number is not a number
  public static function unitless($number) {
    SassLiteral::assertType($number, 'SassNumber');
    return new SassBoolean($number

   * String Functions

   * Add quotes to a string if the string isn't quoted,
   * or returns the same string if it is.
   * @param string String to quote
   * @return new SassString Quoted string
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $string is not a string
   * @see unquote
  public static function quote($string) {
    SassLiteral::assertType($string, 'SassString');
    return new SassString('"' . $string->value . '"');

   * Removes quotes from a string if the string is quoted, or returns the same
   * string if it's not.
   * @param string String to unquote
   * @return new SassString Unuoted string
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $string is not a string
   * @see quote
  public static function unquote($string) {
    SassLiteral::assertType($string, 'SassString');
    return new SassString($string->value);

   * Returns the variable whose name is the string.
   * @param string String to unquote
   * @return
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $string is not a string
  public static function get_var($string) {
    SassLiteral::assertType($string, 'SassString');
    return new SassString($string

   * List Functions - taken mostly from Compass
  public static function length($list) {
    return count($list);
  public static function nth($list, $n) {
    return $list[$n];
  public static function join($one, $two, $sep = ', ') {
    return self::append($one, $two, $sep);
  public static function append($list, $val, $sep = ',') {
    $string = is_object($sep) ? $sep->value : $sep;
    $aliases = array(
      'comma' => ',',
      'space' => ' ',
      'tab' => "\t",
    if (isset($aliases[$string])) {
      $string = $aliases[$string];
    $list->value = trim($list->value . $string . $val->value, $string);
    return $list;

   * Misc. Functions

   * Inspects the type of the argument, returning it as an unquoted string.
   * @param SassLiteral The object to inspect
   * @return new SassString The type of object
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException If $obj is not an instance of a
   * SassLiteral
  public static function type_of($obj) {
    SassLiteral::assertType($obj, 'SassLiteral');
    return new SassString($obj->typeOf);

   * Ensures the value is within the given range, clipping it if needed.
   * @param float the value to test
   * @param float the minimum value
   * @param float the maximum value
   * @return the value clipped to the range
  public static function inRange($value, $min, $max) {
    return $value < $min ? $min : ($value > $max ? $max : $value);



Namesort descending Description
SassScriptFunctions SassScript functions class. A collection of functions for use in SassSCript. @package PHamlP @subpackage Sass.script