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public function RestfulPluginBase::getPluginKey in RESTful 7

Gets information about the restful plugin key.


string $key: The name of the key to return.

Return value

mixed Depends on the requested value. NULL if the key is not found.

Overrides RestfulPluginInterface::getPluginKey

29 calls to RestfulPluginBase::getPluginKey()
RestfulAuthenticationBase::getName in plugins/authentication/RestfulAuthenticationBase.php
Get the name of the authentication plugin.
RestfulAuthenticationBase::__construct in plugins/authentication/RestfulAuthenticationBase.php
RestfulAuthenticationToken::applies in modules/restful_token_auth/plugins/authentication/RestfulAuthenticationToken.class.php
Determines if the request can be checked for authentication. For example, when authenticating with HTTP header, return FALSE if the header values do not exist.
RestfulAuthenticationToken::authenticate in modules/restful_token_auth/plugins/authentication/RestfulAuthenticationToken.class.php
Authenticate the request by trying to match a user.
RestfulBase::accessByAllowOrigin in plugins/restful/RestfulBase.php
Checks access based on the referer header and the allow_origin setting.

... See full list


includes/RestfulPluginBase.php, line 30
Contains \RestfulPluginBase.


@file Contains \RestfulPluginBase.


public function getPluginKey($key = NULL) {
  return isset($this->plugin[$key]) ? $this->plugin[$key] : NULL;