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Functions in Rate 7

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
hook_rate_templates ./ Define templates for rate widgets.
hook_rate_vote_alter ./ Alter the vote before it is saved.
hook_rate_widget_alter ./ Alter the rate widget before display.
hook_rate_widget_delete ./ Take action after deleting rate widget.
hook_rate_widget_insert ./ Take actions before saving rate widget to the database.
hook_rate_widget_update ./ Take actions before updating rate widget.
rate_admin_page ./ Menu callback. 1
rate_bots_check_agent ./ Check if the given user agent matches the local bot database. 1
rate_bots_check_botscout ./ Check if the IP is in the BotScout database. 1
rate_bots_check_ip ./ Check if the IP-address exists in the local bot database. 1
rate_bots_check_threshold ./ Check the number of votes between now and $interval seconds ago. 1
rate_bots_delete_votes ./ Delete votes from bots. 1
rate_bots_is_blocked ./ Check if the current user is blocked. 1
rate_bots_is_local ./ Check if the given IP is a local IP-address. 2
rate_bots_register_bot ./ Register new bot. 1
rate_choose_template_form ./ Form for choosing a template before the user goes to the add widget form. 2
rate_choose_template_form_submit ./ Form submit callback for the choose_template_form.
rate_comment_view_alter ./rate.module Implements hook_comment_view_alter().
rate_cron ./rate.module Implements hook_cron().
rate_ctools_plugin_directory ./rate.module Implements hook_ctools_plugin_directory().
rate_embed ./rate.module Get the widget code to embed.
rate_expiration_form_alter expiration/rate_expiration.module Implements hook_form_alter().
rate_expiration_form_rate_widget_form_alter expiration/rate_expiration.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
rate_expiration_node_delete expiration/rate_expiration.module Implements hook_node_delete().
rate_expiration_node_insert expiration/rate_expiration.module Implements hook_node_insert().
rate_expiration_node_update expiration/rate_expiration.module Implements hook_node_update().
rate_expiration_rate_widget_alter expiration/rate_expiration.module Implements hook_rate_widget_alter().
rate_expiration_rate_widget_insert expiration/rate_expiration.module Implements hook_rate_widget_insert().
rate_expiration_rate_widget_update expiration/rate_expiration.module Implements hook_rate_widget_update().
rate_expiration_schema expiration/rate_expiration.install Implements hook_schema().
rate_generate_widget ./rate.module Generate a widget. 6
rate_get_active_widgets ./rate.module Get list of active widgets. 8
rate_get_results ./rate.module Get results for a voting widget. 1
rate_get_token ./rate.module Generate a rate token 2
rate_init ./rate.module Implements hook_init().
rate_login_page ./rate.module Page callback to generate a user login page with message. 1
rate_machine_name_exists ./rate.module Check if a machine readable name is already in use. 1
rate_menu ./rate.module Implements hook_menu().
rate_node_view ./rate.module Implements hook_node_view().
rate_panels_rate_widget_form plugins/content_types/ 1
rate_panels_rate_widget_form_submit plugins/content_types/ Submit handler for the custom type settings form.
rate_panels_rate_widget_render plugins/content_types/ 1
rate_permission ./rate.module Implements hook_perm().
rate_preprocess_rate_template_emotion ./rate.module Preprocess function for the emotion template.
rate_preprocess_rate_template_fivestar ./rate.module Preprocess function for the fivestar template.
rate_preprocess_rate_template_number_up_down ./rate.module Preprocess function for the number_up_down template.
rate_preprocess_rate_template_thumbs_up ./rate.module Preprocess function for the thumbs_up_down template.
rate_preprocess_rate_template_thumbs_up_down ./rate.module Preprocess function for the thumbs_up_down template.
rate_preprocess_rate_template_yesno ./rate.module Preprocess function for the yesno template.
rate_preprocess_rate_widget ./rate.module Preprocess function for the emotion template.


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