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public function SearchApiSolrService::getAutocompleteSuggestions in Search API Solr 7


includes/, line 2114


Search service class using Solr server.


public function getAutocompleteSuggestions(SearchApiQueryInterface $query, SearchApiAutocompleteSearch $search, $incomplete_key, $user_input) {
  $suggestions = array();

  // Reset request handler
  $this->request_handler = NULL;

  // Turn inputs to lower case, otherwise we get case sensivity problems.
  $incomp = drupal_strtolower($incomplete_key);
  $index = $query
  $fields = $this
  $complete = $query

  // Extract keys
  $keys = $query
  if (is_array($keys)) {
    $keys_array = array();
    while ($keys) {
      if (!element_child(key($keys))) {
      $key = array_shift($keys);
      if (is_array($key)) {
        $keys = array_merge($keys, $key);
      else {
        $keys_array[$key] = $key;
    $keys = $this
  else {
    $keys_array = drupal_map_assoc(preg_split('/[-\\s():{}\\[\\]\\\\"]+/', $keys, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY));
  if (!$keys) {
    $keys = NULL;

  // Set searched fields
  $search_fields = $this
  $qf = array();
  foreach ($search_fields as $f) {
    $qf[] = $fields[$f];

  // Extract filters
  $fq = $this
    ->getFilter(), $fields, $index->options['fields']);
  $index_id = $this
  $fq[] = 'index_id:' . call_user_func(array(
  ), $index_id);
  if (!empty($this->options['site_hash'])) {

    // We don't need to escape the site hash, as that consists only of
    // alphanumeric characters.
    $fq[] = 'hash:' . search_api_solr_site_hash();

  // Autocomplete magic
  $facet_fields = array();
  foreach ($search_fields as $f) {
    $facet_fields[] = $fields[$f];
  $limit = $query
    ->getOption('limit', 10);
  $params = array(
    'qf' => $qf,
    'fq' => $fq,
    'rows' => 0,
    'facet' => 'true',
    'facet.field' => $facet_fields,
    'facet.prefix' => $incomp,
    'facet.limit' => $limit * 5,
    'facet.mincount' => 1,
    'spellcheck' => !isset($this->options['autocorrect_spell']) || $this->options['autocorrect_spell'] ? 'true' : 'false',
    'spellcheck.count' => 1,

  // Retrieve http method from server options.
  $http_method = !empty($this->options['http_method']) ? $this->options['http_method'] : 'AUTO';
  $call_args = array(
    'query' => &$keys,
    'params' => &$params,
    'http_method' => &$http_method,
  if ($this->request_handler) {
      ->setRequestHandler($this->request_handler, $call_args);
  $second_pass = !isset($this->options['autocorrect_suggest_words']) || $this->options['autocorrect_suggest_words'];
  $alter_data = array(
    'search' => $search,
    'query' => $query,
    'incomplete_key' => $incomplete_key,
    'user_input' => $user_input,
  for ($i = 0; $i < ($second_pass ? 2 : 1); ++$i) {
    try {

      // Send search request
      drupal_alter('search_api_solr_query', $call_args, $query);
        ->preQuery($call_args, $query);
      $response = $this->solr
        ->search($keys, $params, $http_method);
      $alter_data['responses'][] = $response;
      if (!empty($response->spellcheck->suggestions)) {
        $replace = array();
        foreach ($response->spellcheck->suggestions as $word => $data) {
          $replace[$word] = $data->suggestion[0];
        $corrected = str_ireplace(array_keys($replace), array_values($replace), $user_input);
        if ($corrected != $user_input) {
          array_unshift($suggestions, array(
            'prefix' => t('Did you mean') . ':',
            'user_input' => $corrected,
      $matches = array();
      if (isset($response->facet_counts->facet_fields)) {
        foreach ($response->facet_counts->facet_fields as $terms) {
          foreach ($terms as $term => $count) {
            if (isset($matches[$term])) {

              // If we just add the result counts, we can easily get over the
              // total number of results if terms appear in multiple fields.
              // Therefore, we just take the highest value from any field.
              $matches[$term] = max($matches[$term], $count);
            else {
              $matches[$term] = $count;
        if ($matches) {

          // Eliminate suggestions that are too short or already in the query.
          foreach ($matches as $term => $count) {
            if (strlen($term) < 3 || isset($keys_array[$term])) {

          // Don't suggest terms that are too frequent (by default in more
          // than 90% of results).
          $result_count = $response->response->numFound;
          $max_occurrences = $result_count * variable_get('search_api_solr_autocomplete_max_occurrences', 0.9);
          if (($max_occurrences >= 1 || $i > 0) && $max_occurrences < $result_count) {
            foreach ($matches as $match => $count) {
              if ($count > $max_occurrences) {

          // The $count in this array is actually a score. We want the
          // highest ones first.

          // Shorten the array to the right ones.
          $additional_matches = array_slice($matches, $limit - count($suggestions), NULL, TRUE);
          $matches = array_slice($matches, 0, $limit, TRUE);

          // Build suggestions using returned facets
          $incomp_length = strlen($incomp);
          foreach ($matches as $term => $count) {
            if (drupal_strtolower(substr($term, 0, $incomp_length)) == $incomp) {
              $suggestions[] = array(
                'suggestion_suffix' => substr($term, $incomp_length),
                'term' => $term,
                'results' => $count,
            else {
              $suggestions[] = array(
                'suggestion_suffix' => ' ' . $term,
                'term' => $term,
                'results' => $count,
    } catch (SearchApiException $e) {
      watchdog_exception('search_api_solr', $e, "%type during autocomplete Solr query: !message in %function (line %line of %file).", array(), WATCHDOG_WARNING);
    if (count($suggestions) >= $limit) {

    // Change parameters for second query.
    $keys = trim($keys . ' ' . $incomplete_key);
  drupal_alter('search_api_solr_autocomplete_suggestions', $suggestions, $alter_data);
  return $suggestions;