class SarniaSolrService in Sarnia 7
Search service class using Solr server.
- class \SearchApiAbstractService implements SearchApiServiceInterface
- class \SearchApiSolrService
- class \SarniaSolrService
- class \SearchApiSolrService
Expanded class hierarchy of SarniaSolrService
1 string reference to 'SarniaSolrService'
- sarnia_search_api_service_info in ./
sarnia.module - Implements hook_search_api_service_info().
- ./, line 6
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class SarniaSolrService extends SearchApiSolrService {
* Track explicitly disabled Search API features.
protected $disabled_features = array();
* Explicitly disable a particular feature.
* @see SarniaController::load()
* @param string $feature
* The name of a Search API feature.
public function disableFeature($feature) {
$this->disabled_features[$feature] = $feature;
* This is called "unDisable" because there's no guarantee that the
* SearchApiSolrService class supports a particular feature... even though it
* probably does.
* @param string $feature
* The name of a Search API feature.
public function unDisableFeature($feature) {
* Overrides SearchApiAbstractService::configurationForm().
public function configurationForm(array $form, array &$form_state) {
$form = parent::configurationForm($form, $form_state);
$options = $this->options + array(
'sarnia_request_handler' => '',
'sarnia_default_query' => '*:*',
$form['advanced']['sarnia_request_handler'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Sarnia request handler'),
'#description' => t("Enter the name of a requestHandler from the core's solrconfig.xml file. This should only be necessary if you need to specify a handler to use other than the default."),
'#default_value' => $options['sarnia_request_handler'],
$form['advanced']['sarnia_default_query'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Sarnia default query'),
'#description' => t("Enter a default query parameter. This may only be necessary if a default query cannot be specified in the solrconfig.xml."),
'#default_value' => $options['sarnia_default_query'],
return $form;
* Overrides SearchApiAbstractService::configurationFormValidate().
public function configurationFormValidate(array $form, array &$values, array &$form_state) {
// @todo: Write validation for the requestHandler name parameter. Without
// validation it's likely that the field could be used to inject parameters.
parent::configurationFormValidate($form, $values, $form_state);
* Check whether this particular service supports a Search API feature.
* @param string $feature
* The name of a Search API feature.
* @return boolean
public function supportsFeature($feature) {
if (isset($this->disabled_features[$feature])) {
return FALSE;
return parent::supportsFeature($feature);
* Create a list of all indexed field names mapped to their Solr field names.
* The special fields "search_api_id" and "search_api_relevance" are also
* included.
public function getFieldNames(SearchApiIndex $index, $reset = FALSE) {
$ret = array();
// Initially, map property Solr field names to themselves.
$sarnia_entity_info = sarnia_entity_type_load_by_index($index->machine_name);
if (!empty($index->options['fields'])) {
foreach (array_keys($index->options['fields']) as $f) {
$ret[$f] = $f;
// We have some special property names which may override Solr field names.
//@TODO these probably shouldn't override.
$ret = array_merge($ret, array(
// local property name => solr doc property name
'search_api_id' => $sarnia_entity_info['id_field'],
'search_api_relevance' => 'score',
'search_api_item_id' => $sarnia_entity_info['id_field'],
'search_api_random' => 'random_' . rand(1, 200),
// Let modules adjust the field mappings.
drupal_alter('search_api_solr_field_mapping', $index, $ret);
return $ret;
* Alter the query built by SearchApiSolrService::search().
* Sarnia needs to avoid making assumptions about the Solr configuration and
* schema (solrconfig.xml and schema.xml) since the point is to read arbitrary
* Solr cores.
protected function preQuery(array &$call_args, SearchApiQueryInterface $query) {
if (!isset($call_args['query']) || empty($call_args['query'])) {
$call_args['query'] = $this->options['sarnia_default_query'];
// Remove the Search API index id filter and the hash.
foreach ($call_args['params']['fq'] as $index => $value) {
list($filter, $val) = explode(':', $value);
if (in_array($filter, array(
))) {
$call_args['params']['fq'] = array_values($call_args['params']['fq']);
// Make sure that all fields, plus the score, are returned in Solr results.
$call_args['params']['fl'] = array(
// Use the admin-defined requestHandler for the query type.
if (!empty($this->options['sarnia_request_handler'])) {
$call_args['params']['qt'] = $this->options['sarnia_request_handler'];
* Stash the results as loaded entities.
protected function postQuery(array &$results, SearchApiQueryInterface $query, $response) {
parent::postQuery($results, $query, $response);
$sarnia_entity_type = sarnia_entity_server_name_load($this->server->machine_name);
* Return the facet field name corresponding to a normal Solr field name.
