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function rate_generate_widget in Rate 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 rate.module \rate_generate_widget()

Generate a widget.


int $widget_id Widget id:

string $content_type "node" or "comment":

int $content_id Node id (nid) or comment id (cid):

bool $teaser:

bool $include_div:

Return value


6 calls to rate_generate_widget()
rate_comment_view_alter in ./rate.module
Implements hook_comment_view_alter().
rate_embed in ./rate.module
Get the widget code to embed.
rate_node_view in ./rate.module
Implements hook_node_view().
rate_panels_rate_widget_render in plugins/content_types/
rate_views_widget in ./rate.module

... See full list


./rate.module, line 211
Rate module


function rate_generate_widget($widget_id, $content_type, $content_id, $mode = RATE_FULL, $include_div = TRUE, $just_voted = FALSE, $displayed = NULL) {
  global $user;

  // Check input.
  if (!is_numeric($widget_id) || empty($content_type) || !is_numeric($content_id)) {
    return NULL;
  $widgets = variable_get(RATE_VAR_WIDGETS, array());
  $widget = $widgets[$widget_id];

  // Determine if the user may vote.
  $entities = entity_load($content_type, array(
  $node = $entities[$content_id];
  $permission_status = _rate_check_permissions($widget, $node);

  // This option should be available, check for legacy.
  isset($widget->noperm_behaviour) or $widget->noperm_behaviour = RATE_NOPERM_REDIRECT_WITH_MESSAGE;
  isset($widget->displayed) or $widget->displayed = RATE_AVERAGE;
  if ($permission_status != RATE_PERMISSION_OK && $widget->noperm_behaviour == RATE_NOPERM_HIDE_WIDGET) {
    return NULL;
  elseif ($permission_status == RATE_PERMISSION_DISALLOWED_ROLE && $widget->noperm_behaviour == RATE_NOPERM_SHOW_DISABLED_WIDGET) {
  elseif ($permission_status == RATE_PERMISSION_DISALLOWED_AUTHOR) {

  // Store the display mode in $widget, so it can be altered by hook_rate_widget.
  $widget->mode = $mode;

  // Let other modules alter the rate widget.
  $context = array(
    'content_type' => $content_type,
    'content_id' => $content_id,
  drupal_alter('rate_widget', $widget, $context);
  $div_id = "rate-{$content_type}-{$content_id}-{$widget_id}-{$mode}";
  $theme_name = str_replace('-', '_', $widget->name);
  $theme = array(
    'rate_widget__' . $theme_name,
  if (isset($widget->theme)) {

    // Insert the general widget template suggestion at second position to go
    // after the specific widget template and before the overall general
    // template.
    array_splice($theme, 1, 0, $widget->theme);

  // Get voting results.
  $results = rate_get_results($content_type, $content_id, $widget_id);
  $results['empty'] = $results['count'] ? FALSE : TRUE;

  // Handle interaction modes.
  if (is_null($displayed)) {
    $displayed = RATE_AVERAGE;
    if ($just_voted) {
      if ($widget->displayed_just_voted == RATE_USER) {
        $displayed = RATE_USER;
    else {
      if (isset($results['user_vote']) && $widget->displayed == RATE_USER_OR_AVERAGE) {
        $displayed = RATE_USER;
      if ($widget->displayed == RATE_USER) {
        $displayed = RATE_USER;
  elseif ($displayed == RATE_USER_OR_AVERAGE && isset($results['user_vote'])) {
    $displayed = RATE_USER;
  elseif ($displayed == RATE_USER) {
    $displayed = RATE_USER;
  else {
    $displayed = RATE_AVERAGE;
  if ($displayed == RATE_USER) {
    $results['rating'] = isset($results['user_vote']) ? $results['user_vote'] : 0;
    if (!isset($results['user_vote'])) {

      // We should display an empty rating in this case.
      $results['empty'] = TRUE;

  // Add generic javascript.
  $dest = drupal_get_destination();
    'rate' => array(
      'basePath' => url('rate/vote/js'),
      'destination' => $dest['destination'],
  ), array(
    'type' => 'setting',
  drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'rate') . '/rate.js');
  $links = array();
  foreach ($widget->options as $option) {

    // This name must be unique for all submit buttons across the page.
    $id = "opt-{$widget_id}-{$content_type}-{$content_id}-{$option[0]}";
    $token = rate_get_token($id);
    if (isset($_GET['rate']) && $_GET['rate'] == $token) {
      rate_save_vote($widget, $content_type, $content_id, $option[0]);
      drupal_goto($_GET['q'], array(
        'query' => _rate_get_query(),
    isset($widget->translate) or $widget->translate = TRUE;
    $link_text = $widget->translate ? t($option[1]) : $option[1];
    $link_href = url($_GET['q'], array(
      'query' => _rate_get_query($token),
    if (isset($results['options']) && isset($results['options'][$option[0]])) {
      $link_votes = $results['options'][$option[0]];
    else {
      $link_votes = NULL;
    $disabled = FALSE;
    if ($widget->mode == RATE_DISABLED || $widget->mode == RATE_COMPACT_DISABLED || $widget->mode == RATE_CLOSED) {
      $disabled = TRUE;
    $links[] = array(
      'text' => $link_text,
      'href' => $disabled ? NULL : $link_href,
      'value' => $option[0],
      'votes' => $link_votes,
  if (isset($widget->css)) {
  if (isset($widget->js)) {
  if ($widget->mode == RATE_CLOSED && ($mode == RATE_COMPACT || $mode == RATE_DISABLED || $mode == RATE_COMPACT_DISABLED)) {

    // The widget was closed by hook_rate_widget, but we want to display a compact or disabled
    // widget. Set the mode back to compact / disabled in order to display a compact / disabled
    // widget with disabled voting buttons.
  $display_options = array(
    'description' => '',
    'title' => check_plain($widget->title),
  if ($widget->mode != RATE_COMPACT && $widget->mode != RATE_COMPACT_DISABLED || $widget->description_in_compact) {
    $display_options['description'] = check_plain($widget->description);
  $widget_html = theme($theme, array(
    'links' => $links,
    'results' => $results,
    'mode' => $widget->mode,
    'just_voted' => $just_voted,
    'content_type' => $content_type,
    'content_id' => $content_id,
    'display_options' => $display_options,
  if ($include_div) {
    $classes = array(
      'rate-widget-' . $widget_id,
    $classes[] = $displayed == RATE_AVERAGE ? 'rate-average' : 'rate-user';
    if (!empty($widget->template)) {
      $classes[] = 'rate-widget-' . $widget->template;

    // This token is required for the AHAH callback when using arbitrary values.
    $id = "rate-{$widget_id}-{$content_type}-{$content_id}";
    $token = _rate_get_token($id);
    $classes[] = 'rate-' . $token;
    return '<div class="' . implode(' ', $classes) . ' ' . $div_id . '" id="' . drupal_html_id($div_id) . '">' . $widget_html . '</div>';
  else {

    // We do not want the div for AJAX callbacks, we would have 2 div's otherwise.
    return $widget_html;