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class RestfulAuthenticationCookie in RESTful 7

@file Contains RestfulAuthenticationCookie.


Expanded class hierarchy of RestfulAuthenticationCookie

1 string reference to 'RestfulAuthenticationCookie' in plugins/authentication/


plugins/authentication/RestfulAuthenticationCookie.class.php, line 7
Contains RestfulAuthenticationCookie.

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class RestfulAuthenticationCookie extends RestfulAuthenticationBase implements RestfulAuthenticationInterface {

   * Implements RestfulAuthenticationInterface::authenticate().
  public function authenticate(array $request = array(), $method = \RestfulInterface::GET) {
    if (!drupal_session_started() && !$this
      ->isCli()) {
    global $user;
    $account = user_load($user->uid);
    if (!\RestfulBase::isWriteMethod($method) || empty($request['__application']['rest_call'])) {

      // Request is done via API not CURL, or not a write operation, so we don't
      // need to check for a CSRF token.
      return $account;
    if (empty($request['__application']['csrf_token'])) {
      throw new \RestfulBadRequestException('No CSRF token passed in the HTTP header.');
    if (!drupal_valid_token($request['__application']['csrf_token'], \RestfulBase::TOKEN_VALUE)) {
      throw new \RestfulForbiddenException('CSRF token validation failed.');

    // CSRF validation passed.
    return $account;

   * Detects whether the script is running from a command line environment.
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE if a command line environment is detected. FALSE otherwise.
  protected function isCli() {

    // Needed to detect if is running the tests.
    $cli = \RestfulManager::getRequestHttpHeader('User-Agent') == 'Drupal command line';
    return $cli || drupal_is_cli();



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
RestfulAuthenticationBase::$settings protected property Settings from the plugin definition.
RestfulAuthenticationBase::applies public function Determines if the request can be checked for authentication. For example, when authenticating with HTTP header, return FALSE if the header values do not exist. Overrides RestfulAuthenticationInterface::applies 2
RestfulAuthenticationBase::getName public function Get the name of the authentication plugin. Overrides RestfulAuthenticationInterface::getName
RestfulAuthenticationBase::__construct public function Constructor. Overrides RestfulPluginBase::__construct
RestfulAuthenticationCookie::authenticate public function Implements RestfulAuthenticationInterface::authenticate(). Overrides RestfulAuthenticationInterface::authenticate
RestfulAuthenticationCookie::isCli protected function Detects whether the script is running from a command line environment.
RestfulPluginBase::$plugin protected property The plugin definition array.
RestfulPluginBase::getPlugin public function Gets information about the restful plugin. Overrides RestfulPluginInterface::getPlugin
RestfulPluginBase::getPluginKey public function Gets information about the restful plugin key. Overrides RestfulPluginInterface::getPluginKey
RestfulPluginBase::setPlugin public function Sets information about the restful plugin. Overrides RestfulPluginInterface::setPlugin
RestfulPluginBase::setPluginKey public function Gets information about the restful plugin key. Overrides RestfulPluginInterface::setPluginKey