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public static function RestfulBase::isWriteMethod in RESTful 7

Determines if the HTTP method represents a write operation.


string $method: The method name.

boolean $strict: TRUE if the comparisons are case sensitive.

Return value

boolean TRUE if it is a write operation. FALSE otherwise.

4 calls to RestfulBase::isWriteMethod()
RestfulAuthenticationCookie::authenticate in plugins/authentication/RestfulAuthenticationCookie.class.php
Implements RestfulAuthenticationInterface::authenticate().
RestfulBase::isValidMethod in plugins/restful/RestfulBase.php
Determines if the HTTP method is one of the known methods.
RestfulCurlBaseTestCase::httpRequest in tests/RestfulCurlBaseTestCase.test
Helper function to issue a HTTP request with simpletest's cURL.
RestfulEntityBase::checkPropertyAccess in plugins/restful/RestfulEntityBase.php
Check access on a property.


plugins/restful/RestfulBase.php, line 485
Contains RestfulBase.


Class \RestfulBase


public static function isWriteMethod($method, $strict = TRUE) {
  $method = $strict ? $method : strtoupper($method);
  return in_array($method, array(