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public function RestfulAuthenticationBase::applies in RESTful 7

Determines if the request can be checked for authentication. For example, when authenticating with HTTP header, return FALSE if the header values do not exist.


array $request: The request.

string $method: The HTTP method. Defaults to "get".

Return value

bool TRUE if the request can be checked for authentication, FALSE otherwise.

Overrides RestfulAuthenticationInterface::applies

2 methods override RestfulAuthenticationBase::applies()
RestfulAuthenticationBasic::applies in plugins/authentication/RestfulAuthenticationBasic.class.php
Determines if the request can be checked for authentication. For example, when authenticating with HTTP header, return FALSE if the header values do not exist.
RestfulAuthenticationToken::applies in modules/restful_token_auth/plugins/authentication/RestfulAuthenticationToken.class.php
Determines if the request can be checked for authentication. For example, when authenticating with HTTP header, return FALSE if the header values do not exist.


plugins/authentication/RestfulAuthenticationBase.php, line 28
Contains RestfulAuthenticationBase.


@file Contains RestfulAuthenticationBase.


public function applies(array $request = array(), $method = \RestfulInterface::GET) {

  // By default assume that the request can be checked for authentication.
  return TRUE;