* For now, this is just the same field name. This method is necessary to
* override SearchApiSolrService::getFacetField(), which prepends 'f_' to
* field names beginning with 's'. If we need more nuance here than just the
* displayable, non-fulltext fields, we could provide another 'filter' and use
* SarniaSolrService::getFilteredFields() and SarniaSolrService::schemaApplyRules(),
* the same way we do to map display fields to sort and filter fields.
* @see sarnia_facetapi_facet_info_alter()
protected function getFacetField($field) {
return $field;
* Get metadata about fields in the Solr/Lucene index.
* @param boolean $reset
* Reload the cached data?
public function getRemoteFields($reset = FALSE) {
$cid = 'search_api_solr:fields:' . $this->server->machine_name;
// If the data hasn't been retrieved before and we aren't refreshing it, try
// to get data from the cache.
if (!isset($this->fields) && !$reset) {
$cache = cache_get($cid);
if (isset($cache->data)) {
$this->fields = $cache->data;
// If there was no data in the cache, or if we're refreshing the data,
// connect to the Solr server, retrieve schema information, and cache it.
if (!isset($this->fields) || $reset) {
$this->fields = array();
try {
foreach ($this->solr
->getFields() as $name => $info) {
$this->fields[$name] = new SarniaSearchApiSolrField($info, $name);
cache_set($cid, $this->fields);
} catch (Exception $e) {
watchdog('sarnia', 'Could not connect to server %server, %message', array(
'%server' => $this->server->machine_name,
'%message' => $e
return $this->fields;
function getFulltextFields($reset = FALSE) {
$fields = $this
->getFilteredFields('fulltext', $reset);
return $fields;
function getSortFields($reset = FALSE) {
return $this
->getFilteredFields('sort', $reset);
function getDisplayFields($reset = FALSE) {
return $this
->getFilteredFields('display', $reset);
function getFilterFields($reset = FALSE) {
return $this
->getFilteredFields('filter', $reset);
var $filteredFields;
protected function getFilteredFields($filter, $reset = FALSE) {
// If the data hasn't been retrieved before and we aren't refreshing it, try
// to get data from the cache.
$cid = "search_api_solr:fields:{$this->server->machine_name}:{$filter}";
if (!isset($this->filteredFields[$filter]) && !$reset) {
$cache = cache_get($cid);
if (isset($cache->data)) {
$this->filteredFields[$filter] = $cache->data;
// If there was no data in the cache, or if we're refreshing the data,
// filter the fields.
if (!isset($this->filteredFields[$filter]) || $reset) {
$this->filteredFields[$filter] = $this
->_getFilteredFields($filter, $reset);
// Apply Sarnia transformations, which should be customized to match
// specific schema.xml files.
->schemaApplyRules($this->filteredFields[$filter], $filter);
drupal_alter('sarnia_solr_service_filter_fields', $this->filteredFields[$filter], $filter, $this);
// Cache the filtered array.
cache_set($cid, $this->filteredFields[$filter]);
return $this->filteredFields[$filter];
function _getFilteredFields($filter, $reset = FALSE) {
$fields = array();
// Use methods on the SolrField class for basic filtering.
$filter_method = $this
if ($filter_method) {
foreach ($this
->getRemoteFields($reset) as $name => $field) {
if ($field
->{$filter_method}()) {
$fields[$name] = $field;
return $fields;
protected function getFieldFilterMethod($filter) {
$methods = array(
'fulltext' => 'isFulltextSearchable',
'sort' => 'isSortable',
'display' => 'isStored',
'filter' => 'isFilterable',
return $methods[$filter];
var $schema;
function schemaApplyRules(&$fields, $filter) {
$result_fields = array();
$all_fields = $this
foreach ($fields as $name => $field) {
$result_fields[$name] = $field;
if ($rule = $this
->schemaGetRule($field, $filter)) {
if ($rule->effect == 'disable') {
// Don't allow fulltext/filter/display/sort on this field.
elseif ($rule->effect == 'replace' && isset($rule->replacement)) {
// Use this field as the fulltext/filter/display/sort for another field.
