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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Sarnia 7

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
SarniaController class ./sarnia.module Controller class for Sarnia entities.
SarniaFacetapiTerm class plugins/facetapi/ Plugin for "term" query types.
SarniaSearchApiSolrField class ./ Extend the logic around Solr field schema information.
SarniaSolrService class ./ Search service class using Solr server.
SarniaViewsHandlerArgument class handlers/ Really basic argument handler for filtering Solr documents in Views. 1
SarniaViewsHandlerArgumentId class handlers/ @file Views argument handler for Solr document Ids.
SarniaViewsHandlerField class handlers/ Field handler for displaying Solr fields in Views.
SarniaViewsHandlerFilter class handlers/ Really basic filter handler for filtering Solr documents in Views.
SarniaViewsHandlerSort class handlers/ Really basic sort handler for sorting Solr documents in Views.

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