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public static function SassLiteral::assertType in Sassy 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 phamlp/sass/script/literals/SassLiteral.php \SassLiteral::assertType()

Asserts that the literal is the expected type


SassLiteral the literal to test:

string expected type:


SassScriptFunctionException if value is not the expected type

25 calls to SassLiteral::assertType()
SassScriptFunctions::abs in phpsass/script/SassScriptFunctions.php
Finds the absolute value of a number. For example: abs(10px) => 10px abs(-10px) => 10px
SassScriptFunctions::adjust in phpsass/script/SassScriptFunctions.php
Adjusts the colour
SassScriptFunctions::adjust_hue in phpsass/script/SassScriptFunctions.php
Changes the hue of a colour while retaining the lightness and saturation.
SassScriptFunctions::alpha in phpsass/script/SassScriptFunctions.php
Returns the alpha component (opacity) of a colour.
SassScriptFunctions::blue in phpsass/script/SassScriptFunctions.php
Returns the blue component of a colour.

... See full list


phpsass/script/literals/SassLiteral.php, line 330


SassLiteral class. Base class for all Sass literals. Sass data types are extended from this class and these override the operation methods to provide the appropriate semantics. @package PHamlP @subpackage Sass.script.literals


public static function assertType($literal, $type) {
  if (!$literal instanceof $type) {
    throw new SassScriptFunctionException(($literal instanceof SassLiteral ? $literal->typeOf : 'literal') . ' must be a ' . $type, SassScriptParser::$context->node);