$replacement = NULL;
if ($rule->match_type == 'name') {
$replacement = $rule->replacement;
elseif ($rule->match_type == 'dynamicBase') {
$replacement = str_replace(trim($rule->match_value, '*'), trim($rule->replacement, '*'), $name);
if ($replacement && is_object($all_fields[$replacement])) {
$result_fields[$replacement] = $field;
$fields = $result_fields;
function schemaGetRule($field, $filter) {
if (!isset($this->schema)) {
if (isset($this->schema[$filter])) {
foreach ($this->schema[$filter] as $rule) {
if ((!$rule->search_api_server || $rule->search_api_server == $this->server->machine_name) && ($rule->match_type == 'name' && $rule->match_value == $field
->getName() || $rule->match_type == 'dynamicBase' && $rule->match_value == $field
->getDynamicBase() || $rule->match_type == 'type' && $rule->match_value == $field
->getType())) {
return $rule;
return FALSE;
function schemaInit() {
$this->schema = array();
$conditions = array(
'search_api_server' => array(
'enabled' => TRUE,
$rules = module_invoke_all('sarnia_solr_service_schema', $conditions);
drupal_alter('sarnia_solr_service_schema', $rules);
foreach ($rules as $rule) {
$this->schema[$rule->behavior][] = $rule;
* Create a single search query string according to the given field, value
* and operator.
protected function createFilterQuery($field, $value, $operator, $field_info) {
$filter = parent::createFilterQuery($field, $value, $operator, $field_info);
// Separate filters by wrapping each in parenthesis, rather than expecting
// each filter value to be a single, quoted phrase.
return "({$filter})";
* Override SearchApiSolrService::formatFilterValue() because it relies on
* SearchApiSolrConnection::phrase().
* @see SarniaSolrService::phrase()
protected function formatFilterValue($value, $type) {
switch ($type) {
case 'boolean':
$value = $value ? 'true' : 'false';
case 'date':
$value = is_numeric($value) ? (int) $value : strtotime($value);
if ($value === FALSE) {
return 0;
$value = format_date($value, 'custom', self::SOLR_DATE_FORMAT, 'UTC');
return SarniaSolrService::phrase($value);
* Used instead of SearchApiSolrConnection::phrase, since the original
* method's quoting makes it impossible to use wildcards or other quoting.
* This phrase escaping allows wildcards, AND and OR, and double quotes.
public static function phrase($value) {
// Escape slashes.
$value = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $value);
// Escape colons, parenthesis, brackets, and square brackets.
// @see
$value = preg_replace('/[:(){}\\[\\]]/', '\\\\\\0', $value);
// Escape search operators or wildcards appearing at the beginning of the value.
$value = preg_replace('/^(AND|OR|NOT|\\*|[+-])/', '\\\\\\0', $value);
// Escape unmatched double quotes.
if (substr_count($value, '"') % 2 != 0) {
$value = str_replace('"', '\\"', $value);
return $value;
* Extract results from a Solr response.
* @param object $response
* A HTTP response object.
* @return array
* An array with two keys:
* - result count: The number of total results.
* - results: An array of search results, as specified by
* SearchApiQueryInterface::execute().
protected function extractResults(SearchApiQueryInterface $query, $response) {
$index = $query
$fields = $this
$field_options = $index->options['fields'];
$version = $this->solr
// Set up the results array.
$results = array();
$results['results'] = array();
// Keep a copy of the response in the results so it's possible to extract
// further useful information out of it, if necessary.
$results['search_api_solr_response'] = $response;
// In some rare cases (e.g., MLT query with nonexistent ID) the response
// will be NULL.
if (!isset($response->response) && !isset($response->grouped)) {
$results['result count'] = 0;
return $results;
// If field collapsing has been enabled for this query, we need to process
// the results differently.
$grouping = $query
if (!empty($grouping['use_grouping']) && !empty($response->grouped)) {
$docs = array();
$results['result count'] = 0;
foreach ($grouping['fields'] as $field) {
if (!empty($response->grouped->{$field})) {
$results['result count'] += $response->grouped->{$field}->ngroups;
foreach ($response->grouped->{$field}->groups as $group) {
foreach ($group->doclist->docs as $doc) {
$docs[] = $doc;
else {
$results['result count'] = $response->response->numFound;
$docs = $response->response->docs;
$spatials = $query
// Add each search result to the results array.
foreach ($docs as $doc) {
// Blank result array.
