sarnia_build_content |
./sarnia.module |
Build a render array of field content on a Sarnia entity. |
1 |
sarnia_ctools_plugin_api |
./sarnia.module |
Implements hook_ctools_plugin_api(). |
sarnia_ctools_plugin_post_alter |
./sarnia.module |
Implements hook_ctools_plugin_post_alter(). |
sarnia_element_add_combobox |
./sarnia.module |
6 |
sarnia_entity_cache_form |
./ |
UI to refresh the list of fields available from the Solr server. |
1 |
sarnia_entity_cache_form_submit |
./ |
Submit function for the confirm form from sarnia_entity_cache_form(). |
sarnia_entity_delete_form |
./ |
1 |
sarnia_entity_delete_form_submit |
./ |
sarnia_entity_info |
./sarnia.module |
Implements hook_entity_info(). |
sarnia_entity_load |
./sarnia.module |
Implements hook_entity_load(). |
sarnia_entity_manage_form |
./ |
This form appears on a "Sarnia" tab on Search API server configuration pages.
It allows administrators to "enable sarnia" for a particular server; when
Sarnia is enabled for a Search API server, a Sarnia entity type is… |
1 |
sarnia_entity_manage_form_submit |
./ |
Submit function. Creates a Sarnia entity type for a Search API server. |
sarnia_entity_page |
./sarnia.module |
Menu page callback to display a Sarnia entity. |
1 |
sarnia_entity_properties_form |
./ |
1 |
sarnia_entity_properties_table |
./ |
2 |
sarnia_entity_property_info |
./sarnia.module |
Implements hook_entity_property_info(). |
sarnia_entity_server_name_load |
./sarnia.api.php |
Get a Sarnia entity type machine name given a Search API server machine name. |
6 |
sarnia_entity_server_name_load |
./sarnia.module |
Get a Sarnia entity type machine name given a Search API server machine name. |
6 |
sarnia_entity_types |
./sarnia.api.php |
Get information about all Sarnia-provided entities. |
6 |
sarnia_entity_types |
./sarnia.module |
Get information about all Sarnia-provided entities. |
6 |
sarnia_entity_type_delete |
./ |
Delete a Sarnia entity type. |
2 |
sarnia_entity_type_load |
./sarnia.api.php |
Load bundle information about a specific Sarnia entity type. |
5 |
sarnia_entity_type_load |
./sarnia.module |
Load bundle information about a specific Sarnia entity type. |
5 |
sarnia_entity_type_load_by_index |
./sarnia.api.php |
Load Sarnia entity type info given a Search API index machine name. |
7 |
sarnia_entity_type_load_by_index |
./sarnia.module |
Load Sarnia entity type info given a Search API index machine name. |
7 |
sarnia_entity_type_save |
./ |
Create or update a Sarnia entity type. |
1 |
sarnia_facetapi_facet_info_alter |
./sarnia.module |
Implements hook_facetapi_info_alter(). |
sarnia_facetapi_query_types |
./sarnia.module |
Implements hook_facetapi_query_types(). |
sarnia_features_pipe_alter |
./sarnia.module |
Implements hook_features_pipe_alter(). |
sarnia_field_extra_fields |
./sarnia.module |
Implements hook_field_extra_fields(). |
sarnia_field_formatter_info |
./ |
Implements hook_field_formatter_info(). |
sarnia_field_formatter_settings_form |
./ |
Implements hook_field_formatter_settings_form(). |
sarnia_field_formatter_settings_summary |
./ |
Implements hook_field_formatter_settings_summary(). |
sarnia_field_formatter_view |
./ |
Implements hook_field_formatter_view(). |
sarnia_field_get_property |
./sarnia.api.php |
Get the value of a Solr property from a 'sarnia' Solr document field. |
2 |
sarnia_field_get_property |
./sarnia.module |
Get the value of a Solr property from a 'sarnia' Solr document field. |
2 |
sarnia_field_info |
./sarnia.module |
Implements hook_field_info(). |
sarnia_field_load |
./sarnia.module |
Implements hook_field_load(). |
sarnia_field_ui_menu_access_callback |
./sarnia.module |
Check whether a Sarnia bundle Field UI sub-path is valid, and do the access
check. |
1 |
sarnia_field_ui_menu_load |
./sarnia.module |
Transform the server name argument into entity type and bundle arguments for field_ui_menu_load(). |
sarnia_field_ui_menu_page_callback |
./sarnia.module |
Load the appropriate form for a particular Sarnia bundle Field UI sub-path. |
1 |
sarnia_field_views_data |
./ |
Implements hook_field_views_data(). |
sarnia_field_widget_form |
./sarnia.module |
Implements hook_field_widget_form(). |
sarnia_field_widget_info |
./sarnia.module |
Implements hook_field_widget_info(). |
sarnia_form_search_api_admin_confirm_alter |
./sarnia.module |
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). |
sarnia_form_search_api_admin_index_edit_alter |
./sarnia.module |
Implements HOOK_form_search_api_admin_index_edit_alter().
Implements HOOK_form_FORM_ID_alter(). |
sarnia_help |
./sarnia.module |
Implements hook_help(). |
sarnia_index_get_field_options |
./sarnia.api.php |
Get and cache a list of retrievable fields for a particular Search API index. |
3 |
sarnia_index_get_field_options |
./sarnia.module |
Get and cache a list of retrievable fields for a particular Search API index. |
3 |
sarnia_index_get_filter_options |
./sarnia.api.php |
Get and cache a list of filterable fields for a particular Search API index. |
2 |