$result = array(
'id' => NULL,
'score' => NULL,
'fields' => array(),
// Extract properties from the Solr document, translating from Solr to
// Search API property names. This reverses the mapping in
// SearchApiSolrService::getFieldNames().
foreach ($fields as $search_api_property => $solr_property) {
if (isset($doc->{$solr_property})) {
$result['fields'][$search_api_property] = $doc->{$solr_property};
// Date fields need some special treatment to become valid date values
// (i.e., timestamps) again.
if (isset($field_options[$search_api_property]['type']) && $field_options[$search_api_property]['type'] == 'date') {
// Date fields with multiple values are represented as an array not a string
if (!is_array($result['fields'][$search_api_property])) {
if (preg_match('/^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}Z$/', $result['fields'][$search_api_property])) {
$result['fields'][$search_api_property] = strtotime($result['fields'][$search_api_property]);
else {
$date_values = array_values($result['fields'][$search_api_property]);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($date_values); $i++) {
if (preg_match('/^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}Z$/', $date_values[$i])) {
$result['fields'][$search_api_property][$i] = strtotime($date_values[$i]);
// We can find the item id and score in the special 'search_api_*'
// properties. Mappings are provided for these properties in
// SearchApiSolrService::getFieldNames().
$result['id'] = $result['fields']['search_api_id'];
$result['score'] = $result['fields']['search_api_relevance'];
// If location based search is enabled ensure the calculated distance is
// set to the appropriate field. If the calculation wasn't possible add
// the coordinates to allow calculation.
if ($spatials) {
foreach ($spatials as $spatial) {
if (isset($spatial['field']) && !empty($spatial['distance'])) {
if ($version >= 4) {
$doc_field = '_' . $fields[$spatial['field']] . '_distance_';
if (!empty($doc->{$doc_field})) {
$results['search_api_location'][$spatial['field']][$result['id']]['distance'] = $doc->{$doc_field};
$excerpt = $this
->getExcerpt($response, $result['fields']['id'], $result['fields'], $fields, $query
if ($excerpt) {
$result['excerpt'] = $excerpt;
// Use the result's id as the array key. By default, 'id' is mapped to
// 'item_id' in SearchApiSolrService::getFieldNames().
if ($result['id']) {
$results['results'][$result['id']] = $result;
// Check for spellcheck suggestions.
if (module_exists('search_api_spellcheck') && $query
->getOption('search_api_spellcheck')) {
$results['search_api_spellcheck'] = new SearchApiSpellcheckSolr($response);
return $results;
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
SarniaSolrService:: |
protected | property | Track explicitly disabled Search API features. | |
SarniaSolrService:: |
property | |||
SarniaSolrService:: |
property | |||
SarniaSolrService:: |
public | function |
Overrides SearchApiAbstractService::configurationForm(). Overrides SearchApiSolrService:: |
SarniaSolrService:: |
public | function |
Overrides SearchApiAbstractService::configurationFormValidate(). Overrides SearchApiSolrService:: |
SarniaSolrService:: |
protected | function |
Create a single search query string according to the given field, value
and operator. Overrides SearchApiSolrService:: |
SarniaSolrService:: |
public | function | Explicitly disable a particular feature. | |
SarniaSolrService:: |
protected | function |
Extract results from a Solr response. Overrides SearchApiSolrService:: |
SarniaSolrService:: |
protected | function |
Override SearchApiSolrService::formatFilterValue() because it relies on
SearchApiSolrConnection::phrase(). Overrides SearchApiSolrService:: |
SarniaSolrService:: |
function | |||
SarniaSolrService:: |
protected | function | Return the facet field name corresponding to a normal Solr field name. | |
SarniaSolrService:: |
protected | function | ||
SarniaSolrService:: |
public | function |
Create a list of all indexed field names mapped to their Solr field names.
The special fields "search_api_id" and "search_api_relevance" are also
included. Overrides SearchApiSolrService:: |
SarniaSolrService:: |
protected | function | ||
SarniaSolrService:: |
function | |||
SarniaSolrService:: |
function | |||
SarniaSolrService:: |
public | function | Get metadata about fields in the Solr/Lucene index. | |
SarniaSolrService:: |
function | |||
SarniaSolrService:: |
public static | function | Used instead of SearchApiSolrConnection::phrase, since the original method's quoting makes it impossible to use wildcards or other quoting. | |
SarniaSolrService:: |
protected | function |
Stash the results as loaded entities. Overrides SearchApiSolrService:: |
SarniaSolrService:: |
protected | function |
Alter the query built by SearchApiSolrService::search(). Overrides SearchApiSolrService:: |
SarniaSolrService:: |
function | |||
SarniaSolrService:: |
function | |||
SarniaSolrService:: |
function | |||
SarniaSolrService:: |
public | function |
Check whether this particular service supports a Search API feature. Overrides SearchApiSolrService:: |
SarniaSolrService:: |
public | function | This is called "unDisable" because there's no guarantee that the SearchApiSolrService class supports a particular feature... even though it probably does. | |
SarniaSolrService:: |
function | |||
SearchApiAbstractService:: |
protected | property | Direct reference to the server's $options property. | |
SearchApiAbstractService:: |
protected | property | ||
SearchApiAbstractService:: |
public | function |
Implements SearchApiServiceInterface::__construct(). Overrides SearchApiServiceInterface:: |
SearchApiAbstractService:: |
public | function |
Implements SearchApiServiceInterface::__construct(). Overrides SearchApiServiceInterface:: |
SearchApiAbstractService:: |
public | function |
Implements SearchApiServiceInterface::__construct(). Overrides SearchApiServiceInterface:: |
1 |
SearchApiAbstractService:: |
public | function |
Implements SearchApiServiceInterface::__construct(). Overrides SearchApiServiceInterface:: |
SearchApiAbstractService:: |
public | function |
Implements SearchApiServiceInterface::__construct(). Overrides SearchApiServiceInterface:: |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
protected | property | Saves whether a commit operation was already scheduled for this server. | |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
protected | property | The connection class used by this service. | |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
protected | property | Static cache for getFieldNames(). | |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
protected | property | Metadata describing fields on the Solr/Lucene index. | |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
protected | property | Request handler to use for this search query. | |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
protected | property | A connection to the Solr server. | |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
public | function |
Implements SearchApiServiceInterface::__construct(). Overrides SearchApiAbstractService:: |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
protected | function | Helper method for indexing. | |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
protected | function | Applies custom modifications to indexed Solr documents. | |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
public | function | Sends a commit command to the Solr server. | |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
public | function |
Implements SearchApiServiceInterface::__construct(). Overrides SearchApiAbstractService:: |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
protected | function | Create a connection to the Solr server as configured in $this->options. | |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
protected | function | Transforms a query filter into a flat array of Solr filter queries, using the field names in $fields. | |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
public | function | Creates an ID used as the unique identifier at the Solr server. | |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
public | function |
Implements SearchApiServiceInterface::deleteItems(). Overrides SearchApiServiceInterface:: |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
protected | function | Extract facets from a Solr response. | |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
protected | function | Extracts short snippets with highlighting from highlighted field values. | |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
public | function |
Implements SearchApiServiceInterface::__construct(). Overrides SearchApiAbstractService:: |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
protected | function | Flatten a keys array into a single search string. | |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
protected | function | Changes highlighting tags from our custom, HTML-safe ones to HTML. | |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
public | function | ||
SearchApiSolrService:: |
public | function | Gets the Solr connection class used by this service. | |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
protected | function | Extract and format highlighting information for a specific item from a Solr response. | |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
public | function |
Returns additional, service-specific information about this server. Overrides SearchApiAbstractService:: |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
protected | function | Helper method for creating the facet field parameters. | |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
public | function | Get metadata about fields in the Solr/Lucene index. | |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
public | function | Retrieves a config file or file list from the Solr server. | |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
protected | function | Returns the prefix and suffix for highlighting matches in the excerpt. | |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
protected | function | Helper method for creating the highlighting parameters. | |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
protected | function | Prefixes an index ID as configured. | |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
protected | function | Retrieves the effective fulltext fields from the query. | |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
public | function | Returns a link to the Solr server, if the necessary options are set. | |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
public | function | Gets the currently used Solr connection object. | |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
public | function |
Indexes the specified items. Overrides SearchApiServiceInterface:: |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
public | function | Ping the Solr server to tell whether it can be accessed. | |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
public | function | Implements SearchApiMultiServiceInterface::queryMultiple(). | |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
public | function |
Implements SearchApiServiceInterface::__construct(). Overrides SearchApiAbstractService:: |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
protected | function | ||
SearchApiSolrService:: |
protected | function | Sanitizes a highlighted field value. | |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
public | function | Schedules a commit operation for this server. | |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
public | function |
Executes a search on the server represented by this object. Overrides SearchApiServiceInterface:: |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
public | function | Implements SearchApiMultiServiceInterface::searchMultiple(). | |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
public | function | Sets the Solr connection class used by this service. | |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
protected | function | Sets the request handler. | |
SearchApiSolrService:: |
constant | The date format that Solr uses, in PHP date() syntax. | ||
SearchApiSolrService:: |
public | function |
Overrides SearchApiAbstractService::viewSettings(). Overrides SearchApiAbstractService:: |